Finance Articles

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Kurt Shenk Kurt Shenk
Updated on April 20, 2024

What the Technology Ecosystems of the Future Might Look Like

An exodus from Silicon Valley and an even bigger ongoing commitment to remote work are just two of the trends we’re forecasting for 2021.

Will Page Will Page
Updated on April 20, 2024

How I Used Economic Theory at Spotify to Disrupt the Music Business

At the turn of the last century, widespread file-sharing had eviscerated the music industry. By evaluating the situation through a simple economic lens, however, Spotify created a business model that stopped the devastation.

Amy Radin Amy Radin
Updated on April 19, 2024

Innovators, Use These 5 Tips to Win Over Corporate Finance

Innovation is difficult to quantify on a balance sheet, so here are the techniques you need to communicate its value to finance teams.

Somer Simpson Somer Simpson
Updated on April 18, 2024

Adtech’s Foundations Are Cracking

Between talks of a cookie-less future and the implications of international data privacy regulations, the faults in the adtech ecosystem are becoming increasingly apparent.

Somer Simpson Somer Simpson
Updated on April 18, 2024

Straight Talk: Rectifying the Adtech Industry’s Unethical Behavior

Revenue relies heavily on programmatic advertising without any viable, sustainable alternatives, and the adtech supply chain has exploited that weakness.

Victor Kao Victor Kao
Updated on April 17, 2024

What Apple’s Ad-Tracking Restrictions Could Mean for Mobile Apps

Companies that depend on users’ digital footprints need to react and mobilize quickly to minimize disruption or declines in ad revenue. Here’s how.

Russ Heddleston Russ Heddleston
Updated on April 15, 2024

Here’s How to Master the Financial Slides in Your Pitch Deck

Founders might think that these conditions will make fundraising easy. But competition is fierce, and investors want to see several key indicators before they commit.

Russ Wilcox Russ Wilcox
Updated on April 15, 2024

When Should You Reach Out to VCs?

Finding the right moment to approach venture capitalists will determine whether you get cash or just advice.

Becky Mancero Becky Mancero
Updated on April 15, 2024

Founders’ Cheatsheet: Economic Rights in a Certificate of Incorporation

Here's what founders need to know about these rights.

Image: Shutterstock / Built In
Mike Whitmire Mike Whitmire
Updated on April 15, 2024

When Should a Startup Hire a CFO?

Think about it during a growth stage or during precarious financial times.

Image: Shutterstock / Built In

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