ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot, with a unique ability to communicate with people in a human-like way. Developed by OpenAI, the large language model is equipped with cutting-edge natural language processing capabilities and has been trained on massive amounts of data, which enables it to generate written content and converse with users.
Whether it’s answering a question, generating a piece of prose or writing code, ChatGPT continues to push the boundaries of human creativity and productivity.
Interesting Ways to Use ChatGPT
- Prepare for a job interview
- Report the news
- Debug code
- Write songs
- Grade homework
- Play games
- Help you cook
- As a (sort of) search engine
That said, ChatGPT does come with limitations. The technology can be notoriously inaccurate, generating what experts call “hallucinations,” or content that is stylistically correct but factually wrong. And, like any AI model, ChatGPT has a tendency to produce biased results.
So, it’s good to double-check the information that ChatGPT provides before using it. And, to be safe, don’t use the information generated by ChatGPT to make critical financial or health decisions without thorough verification and maybe even a second or third opinion.
While ChatGPT is very much a work in progress, it can be used in a variety of interesting ways.
ChatGPT Examples

Job Search Examples
1. ChatGPT Can Write Your Cover Letter
Writing a cover letter is one of the most tedious and time-consuming parts of any job hunt, particularly if you’re applying to several different jobs at once. There are only so many ways one can express how excited they are about a particular company, or distill their career in an engaging way. Fortunately, ChatGPT can do the heavy lifting.
2. ChatGPT Can Improve Your Resume
Thanks to its natural language processing capabilities, ChatGPT can take an existing piece of text and make improvements on it. So, if you already have a resume written up, ChatGPT can be a useful tool in making it that much better. In a world where you can be competing with thousands of people for one job, this can be a good way to stand out among the rest.
3. ChatGPT Can Help You Prepare for an Interview
A tried-and-true way to prepare for any upcoming job interview is to have practice runs, where you test out talking points and run through various scenarios. ChatGPT can help, with the ability to generate anything from hypothetical questions to intelligent responses to those questions. It can give you tips for how to dress, or etiquette suggestions. It can even offer a few jokes, if you’re feeling playful.
4. ChatGPT Can Jumpstart Your Job Search
Knowing where to start in a job search may not be that obvious, especially for recent college graduates and professionals switching careers. ChatGPT can give job seekers ideas of positions to pursue based on a quick description. For example, a professional may type “jobs for an experienced professional who has a passion for social equity and enjoys writing blog posts.”

Content Generation Examples
5. ChatGPT Can Generate Newsletter Ideas
Newsletters can be a great way for companies and individuals alike to increase visibility, as well as draw traffic to their site. But coming up with consistently solid topic ideas that align with one’s brand can be challenging. With a brief prompt, ChatGPT can not only churn out newsletter ideas, but it can also draft up an outline and even write the entire thing. And once it has written the content, it can translate the text into several different languages.
6. ChatGPT Can Write a Marketing Email
When it comes to marketing, email is an essential line of communication with customers. ChatGPT can be used to generate not only the written content within the email itself, but suggestions for eye-catching subject lines as well — which can make all the difference when it is sent to an inbox with hundreds or thousands of other emails. It can also help marketers quickly create an email marketing calendar that schedules regular sends while avoiding weekends or holidays, which could affect an email’s open and read-through rates.
7. ChatGPT Can Report the News
Again, ChatGPT has been trained on several terabytes of data across the internet, making it quite knowledgeable on many subjects. This knowledge can easily be used to generate quick news articles, or to distill the contents of a longer piece written by a human.
8. ChatGPT Can Be a Copywriter
Consider the immense amount of content that exists on something like an e-commerce site — the product descriptions, the image captions, the alerts about certain sales or deals — not to mention all of the promotional emails, social media posts and advertisements. Until very recently, all of that copy had to be written and edited by humans. But now, ChatGPT can handle it in a matter of seconds. Plus, it can generate several iterations of that copy so it can be targeted to specific people.

Coding Examples
9. ChatGPT Can Debug Your Code
ChatGPT can be a useful tool for debugging code. All coders have to do is type in a line of code, and the chatbot will not only identify problems and fix them, but also explain why it made the decisions it did. ChatGPT is also capable of developing complete blocks of functional code (in many different languages) on its own, as well as translating code from one language to another. But, when it comes to code written by someone else (or, in this case, something else), it’s important that you fully understand how the code works before deploying it.
10. ChatGPT Can Help Create Machine Learning Algorithms
ChatGPT can even handle something as complicated as machine learning, so long as the user inputs the appropriate data. This can be in the form of labels, numbers or any other data that is useful in training a chatbot. Then, ChatGPT can act as a sort of data scientist and provide anything from an example for a linear regression machine learning algorithm, to an example of a machine learning model capable of predicting sales revenue.
11. ChatGPT Can Answer Coding-Related Questions
Coders can also look to ChatGPT for advice on specific coding-related questions. Whether a person wants to figure out a way to animate a button on their Shopify page, or set up a snapshot tool in a Fastlane configuration file, ChatGPT usually has some tips for how to make it happen. And it can even do it in the style of a fast-talkin’ wiseguy from a 1940s gangster movie if you ask it to. Just a reminder, though: ChatGPT can absolutely get things wrong. In fact, Stack Overflow has temporarily banned ChatGPT-generated responses from its platform, citing the bot’s penchant for errors.

Art and Music Examples
12. ChatGPT Can Brainstorm Ideas for AI Generated Art
While ChatGPT is not capable of producing images itself, it can still be helpful in the creation of AI-generated art. Most AI art generators require that the user input a text prompt describing what they want the model to produce. If you’re having a hard time coming up with a good prompt to feed a given generator, ChatGPT can help. For example, one user asked ChatGPT for some “interesting, fantastical ways of decorating a living room” and then plugged the bot’s answers right into MidJourney.
13. ChatGPT Can Be Your Creative Writing Assistant
Although many writers have railed against using ChatGPT to produce pieces of creative writing, it can certainly be a useful tool. Instead of replacing writers outright, ChatGPT can serve as a kind of writing assistant, helping to generate ideas, produce story outlines, provide various character perspectives, and more. And it doesn’t have to be a longform novel either — ChatGPT can help write things like poems and screenplays too.
14. ChatGPT Can Write Songs
ChatGPT can also write songs. Complete with chord progressions and lyrics organized into verses and choruses, these tunes can be tweaked to fit into specific genres, eras and subject matters. Of course, if a user wants to actually hear the piece, they’ll have to play it on an instrument.

Education Examples
15. ChatGPT Can Grade Homework
Teachers have grown increasingly wary of ChatGPT and its propensity to help students cheat on assignments, prompting some schools to completely block access to it. But just as students can use ChatGPT to compose essays, teachers can use it to grade them. All they have to do is input the work and ask the chatbot to assess it. Not only will ChatGPT provide a grade, but it will also offer reasons why and recommendations for improving it.
16. ChatGPT Can Generate Quiz and Test Questions
For educators who are pressed on time, ChatGPT can help generate specific test and quiz questions. These can be tailored according to subject matter, format (multiple choice, word problems, gap-fill exercises and so on), and more. It can even generate an answer key to go along with the questions.
17. ChatGPT Can Explain Complex Topics
Whether a user is trying to understand quantum computing or dark matter, ChatGPT is exceptionally good at explaining complex topics in lay terms — providing sort of nutshell descriptions that anyone could understand. This capability can be useful in all kinds of contexts, but it can be an especially helpful resource for students, teachers and tutors looking to break down complicated concepts and get a firmer understanding of them.
18. ChatGPT Can Produce Reading Passages
With the amount of data it possesses, ChatGPT can provide a boost for teachers looking to quickly create reading passages. For example, an instructor may direct ChatGPT to generate a reading passage about photosynthesis that is five lines long and meets the criteria for a fifth-grade reading level. Teachers can also have ChatGPT include specific vocabulary to give a reading passage the right amount of difficulty for their students.

Other Interesting Examples
19. ChatGPT Can Help You Cook
Have you ever looked in your pantry and refrigerator and wondered what you could create with what few ingredients you have? It turns out, ChatGPT can help with that. In fact, ChatGPT has the potential to be the sous chef of your dreams — whether you need it to figure out complementary sides to a main dish or generate a weekly meal plan and grocery list.
20. ChatGPT Can Play Games
Or, if you’re looking to just kill some time, ChatGPT can also be a great source of entertainment. The chatbot is capable of playing a number of word games, all a user has to do is prompt it to. Some of the most popular games to play with ChatGPT include 20 questions, would you rather, and even choose your own adventure. Although it isn’t very good at rock-paper-scissors.
21. ChatGPT Can Offer Advice
Like any AI model, ChatGPT is not capable of having its own true emotions, and it is not especially good at reading the emotions of others. But it can be a good sounding board if you have a personal problem you need to work through. So far, the bot has been used to give advice on everything from relationships to finances. However, it is important to note that ChatGPT is not a therapist or domain expert in anything, so every bit of guidance it gives must be taken with a massive grain of salt.
22. ChatGPT Can Be Used As a (Sort Of) Search Engine
One of the buzziest (and, perhaps, most controversial) uses for ChatGPT is its functionality as a quasi search engine, offering simple answers as opposed to a list of websites to sift through. But ChatGPT may not be as effective a tool as something like Google. While the chatbot uses data from the open internet to generate responses, it does not have the ability to actually search the internet for new information. And since the data the base model has been trained on is limited to 2021 and earlier, it does not have the awareness of events or news that have occurred since then.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are some examples of ChatGPT?
ChatGPT can help write cover letters for job seekers, produce test questions for teachers, write song lyrics for aspiring musicians and debug code for software developers, among other capabilities.
What is the most popular use of ChatGPT?
ChatGPT is often used to generate ideas that aid in the creative process. Users can insert prompts asking ChatGPT for ideas on how to structure an essay, what content to include for a marketing campaign or possible topics for a blog post.