Why You Should Use Empathetic Marketing

To better engage your consumers, you need to step into their shoes.

Written by Steve Krull
Published on Aug. 23, 2024
A close-up of a person from the shoulders down holding a wooden circle with a painted smiley face on it, with five other circles of wood sitting on the table with varying degrees of emotion painted on them.
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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As the founder of a digital marketing agency, I would love it if marketing felt more like a casual conversation with a friend than a relentless barrage of ads.

But there’s one thing that could shift the marketing landscape toward a future based on compassion — and it’s probably not what you think.

It’s technology. I know, I know — all too often, we villainize tech. Many people think it’s snatching away jobs and reducing the comfortable warmth of human connection.

The good news? It can actually do just the opposite. When we bring technology and humanity together in marketing, tech can actually become our hero.

You can breathe new life into your marketing strategies by placing empathy and human connection at the core. Let’s explore how you can use technology to create campaigns that truly resonate with today’s consumers.

What Is Empathetic Marketing?

Empathetic marketing is a type of marketing strategy with human connection at its core. It prioritizes storytelling, with a conversational tone to engage consumers more organically than traditional advertising.

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How Empathy Is a Competitive Advantage

If you want your brand to stand out in today’s marketplace, it’s not about doing the latest trend on TikTok or creating an Instagram shop.

It’s about empathy. It’s about putting yourself in your customer’s shoes and making sure your content (including paid media) cuts through the noise and makes customers feel seen.

Why is this so important, though? Because today’s consumers are savvier and more selective than ever before. They’re not merely buying products or services. They’re buying experiences and stories that resonate with them on a deeper level.

A great example here is Dove’s 2004 “Real Beauty” campaign. Dove shattered stereotypes with this campaign, championing diversity by celebrating women’s stories and breaking the narrow beauty stereotypes common in advertisements. This campaign didn’t just sell soap; it sold self-love and acceptance, striking a chord with millions.

“Spotify Wrapped” is another example. They took personalization to a new level with this feature, showing users their most listened to songs, artists and genres. This fun, personalized recap makes listeners feel special, reinforcing their connection to the brand.

Empathetic marketing is about creating emotional experiences that stick with people long after the campaign ends. We’re talking about increased customer loyalty, more trust, better brand perception and a boost in emotional engagement — all things you want your brand to focus on, regardless of its offers.

In a world where brands are constantly vying for attention, empathy is your competitive edge.


How to Use Tech to Connect With Users

Now, back to that unjustified villain we talked about earlier: technology. How can you use it to amplify your connections?

I get it. At first, technology and empathy might seem like an odd match. But when you put them together, you can make your digital marketing interactions a whole lot more meaningful.

Start with the almighty AI and data analytics. These two things can help you personalize your content, as they sift through mountains of data to understand individual preferences, behaviors and needs.

Social listening tools are also a fantastic option here. These tools monitor social media platforms to understand what customers are saying in real-time. Sure, this might feel like eavesdropping, but it is how you can really tune in to the emotions, needs and opinions of your audience.

For example, a brand might notice a surge in tweets about a specific issue (e.g., When ChatGPT is down) and respond swiftly with a solution or supportive message. You want your brand to be a part of the conversation with external audiences, as real-time responsiveness builds trust and shows customers that you are right there alongside them.

A real-world example here is Nike’s Nike+ app, which combines fitness tracking with personalized coaching. The app uses data analytics to provide customized workout plans and motivation, fostering a personal connection between the brand and its users.

Bottom line: Tech is your friend — I promise. Just be sure to use it in the right way, as a tool to learn more about your audience and provide a better experience for them.


Empathetic Marketing Tools

Empathy in marketing is a powerhouse that drives real, measurable results. But how do you quantify something as nuanced as empathy?

Good question. Here are a few metrics to keep in mind.

Customer Sentiment Analysis

This metric uses natural language processing to analyze customer feedback, revealing the tone of the conversations about your brand. Are your customers happy, frustrated or excited? Sentiment analysis provides insights into how your marketing efforts are being received.

Engagement Rates

Engagement rates, such as likes, shares, comments and click-through rates, indicate how actively your audience is interacting with your content. High engagement rates suggest that your message is resonating with your audience on an emotional level.

Customer Satisfaction Scores

CSAT surveys ask customers to rate their satisfaction with your brand, products or services. High satisfaction scores are a strong indicator that your empathetic marketing efforts are hitting the mark.

Customer Retention Rates

Tracking how many customers return to your brand over time can provide insights into the long-term effectiveness of your empathetic marketing. High retention rates suggest that customers feel a strong, ongoing connection with your brand.

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How to Implement Empathic Marketing Tools

So, how the heck can you actually implement these tools? Here are some of my recommendations.

Sentiment Analysis Software

Tools like Brandwatch, Lexalytics and IBM Watson analyze social media posts, reviews and other customer-generated content to gauge sentiment. These tools can help you track the emotional tone of conversations about your brand in real time.

Customer Feedback Surveys

Platforms like SurveyMonkey and Qualtrics help you create surveys that capture customer satisfaction and feedback. These surveys can be customized to gather insights into how customers feel about your marketing.

Engagement Analytics Tools

Tools like Google Analytics, Hootsuite and Sprout Social provide detailed engagement metrics across various platforms. These tools help you track how your audience interacts with your content, giving you a clear picture of what resonates.

CSAT Platforms

Solutions like Delighted and Promoter.io specialize in collecting and analyzing CSAT data. These platforms streamline the process of gathering customer feedback.


What’s Next for Tech in Marketing?

Yes, I wish there was a crystal ball that could tell us exactly where technology will take us and what is in store for the digital marketing world. No, I do not think we’ll be buying said crystal ball anytime soon.

But having been in the industry for a few decades now, I can tell you what I think will happen. AI-powered tools will lead the way, yes, but on top of analyzing data, they will help brands create more personalized experiences.

As we look to the future, it’s clear that the best marketing will find a strategic balance between tech and touch. By embracing new updates while staying grounded in empathy, your brand can create campaigns that are not only innovative but also profoundly impactful!

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