Virtual practice can lead to reduced training times, better knowledge retention and an overall improvement in job performance.
Video games, immersive events and VR/AR are boosting India’s blossoming art scene.
Good design can encourage people to develop healthy habits.
Bigger isn’t always better in gaming, as these breakout indie game developers can attest.
Adding interactivity to your messaging can help make that material up to 80 percent more effective at capturing an audience’s attention.
My co-founder and I met when we both worked on Sesame Street. Here’s what we learned from those days that shapes our vision as leaders.
Jackbox games are all variations on a theme. That’s no accident.
How live-service games upended the creative process, from writing to development.
Turning your video gaming passion into a career in game development is hard work. Here’s some insight on how to go from player to pro.
For decades, competition fueled new advances in video game technology and storytelling. That may be changing.