Software Engineer Vs. Programmer: What’s the Difference?

Recruiters need to understand these key differences that set software engineers and programmers apart.

Written by Kate Heinz
Software Engineer Vs. Programmer: What’s the Difference?
Image: Shutterstock
Matthew Urwin | Jul 09, 2024

The role of software engineer is often conflated with programmer and developer positions. While it’s ultimately up to the employer’s discretion on how to title open roles, tech recruiters should understand the differences.

Below we distinguish software engineers from programmers, highlighting key differences between these roles. Hopefully, this allows you to recruit smarter and source better tech candidates.


What Is a Software Engineer?

software engineer is often called a developer, but IT professionals and tech recruiters know there is a difference between engineers and developers. While there tends to be overlap between the two roles, the key distinction is the formal training engineers receive. 

What Does a Software Engineer Do?

Software engineers evaluate client or company needs in conjunction with those of the user and methodically conceptualize a systematic solution.

An engineering background is what makes the software engineer’s role within the development life cycle unique. With knowledge of advanced mathematics and the scientific method, software engineers are responsible for the big picture; they evaluate client or company needs in conjunction with those of the user and methodically conceptualize a systematic solution. Engineers also require a strong programming background to be able to communicate with programmers effectively.

Software engineers are known as the software architects, meaning they create the guidelines — or blueprints — of the software framework. Their designs are then passed on to programmers and software developers who translate the engineer’s directions into instructions the computer can read and understand, like lines of code. 

Often working in teams, software engineers oversee the development process. They apply engineering best practices to create a stable system that mitigates unnecessary transactions and consists of interdependent programs and software. When the system is complete, software engineers are tasked with regularly testing and maintaining the software. Their ultimate concern is the quality and stability of the system. When a bug is introduced, software engineers ask, What are its implications and potential impact to the system?


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What Is a Programmer?

A programmer — also called a computer programmer — is the software contractor. They’re responsible for taking the software engineer’s guidelines and developing the programs and software. They are occasionally called coders or even developers, as their primary focus is writing, evaluating and editing lines of code. Programmers are involved in a single stage within the development life cycle and concentrate on one component at a time.

What Does a Programmer Do?

Programmers write code and debug errors in programs and software based on instructions from software engineers. They are involved in a single stage within the development lifecycle and concentrate on one component at a time.

Because programmers must be able to write code as well as identify and debug errors, they often specialize in only a few programming languages. With coding bootcamps on the rise, it’s not uncommon for programmers to be self-taught or come from interdisciplinary backgrounds, such as computer or information science. In most cases, experience trumps education when it comes to coding knowledge.

Programmers often work independently, building the system piece by piece. They must possess strong technical skills, including the ability to design and understand algorithms. Ultimately, a programmer is responsible for interpreting a software engineer’s guidelines for a framework and coding it into existence.

Read Next10 Myths About Programming and Software Development


What Is the Difference Between a Software Engineer and Programmer?

Because of the similarities between software engineers and programmers, you can hire a candidate who calls themselves a software engineer for your open programmer role as long as you make the job requirements and responsibilities extremely clear. That said, it’s still important to keep in mind the key differences between software engineers and programmers. 

1. Education

Software Engineer: A software engineer has formal training and often possesses at least a bachelor’s degree in engineering, computer science or information technology. Pursuing a master’s degree may also help engineers get higher-paying jobs.

Programmer: A programmer often has a bachelor’s degree in computer science, but some employers will hire an individual with an associate’s degree and relevant experience. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics said programmers may have to take classes to supplement their degree, depending on the specific industry they want to work in. Some employers also prefer hiring programmers who have internship experience. 

2. Responsibilities

Software Engineer: Software engineers evaluate client and company needs alongside user needs to conceptualize a software system that meets necessary requirements. They are responsible for testing and maintaining the system and often pass along individual tasks to developers or programmers so they can spend more time overseeing the system’s overall construction. Day-to-day tasks for software engineers can involve optimizing software as well as writing and testing code.

Programmer: Programmers translate the software engineer’s instructions into lines of code the computer can understand and follow. They are responsible for identifying and fixing bugs in the system. A programmer’s job description can include correcting issues discovered during testing, maintaining documentation, adding contingencies like error messages into programs and training end users. They can find work in a range of industries from blockchain to cybersecurity.

3. Role in the Development Lifecycle

Software Engineer: A software engineer oversees the entire development life cycle, from initial design to maintenance. 

Programmer: A programmer is involved with one stage of the development life cycle.  

4. Developmental Approach

Software Engineer: A software engineer leverages the scientific method and engineering best practices to come up with solutions. They are analytical, consider the entire system and are concerned with its stability and interdependency.

Programmer: A programmer develops one component at a time. They consider individual programs and are concerned with each one’s functionality and visual appearance.  

5. Skills

Software Engineer: A software engineer has extensive knowledge of advanced mathematics and a strong background in programming. A 2022 Hired survey also revealed software engineers’ five favorite coding languages are Python, JavaScript, Java, TypeScript and C#. The top overall skills for people in this field are being able to work with Go, Ruby on Rails, Scala, Ruby and React Native. Knowledge of Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform are also popular proficiencies for software engineers in management roles.

Programmer: A programmer should be fluent in a few programming languages, as well as have the ability to read and write algorithms. The most in-demand programming languages are Python, Java, JavaScript, C++, C# and R. Other important skills for programmers include attention to detail, ability to manage time and follow deadlines, creative problem solving and communicating among different teams.

6. Work Dynamic

Software Engineer: A software engineer typically works as part of a team of engineers.

Programmer: A programmer typically works independently, but receives direction from software engineers.

Further ReadingTech Hiring Madness! The ‘Elite 8’ Skills to Look for in Recruiting.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Programming and software engineering are two distinct roles. While software engineering involves designing the blueprints for a software framework, programming refers to translating these instructions into lines of code for a computer to process.

A software engineer has more qualifications than a programmer. In addition to programming, software engineers must master other areas like advanced mathematics and software development, and many software engineers have a formal degree in software engineering. A programmer would need to earn these qualifications before becoming a software engineer.

Software engineers write code as part of designing instructions for software applications and collaborating with programmers.