7 Reasons to Invest in TikTok SEO

The rise of TikTok Shop is just one reason.

Written by Kelly Ayres
Published on Sep. 11, 2024
A smartphone screen is displaying the TikTok app.
Image: Charles McClintock Wilson / Shutterstock / Built In
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Here are three of the biggest trends shaping the SEO landscape as we head toward the closing months of 2024.

Google’s AI overviews are likely to reduce clicks to brand sites, even if Google rolls them out and contracts them in fits and starts.

TikTok continues to capture search share from Google, particularly among younger audiences. 

Google is adapting to TikTok’s more personalized approach by integrating content into its traditional, non-AI SERPs.

These trends point to one key strategic takeaway: If your vertical is relevant, or has a chance to be with some creative planning, ramp up your TikTok organic efforts now.

5 Top Reasons to Invest in TikTok SEO

  1. TikTok content engages eyes and ears.
  2. TikTok users search for solutions, not brands.
  3. TikTok’s algorithm is geared to users.
  4. TikTok Shop is growing fast.
  5. TikTok is great for testing user-generated content.

But what does a TikTok SEO strategy entail? Unlike traditional search engines, TikTok SEO operates differently, so understanding its basics is essential before you devote a lot of resources to optimizing the channel.

More From Kelly AyresWhy You Need to Use SEO Outside of Google

TikTok Engages the Eyes and Ears

While TikTok has made significant inroads with Gen Z, it also appeals broadly to other demographics. For brands in visually or aurally appealing sectors, like fashion, beauty, food and beverage, and entertainment and fitness, a TikTok presence is almost mandatory.

It’s also gaining influence in some rather surprising verticals. For instance, per TikTok, “users engage in 113 percent more research sessions along their financial services purchase journeys than non-users.” Financial services brands with a TikTok presence have a real opportunity to stand out over brands that don’t.

For B2B brands, TikTok poses a greater challenge. However, those who succeed do so by bringing empathy and relatability to the issues their product or service solves. For instance, a facilities manager might appreciate fun content from a commercial plumber that can tackle large-scale issues the same day to help keep the workforce humming.


TikTok Users Look for Solutions, Not Brands

TikTok users looking to address their needs or challenges tend to be less brand- and product-aware than Google users in their search patterns. In other words, they’re more open to a range of solutions and less likely to search for a specific product or service. 

A user struggling with dark under-eye circles, for instance, might ask “How do I get rid of circles under my eyes?” rather than search for “under-eye concealer.” This approach opens the door for brands to engage the user with content on wellness supplements, vitamins, makeup, soothing eye masks to refrigerate before use, etc.

This has mixed implications for SEOs. On the positive side, it allows brands to introduce themselves and their products and how they can solve related problems simultaneously. Many brands are gaining TikTok visibility that they couldn’t achieve in Google’s top search results. There’s also a growing preference among users for TikTok over Google for discovering new content.

On the downside, TikTok users in discovery mode often have low purchase intent at first.


TikTok Surfaces Related and Relevant Content

Despite Google’s recent efforts, it’s still organizing content by keywords, not by users. TikTok’s algorithm, on the other hand, recommends videos based on user interests and browsing history. 

For example, a user who frequently watches travel-related content might discover a video for “how to cook the most popular dish in {country} at home.” This happens through the For You page, which uses your browsing history to populate related content that helps the user draw cross-industry connections. 


TikTok Shop Is Growing

While TikTok is great for discovery, converting that into sales isn’t straightforward. It’s definitely worth keeping an eye on TikTok Shop, which is using the user-focused discovery algorithm to serve paid content for related products, and see what kind of organic synergies develop.

TikTok Is Great for Testing UGC

Unlike Google, which struggles with UGC quality due to a lack of clear guidelines, TikTok’s livelihood depends on maintaining high standards for user-generated content. Google’s working on its quality issue — for instance, they’ve cut way back on Reddit and Quora SERP content while they fine-tune their algorithm to weed out junk — but TikTok is still miles ahead in this initiative.


TikTok Rewards Authenticity

Success on TikTok depends on connecting with users in a genuine, engaging way. Many marketers miss the mark by sticking to corporate jargon and repetitive themes. Authenticity is essential. If you can’t achieve it, it’s better to hold off on posting.

Related ReadingTikTok Creators, Don’t Get Mad About the Ban. Get to Work.

TikTok Content Will Retain Its Value

TikTok is likely to be around for a while, even with potential regulations, and nobody can say how the November elections will affect the outcome of those. 

Even if the government ultimately decides to shut down TikTok, the content that works best on the platform will carry plenty of value going forward. Short-form video content has numerous applications, whether it’s featured on YouTube, Meta, Snapchat, or any hypothetical platforms that would spring up to replace TikTok. Wherever it is, Gen Z will find a way to consume it.

So back to the original state of SEO: TikTok is still growing rapidly, brands will need to diversify organic efforts away from Google to maintain or increase traffic to their owned properties, and Google is so convinced of TikTok’s threat to its market dominance that it’s trying hard to mimic TikTok’s greatest strengths. 

That should be enough for you to approach 2025 SEO planning with a broader lens. These days, and in the near future, meeting users where they are means looking away from the SERP and getting serious about TikTok.

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