“At Level Access, The People Make All the Difference.”

When Account Management Manager Amir Yazdi joined Level Access, he was new to the world of web accessibility. Now, he is a confident industry leader supported by great colleagues and empowering workplace education.

Written by Brigid Hogan
Published on Jun. 23, 2023
“At Level Access, The People Make All the Difference.”
Level Access
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Three weeks after Amir Yazdi joined Level Access, he found himself immersed in the organization’s mission and culture at the annual company kickoff.

“I couldn’t have asked for a better time to join,” he said. “The emphasis our leaders had on collaboration and unity provided the perfect picture on what this company represents and really proved that the genuine and supportive culture truly comes from every level of the organization.”

For Yazdi, the manager of Level Access’ account management team, that culture does more than support the day-to-day work of Level’s employees — it supports the company’s clients, as well.

“By putting great effort into making sure all employees feel prepared to do their jobs and set everyone up for success, we really see our healthy customer culture come to life,” he said.

Thus, after a robust onboarding experience, an engaging company kickoff and two quarters of working closely with his team, Yazdi has come to one clear conclusion: “At Level Access, the people make all the difference.”

“People here don’t look at this place as just a job, but a place where they are truly making a difference,” Yazdi said. “This shows in the quality of work and the high standards they hold themselves to, and everyone also displays a real willingness to help one another.”

“People here don’t look at this place as just a job, but a place where they are truly making a difference.”


Amir Yazdi
Manager, Account Management • Level Access

What was the onboarding process like for you? What was your favorite part?

During the offer and paperwork stage, it was evident that this was a company that heavily invested in their employees. They made me feel comfortable and heard while providing realistic expectations. 

In an industry as complex and dynamic as web accessibility, I appreciated how much content was offered. Especially for someone new to the company and industry, it was well-organized and easy to follow. Having an onboarding class to share the orientation process was extremely beneficial and made the entire process that much better. Overall, Level Access offered one of the best onboarding experiences I’ve had at any organization.


When did you know you made the right choice in joining Level Access?

I knew I made the right decision from as early as the interview process, which was extensive, detailed and long. This reinforced the idea that Level seeks out top talent and will not compromise until finding the perfect fit. This put a sense of trust in both my decision to join and Level’s thought process on their decision to hire me.

Once I began onboarding, the emphasis on web accessibility content ensured that I felt comfortable with joining the industry as well as understanding my impact on it. The process gave me that much more confidence in my decision to join the team. My onboarding class felt well-informed and heard and understood very quickly the company mission.

Once I got started, my team confirmed that I had made the right decision. Their coachability, passion and knowledge have made my duties as a leader much more fun and fulfilling. Their hard work and expertise give me the opportunity to focus on more proactive initiatives because there was no need to micromanage their tasks.

speakers on a panel

What are you most excited to accomplish over the next quarter or year?

During the first quarter, my goal was to gain the trust of my team and managers. I wanted to be an effective leader, understand my book of business and develop my reps to make sure I could provide them exactly what they needed. Trust was a driving factor for me. My team consisted of reps who were managed by tenured managers and had great relationships with them. I didn’t want to come in as just the “new manager” and shake things up. I wanted to provide an environment that was equitable, collaborative and safe so we could learn from each other and build on our trust.

Through the second quarter, I have worked to learn more about the industry, our products and our clients. With Q1 being more team- and trust-focused, my goal now is to take a more proactive and strategic role in my overall team’s success. Learning more about Level’s impact in the industry and how we can customize that knowledge depending on the account will ensure that our team’s goals will be consistently met. 

Overall, I’ve tried to instill three main pillars for my team and peers — trust, communication and accountability. As long as we are meeting those goals, we are on the right path for success.


What aspect of your professional growth are you most excited to evolve?

I am looking forward to continuing to become more involved in decision making across the company. By increasing my knowledge of our company, process and industry, I have the ability to be part of more strategic internal conversations. Having a company that can grow with you and provide avenues for that growth is something that I am looking forward to. 

One of the ways we are growing here at Level is through team and department expansion. The company has invested resources and energy into the account management team. Not only do I have the opportunity to grow into the AM team myself, but the company has empowered me to grow the AM team as well.


Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images by level access

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