On Demand Webinar: Making Hybrid Work - Navigating the Trends

The newest research on employee location and work preferences

Written by Bridget Gallagher
Published on Jun. 15, 2022
On Demand Webinar: Making Hybrid Work - Navigating the Trends

While many companies have been struggling to implement their work location strategies for months, the data shows that the new world of work is hybrid. In a recent study of tech professionals, director-level and above,  81% believe hybrid work will be the foremost working model by 2024. 

In our recent webinar, Built In’s Chief Marketing Officer Sheridan Orr spoke with two experts in the employee experience space about the recent findings on work location preferences and keeping a team engaged in a hybrid world.


About the On-Demand Webinar

Molly Jones, Director of Employee Experience at Sprout Social and Paul Mastrangelo, President & Owner of First Domino Consulting shared what they have been seeing in the tech space in regards to work-life balance, perks and benefits, and the positives of remote and hybrid work environments.

Below is a recap of the major takeaways from the discussion, but if you’d like to hear even more from our incredible panelists, we suggest you check out the full recording here.

Focusing on the Employee Experience 

Many would say that the employee experience starts at the very first phone screen. However, one of the most difficult stages happens after a person is hired, during onboarding. And onboarding in a remote world makes it that much more challenging to get right. 

Molly Jones of Sprout Social shares that, while her company used to fly new talent in for three weeks to do onboarding, they will now stick to virtual onboarding for everyone. She says this helps to make sure the process is “inclusive and equitable for all” new hires. 

Paul Mastrangelo of First Domino Consulting adds on that even onboarding is a part of a company’s culture. Companies need to ask their employees what they need and listen to them when they share their ideas. While a hybrid approach might work perfectly for some folks who need in-person engagement and camaraderie to feel part of a team, others will ask for a fully remote experience to be able to find work-life balance. 


Retaining Talent

Mastrangelo covered the data on employee satisfaction, sharing that during 2020 and 2021, employee satisfaction was higher than it has been this year because people got to work from home and take advantage of their newly found free time. Some employees that felt essential during the pandemic were happy to work in person. But, since the quarantine lasted longer than expected, that satisfaction and sense of importance quickly dropped.

Jones adds that employee recognition and knowing your company has your back is invaluable. At Sprout Social, they have a company-wide day off every month to focus on wellness in all forms. Those types of benefits are “transformative” for how employees feel about their company and how likely they are to stick around. 


Work-Life Balance

Jones mentions that she believes the idea of work-life balance is an antiquated term: we focus much more on work-life boundaries today. Work shouldn’t blend together with your life, especially when you are working from home several days a week. Setting boundaries helps us focus on work during set hours and lets us switch off that part of our lives when we spend time with family during our off hours.

Mastrangelo and Orr both touch on the idea that companies have to figure out a formula to keep their employees engaged, not just to have a healthy work-life balance. A mix of higher salaries, hybrid work situations, wellness benefits and many other factors all play into an employer’s appeal.

Our panelists:

 On Demand Webinar: Making Hybrid Work - Navigating the Trends

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