Expert Contributors Articles

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Artturi Jalli Artturi Jalli
Updated on July 12, 2022

What Is the @ Symbol in Python and How Do I Use It?

What does @property do? How about A @ B? In this tutorial I’ll walk you through all the different ways you can use the @ symbol in Python.

Artem Oppermann Artem Oppermann
Updated on July 11, 2022

A Step-by-Step Explanation of Stochastic Policy Gradient Algorithms

In the final installment of this series, we’ll walk through stochastic policy gradients and AI agents in continuous action spaces.

Artem Oppermann Artem Oppermann
Updated on July 11, 2022

An Introduction to Double Deep Q-Learning

In this step-by-step explanation of double deep Q-learning, I’ll show you how you can practice on your own.

Artem Oppermann Artem Oppermann
Updated on July 11, 2022

A Deep Dive Into Deep Q-Learning

In part two of this series on self-learning AI, I’ll show you how AI agents learn to behave in environments with discrete action spaces.

Ari Joury, Ph.D. Ari Joury, Ph.D.
Updated on July 11, 2022

Is Quantum Tech All Hype?

As “quantum” becomes one of the buzzwords of the decade, some voices are warning that its potential is overblown. But what is the reality?

Arash Afshar Cassandra Heart Arash Afshar Cassandra Heart
Updated on July 11, 2022

Threshold Digital Signatures: How to Keep Your Crypto Secure

Threshold digital signatures keep your crypto safer than ever. Here’s how they work.

Aphinya Dechalert Aphinya Dechalert
Updated on July 11, 2022

How (Not) to Agile

Agile can’t help your old, clunky code. Here’s one developer’s perspective on how to balance speed with code that actually works.

Aphinya Dechalert Aphinya Dechalert
Updated on July 11, 2022

How the Dunning-Kruger Effect Hamstrings Developers

As a young developer you were on top of the world, but a few years in, you’re feeling like a big phony. The Dunning-Kruger effect is to blame.

Aphinya Dechalert Aphinya Dechalert
Updated on July 11, 2022

3 Steps to Finishing Your App. Hint: Start at the End.

If you’ve got a great idea for an app but just can’t seem to finish the darn thing, you’re not alone. Use these three steps to get it done.

Anupam Chugh Anupam Chugh
Updated on July 11, 2022

Is Kaggle Worth It for Data Scientists?

Kaggle can be a great way for newcomers to build data science skills. At a certain point, though, its artificial nature and emphasis on competition become harmful.