The 36 Best AI Tools to Know

Artificial intelligence is necessary for optimizing business and solving problems. Here are the top AI tools.

Written by Sunny Betz
The 36 Best AI Tools to Know
Photo: Shutterstock
Margo Steines | Jul 19, 2024

Once an idea only existing in sci-fi, artificial intelligence now plays a role in our daily lives. In fact, we expect it from our tech products. No one wants to reconfigure their entire tech suite every time a new update is launched. We need technology that can process code for us, solve problems independently, and learn from past mistakes so we have free time to focus on the big picture issues. 

That’s where AI comes in. It makes projects run smoother, data cleaner and our lives easier. Around 37 percent of companies use AI to run their businesses, according to the tech research firm Gartner. That number should only grow in coming years, considering the number of companies using artificial intelligence jumped 270 percent from 2015 to 2019. 

AI is already a staple of the business world and helps thousands of companies compete in today’s evolving tech landscape. If your company hasn’t already adopted artificial intelligence, here are the top tools you can choose from.

Top AI Tools

  • Spectrum
  • Dropbox
  • Symantec
  • Harver
  • Tableau
  • Salesforce
  • Oracle


Top AI Tools to Know

Specialty: Data Exchange

Flatfile offers an AI-powered data transformation and exchange platform for systems integration teams, data analysts and other business users. It provides AI-enabled search capabilities, AI-powered data mapping and tools for bulk data editing and cleaning. The company aims to have a more efficient and simpler way to build data collection, increase data quality and provide cost savings.


Specialty: Proptech + Marketing

Ylopo makes digital marketing software for real estate professionals, which helps them generate, target and nurture leads by using AI. It also uses AI for predictive analytics, which are used to identify customer behavior and market trends its customers can use when making decisions about advertising spend. In real estate, the combination of digital marketing and AI allows for a competitive advantage over traditional processes that require significant human labor for every converted lead and completed sale.  


Specialty: HR tech

Wonderlic uses data and AI analysis to offer a talent acquisition tool called “The Wonderlic Test,” a pre-employment aptitude assessment that screens job candidates for abilities like information processing, problem solving and decision making. According to the company, the Wonderlic AI is far more efficient and objective than a human interviewer at identifying the core competencies that a candidate might have or lack, thus making the hiring process more equitable while ensuring a good fit between team members and new roles. 


Specialty: Software

Superhuman is a software company that makes an AI email tool. It launched as an invite-only app to much fanfare and delivers an inbox management service that comes with white-glove onboarding, including an email workflow audit. The app, which works on desktop and iPhone, threads emails and offers a sidebar that connects to a user’s Google Calendar, while also offering more advanced features like read status that tracks where a recipient is located when they read your email. 


Specialty: Software

Grammarly makes cloud-based software for correcting and polishing written media and communications. On its platform, users enter their original text and AI functions as a “writing partner” by scanning the work and making suggestions on where and how to improve the grammar, spelling, punctuation and clarity of the writing. Grammarly can be integrated into email, messaging and social media and is considered a gold standard for professional writers. 


Specialty: Software + Legal tech

Bridge Legal makes technology for use by law firms and independent law professionals. Its fully cloud-based enterprise management platform is designed to allow attorneys, support staff, litigation funders and legal marketers to run their businesses, manage cases and documents, communicate with each other and with clients, and also market their services. Embedded in the platform is Bridgify AI, a tool that pulls insights from case documents, summarizes essential document details and streamlines attorney preparation for cases. 


Specialty: HR tech

Bullhorn makes cloud-based HR-industry software for recruiters and staffers. Its applicant tracking system uses the Bullhorn Copilot AI to algorithmically sort employment applicants, so that only the best-fit applications are presented to human screeners and hiring managers. One of the potential benefits of this process is that it can reduce human bias. The platform also automates recruitment processes like contacting prospects. 

Dive DeeperWhat Is Generative AI?


Specialty: Machine learning

EliseAI is a machine learning tech company. Its signature product, Elise, is an AI that functions as support staff for property management in the real estate, housing and hospitality industries. Elise is trained via natural language processing, so she can understand and mimic colloquial language like slang, typos and multiple simultaneous questions, creating a human-like dynamic that returns intuitive responses. 


Specialty: Cybersecurity

Fusion Risk Management makes software for operational resilience, which strategizes how to proactively and reactively respond to various types of risk. The software uses generative AI, known as Copilot, to serve as an analyst. It looks at IT risk, crises, incidents and threats to business continuity. Copilot asks questions and makes suggestions to act on risk insights, and also composes executive reports. 


Specialty: Edtech

Mainstay makes software for student engagement. Using an  advanced, culturally sensitive AI model built to embed behavioral intelligence into its communications, the Mainstay platform reminds students of important tasks and deadlines, and will proactively text message users to offer opportunities to receive support.  


Specialty: Customer experience

Prosodica uses advanced acoustics technology and AI to measure conversational behavior — essentially, empowering AI to be responsive to the subtleties and nuances of human tone of voice, word choice and emotional expression. Through a voice and speech analytics engine, its AI can offer insights on engagement and satisfaction for customers and employees alike. 


Specialty: Software development

Notion makes organizational and productivity software tools designed to cohere multiple processes, functions and team members into a single simple interface for note taking, calendars, collaborative documents and other digital assets that require simultaneous and collaborative management. The platform offers an AI add-on that automatically fills spreadsheets, generates written content and performs research. 


Specialty: Software

Sendbird makes AI chatbots for use by e-commerce clients, who integrate them into digital storefronts, websites and apps as customer engagement tools. The bots provide standard customer service and also perform sales and marketing tasks like making proactive contact with leads. SendBird bots are built to mimic human communication, carrying on chat and voice conversations and understanding when to escalate the concern to human support staff.  


Speciality: Proptech

TurboTenant is a real estate software company that offers a platform for property management. The product, which streamlines and centralizes standard processes like collecting rent, signing agreements and marketing properties, relies on an AI tool for lease agreements. Once a lease is uploaded, it is analyzed by the AI for local compliance, with checks for fair housing violations, missing data fields and other potential violations of tenant law. 


Specialty: Marketing

System1 focuses on customer acquisition through its RAMP, or Responsive Acquisition Marketing Platform. The platform, which relies heavily on machine learning, AI and data science, is built to identify, locate and access large numbers of high intent customers. By using AI, the platform can access hundreds of advertiser verticals, essentially finding points of access to customers everywhere they interact online.  


Specialty: Marketing

Smartly builds AI-powered technology that supports ad campaigns for hundreds of brands around the world. Its solutions are designed to improve creative collaboration and campaign management through workflow automations, data-driven optimizations and visibility into real-time analytics.


Specialty: Software development

Developers rely on GitLab’s AI-powered DevSecOps platform to efficiently produce secure, high-performing software products. Its solutions include GitLab Duo, which infuses AI capabilities into every phase of the software development lifecycle, offering code suggestions, for example, and natural language explanations for code. GitLab’s technology has grown to support more than 30 million users in improving productivity.


Speacialty: Proptech is a digital platform that facilitates the rental, purchase and sale of properties. The company boasts an AI tool called AI Dream Home. Users can type in a prompt, such as “beach-front house with large windows,” and its AI generates a series of images to help get the creative juices flowing.


Specialty: Advertising

Connectivity company Spectrum, in partnership with video startup Waymark, recently unveiled a novel platform for television commercial production. The platform allows businesses to create highly produced, on-brand commercials that use AI instead of voice actors. The commercials can be created in five minutes. This service, marketed to local businesses, has the potential to democratize the television advertising space by lowering the cost to play.


Specialty: Cloud storage

Dropbox is a cloud-based file hosting service that aims to reinvent the productivity tool. Users can store, sync, sign and send large files nearly instantly within a streamlined interface. The Dropbox AI feature allows users to pose questions about or request summaries of files, while Dropbox Dash uses AI to power a universal search that coheres a user’s tools, content and apps into one search bar.


Specialty: Cybersecurity

Companies that conduct any aspect of their business online need to evaluate their cybersecurity. Symantec Endpoint Protection is one tool that secures digital assets with machine learning technology. As the program encounters different security threats, it can independently learn over time how to distinguish between good and malicious files. This alleviates the human responsibility of configuring software and running updates, because the platform’s AI interface can automatically download new updates and learn from each security threat to better combat malware, according to Symantec’s website.


Specialty: Recruiting

Rather than siloing recruiting, background checks, resume screening and interview assessments, Harver aims to centralize all recruiting steps in one end-to-end, AI-enabled platform. The company’s AI-powered hiring workflow helps recruiting teams streamline their operations and cut back on spending by up to 40 percent, according to Harver’s website. With Harver’s tools, users can automate reference checks, interview scheduling, and candidate behavioral and cognitive screening.


Specialty: Business intelligence

Tableau is a data visualization software platform with which companies can make industry forecasts and form business strategies. Tableau’s AI and augmented analytics features help users get access to data insights more quickly than they would through manual methods, according to the company’s site. Some names among Tableau’s client base include Verizon, Lenovo, Hello Fresh and REI Co-op.


Specialty: Business intelligence

Salesforce is a cloud-enabled, machine learning integrated software platform that companies can use to manage their customer service, sales and product development operations. The company’s AI platform, called Einstein AI, acts as a smart assistant that can offer recommendations and automate repetitive data input to help employees make more data informed decisions, according to the platform’s site. Scalable for companies ranging in size from startups to major corporations, Salesforce also offers a variety of apps that can be integrated into their platform so companies can customize their interface to meet their specific needs.

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Specialty: Business intelligence is a machine learning platform that helps companies approach business challenges with the help of real-time data insights. From fraud detection to predictive customer support,’s tools can handle a broad range of business operations and free up employee time to focus efforts on greater company strategies. Traditionally long term projects can be accomplished by the company’s driverless AI in hours or minutes, according to H2O’s site.


Specialty: Software development

Specifically designed for developers and engineers, Oracle AI uses machine learning principles to analyze customer feedback and create accurate predictive models based on extracted data. Oracle’s platform can automatically pull data from open source frameworks so that developers don’t need to create applications or software from scratch, said the company’s site. Its platform also offers chatbot tools that evaluates customer needs and connects them with appropriate resources or support.


Specialty: Business Intelligence

SAS is an AI data management program that relies on open source and cloud-enablement technologies to help companies direct their progress and growth. SAS’s platform can handle an array of business functions including customer intelligence, risk assessment, identity verification and business forecasting to help companies better control their direction, according to the company’s site.


Specialty: Fintech

Zest AI does AI-driven lending, which brings the power of machine learning to the fintech space by using AI to make decisions in credit underwriting. It works with banks, credit unions and other lenders to replace bias-laden human decision makers with AI-driven credit decisions, which are thought to reduce risk and make the lending process fairer and more transparent.


Specialty: Business intelligence 

Tellius is a business intelligence platform that relies on AI technologies to help companies get a better grasp and understanding of their strategies, successes and growth areas. Tellius’s platform offers an intelligent search function that can organize data and make it easy for employees to understand, helping them visualize and understand the factors driving their business outcomes. According to Tellius’s site, users can ask questions within the platform to discover through lines in their data, sort hefty data and gather actionable insights.


Specialty: Sales

Gong is an AI driven sales platform that companies can use to analyze customer interactions, forecast future deals and visualize sales pipelines. Gong’s biggest asset is its transparency, which gives everyone from employees to leaders insight into team performance, direction changes and upcoming projects. It automatically transforms individual pieces of customer feedback into overall trends that companies can use to discover weak points and pivot their strategies as needed, according to Gong’s site.


Specialty: Business intelligence

Zia, a product offering from business software company Zoho, is a cloud-integrated AI platform built to help companies gather organizational knowledge and turn customer feedback into strategy. Zia’s AI tools can analyze customer sales patterns, client schedules and workflow patterns to help employees on every team increase their productivity and success rates, said the company’s site. 


More AI Tools to Know


Specialty: Coding

Caffe is an open-source deep learning framework with which developers and coders can define, design and deploy their software products. Developed by Berkeley AI Research, Caffe is used by researchers, startups and corporations to launch digital projects, and can be integrated with Python to fine-tune code models, test projects and automatically solve bug issues, according to Caffe’s site.

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Specialty: Software development

Another open source platform, TensorFlow is specifically designed to help companies build machine learning projects and neural networks. TensorFlow is capable of Javascript integration and can help developers easily build and train machine learning models to fit their company’s specific business needs. Some of the companies that rely on its services are Airbnb, Google, Intel and X, according to TensorFlow’s site.



Specialty: Scheduling

TimeHero is an AI-enabled time management platform that helps users manage their project calendars, to-do lists and schedules as needed. The platform’s machine learning capabilities can automatically remind employees when meetings take place, when to send emails and when certain projects are due, according to TimeHero’s site. Individual TimeHero users can sync their personal calendars with those of their team so that they can collaborate more efficiently on projects and work around each other’s due dates. 



Specialty: Code development

Specifically designed for integration with Python, Theano is an AI powered library that developers can use to develop, optimize and successfully launch code projects. Because it’s built with machine learning capabilities, Theano can independently diagnose and solve bugs or system malfunctions with minimal external support, according to the product’s site.

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Specialty: Software development

OpenNN is an open-source software library that uses neural network technology to more quickly and accurately interpret data. A more advanced AI tool, OpenNN’s advantage is being able to analyze and load massive data sets and train models faster than its competitors, according to its website.

Rose Velazquez, Ana Gore and Sara B.T. Thiel contributed reporting to this story.

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