5 Ways AI Will Evolve Product Management in 2024

How will integrating AI into product management augment human potential and creativity?

Published on Dec. 14, 2023
5 Ways AI Will Evolve Product Management in 2024
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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The product management landscape drastically changed with the launch of ChatGPT in 2022. The internet buzzed with excitement over this artificial intelligence chatbot, which answered complex queries with human-like depth. This was groundbreaking, indicating a significant shift in the way technology interacts with us and how we, in turn, interact with it. 

In fact, a director of product conducted an experiment asking ChatGPT to simulate the role of a candidate interviewing for a product manager role at Google — and the bot passed. ChatGPT was even able to conceptualize a new app during the mock interview, a testament to its proficiency. Following this trend, here are 5 ways in which AI may fundamentally continue to reshape the domain of product management.

5 ways AI will revolutionize product management in 2024

  1. Natural language processing will efficiently parse through user insights.
  2. AI intervention in prototyping and mock generation will allow for instant visualization.
  3. Generative AI combined with gamification techniques will enhance user engagement.
  4. Brain-computer interface will translate brain signals into actionable insights.
  5. AI will let us test personalized drug properties to develop treatments tailored to smaller cohorts. 

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1. Natural Language Synthesis of User Insights 

Product teams often struggle to systematically extract insights from qualitative user data like feedback and research due to a multitude of barriers, including: 

  • Data overload from the high volumes of unstructured feedback requiring analysis beyond human capacity.
  • A lack of a framework to systematically identify meaningful patterns.
  • Intense time pressures paired with limited dedicated resources allotted to conduct in-depth research. 
  • Communication disconnects in disseminating key learnings across departments involved in taking action based on voice-of-the-customer inputs. 

Together, these limitations result in qualitative data often failing to inform strategic product decisions. Natural language processing, however, can automatically analyze large volumes of qualitative user feedback. Centralizing this analysis flags customer needs and pain points, enabling data-driven product roadmaps grounded in user reality.

For example, let’s say a global quick-service restaurant chain collects tons of free-form feedback from channels like customer surveys, social media and franchise location reviews. While this qualitative data holds unique insights including menu offerings, patrons’ sentiments and areas for store improvement, manually parsing through countless text submissions is just impractical.

Natural language processing solutions can efficiently digest such volumes of unstructured text data to uncover trends and patterns. The chain could supply all its feedback inputs into a pre-trained large language model, which analyzes the corpus using advanced NLP algorithms. Rather than hiring analysts, the AI assistant flags key consumer themes around new products needed, localized menu tweaks, remodeling impact, employee attitudes and other actionable findings. It also tracks sentiment over time, detects regional differences and correlates feedback to sales for various menu items.

By automatically synthesizing insights from open-ended surveys and reviews, the quick-service restaurant brand can better position itself to address customer needs in strategic decisions, from rolling out new promotions to prioritizing franchise operational changes.


2. Rapid Prototyping and Mock Generation

Product managers rely extensively on mocks, wireframes and prototypes to communicate concepts, gather feedback and drive consensus. Traditionally, crafting these assets requires extensive manual effort from skilled designers or product managers. When working in a fast-paced environment where being first to market is critical, speeding up the process from concept to visualization is critical.

Advances in AI now provide product managers and designers with natural language-based tools to mock up concepts without intensive manual work. Interfaces allow PMs and designers to describe desired layouts, components and journeys in everyday language. AI drawing assistants automatically generate detailed mocks, wireframes and clickable prototypes matching the specifications.

For example, say that John, a product manager at an e-commerce company, has an idea for a personalized homepage gift finder widget. Rather than writing a story for a designer or spending hours trying to mock it up himself, John utilizes an AI-powered plugin that generates designs. He describes the desired elements in the text and, in seconds, receives a realistic mockup visualizing the concept.

By exponentially reducing the effort and skill required to mock up concepts, AI systems give product managers the autonomy to materialize visions quickly. The new process enables efficient conveyance of ideas to stakeholders for feedback, estimating viability and facilitating user tests to refine concepts. And it’s not just mockups; AI can also create user journeys, storyboards and other user experience deliverables to assist you with innovative customer-centric solutions.


3. Gamification Meets Generative AI 

Gamification engages users through game mechanics and game psychology. Infusing it with AI generates limitless personalized, dynamic experiences. The core technique enabling AI to deliver tailored gamified systems for each user is reinforcement learning algorithms that experimentally model individual preferences through data. By consuming interaction signals ranging from response times to narrative choices to biofeedback, neural networks identify engagement triggers, knowledge gaps, incentives, risk appetite and other parameters unique to a participant. 

The science behind the AI then perpetually optimizes and customizes challenges, tips, rewards and story branches to maximize engagement for that user. So, via advanced machine learning that absorbs empirical performance data on what combination of stimuli satisfies someone, gamification transitions from a one-size-fits-all construct to an adaptive, optimized quest defined by you. AI fulfills the potential for fully personalized, maximally compelling interactive experiences catered to the individual.

For example, an AI tutor could tailor quests and assessments to each learner by analyzing their progress. Healthcare apps may use generative AI to craft challenges promoting medication adherence or fitness habits. Retailers could generate personalized treasure hunts across inventories. And AI could construct adaptable wellness journeys responding to each individual’s evolving needs.

Product managers stand to harness this capability towards experiences that resonate at the deepest individual level. The same reinforcement learning revolutionizing gamification also shows promise for customizing every digital touchpoint in apps and sites. Product teams in sectors from healthcare to e-commerce can leverage these adaptive interfaces to optimize learning pathways, product recommendations, support content and creatives for segments and down to N=1 personalization based on demonstrated user needs.

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4. Brain-Computer Interfaces and Neural Feedback

Traditionally, feedback is either verbal or written. But emerging brain-computer interface technology may enable direct neural feedback. Imagine if a product manager could obtain users’ unfiltered emotional reactions to features in real-time. AI models could translate brain signals into actionable insights. 

Meta’s researchers have pioneered a breakthrough using electroencephalography to train AI in decoding speech from brain activity. This technology, trained on extensive speech data, shows promise for aiding individuals with speech impairments. Despite facing practical challenges, the AI’s ability to interpret neural signals through EEG represents a significant advancement in communication technology, potentially transforming how we understand and assist those with disabilities impacting their ability to communicate.


5. Quantum Computing for Molecular Simulation

Quantum computing promises to accelerate pharmaceutical innovation by simulating molecular interactions far faster than classical computers allow. For product managers at drug companies, this enables testing personalized drug properties and effects based on individual genetic profiles. Rather than mass-market blockbusters, PMs can develop treatments tailored to smaller cohorts. 

Quantum machine learning aids this by rapidly sorting patients into subgroups based on genetic markers. This ability to develop ultra-targeted solutions unlocks product possibilities previously impossible. Though scalable quantum computers are still developing, existing hybrid quantum-classical systems already run valuable algorithms. As quantum technology advances towards maturity, it is poised to equip product managers with unprecedented capabilities to tailor solutions to individual needs, significantly enhancing the potential to preserve and improve human lives.


Product Managers, Embrace AI.

In 2024 and beyond, the integration of AI into product management promises a monumental leap in how we augment human potential and creativity. Organizations that actively lead and adapt to this transformation will thrive, gaining a competitive advantage.

The future of product management in the era of AI is not a distant dream but a rapidly unfolding reality. It remains ours to envision, shape and thoughtfully engineer. With AI as our ally, we are poised to unlock unprecedented levels of innovation and efficiency. Let us embrace it with enthusiasm and a vision for a world where technology and human ingenuity converge to create extraordinary value.

We’ll explore five more ways AI will evolve product management in part two.

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