From SDR to Senior Director's Right-Hand Man, Expert Institute Is a Place to Grow

“I find myself having casual conversations daily with our executive leadership team.”

Written by Robert Schaulis
Published on Mar. 23, 2023
From SDR to Senior Director's Right-Hand Man, Expert Institute Is a Place to Grow
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In late September of 2022, Bharat Chadda’s senior director approached him with a singular goal. They put together a plan not only to hit their targets, but exceed them. Chadda believed that his leaders had confidence in him to get the job done. 

Chadda is an associate with Expert Institute’s sales division tasked with working alongside one of the company’s senior directors. His day-to-day involves providing resources, services and team support to Expert Institute’s clients and working to ensure those clients’ needs are met in a comprehensive manner. It’s the latest stage in a career marked by exceeding goals and rapidly ascending within the organization.

Case in point? Chadda and his senior director far exceeded the goal they aimed for. 

"I was informed that my senior director went out of his way to compliment my contribution and helpfulness to our executive team," he said.

Chadda started his career as a sales development representative before moving into a ‘closing’ role as a market response representative four months later. “After almost a year in the MRR role, I was elevated to team lead,” he said. “Six months later, I’m an associate for one of the highest performers in our firm — and I’m able to continue to learn every day.”  


Expert Institute’s Saas platform Expert iQ connects litigators with industry experts, litigation research, physician consultations and comprehensive due diligence.


At Expert Institute, Chadda found an organization that celebrated his successes and encouraged sales professionals to grow, learn and develop their skills. His managers and peers recognized him for both meeting and exceeding goals — and for doing the small things, things like encouraging conviviality in the office and celebrating his peers’ successes. When sales goals felt particularly daunting a week from the end of one quarter, Chadda crunched the numbers and gave his team the insight that they needed to cross the finish line. 

“I took the time to break down goal numbers into how much each colleague would have to reach,” Chadda said. “After breaking it down, it seemed we were on pace to surpass our goal. At that point, I was contacted and was shown appreciation for my leadership contribution — although it was something that was not expected.”

That kind of recognition is a big part of what makes Expert Institute an ideal workplace for Chadda. “If you show the ability to learn, work hard, give it your all and perform, work does not go unnoticed,” he said. “And mobility at Expert Institute is incentivized. Working at Expert Institute is truly special in the sense that I’m able and encouraged to utilize all the resources available — including learning a variety of skills from anyone whether that be within our sales division or from our incredibly talented researchers and brilliant medical affairs team.”


Members of the Expert Institute team collaborating in the office
Expert Insitute


What makes Expert Institute a unique place to work from a professional development perspective?

Culture. As a more junior professional, only a few years out of college, I find myself having conversations daily with the founder/CEO of Expert Institute and the rest of executive leadership within the firm. The ability to pick their brains, ask questions and learn from their success is paramount.

“I find myself having conversations daily with the founder/CEO of Expert Institute and the rest of executive leadership within the firm.”


How have you grown professionally at Expert Institute? Who has guided you along the way?

I’ve learned quite a few sales skills in each role that I’ve worked in, and that’s truly why I’ve been able to grow. My SDR manager provided guidance and help in the SDR role. Our former senior VP of sales provided guidance and help in the MRR roles. And now, one of our senior directors provides me guidance and help in my current role as an associate.

I’ve learned what it takes and what makes a client's relationship with us meaningful. I started writing very formal emails and generic calls, and since then, my coworkers have taught me how to establish a great long-term relationship with clients — to the point where I find myself in a texting relationship with them.


Members of the Expert Institute team collaborating in the office
Expert Institute


What professional development tools and resources have you utilized?

Alongside learning and collaboration with my colleagues here, our revenue operations team is very helpful in generating specific reports which provide great insight. Personally, the resource I value the most is our full team.


How has joining the company positively impacted your professional and personal journey?

I’ve been able to be in numerous roles, each of which have had very different responsibilities. Being able to really hone in on specific skills within each role — and now put it all together — that’s been special.


How are managers involved in the career development of direct reports?

At Expert Institute, managers push direct reports to be the best they can be and offer to lend a hand any time. If a manager sees me having success, they go out of their way to celebrate it and share with others. If I’m not doing my absolute best, managers are there to be a resource and work together to get us back on track.

In my SDR role, my manager had noticed the collaborative and competitive-yet-fun environment that I was attempting to establish, and that was appreciated. Later, as an MRR, our senior vice president took notice of my good morning messages, celebrating other team members’ successes and creating small fun competitions. 


Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images provided by Expert Institute.

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