Error Handling in React With Error Boundary: A Tutorial

Error boundary is a component in React that catches an error within a component tree and prevents it from crashing the application. Here’s what to know.

Written by Akshay Kumar
Published on Sep. 25, 2023
Error Handling in React With Error Boundary: A Tutorial
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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An error boundary is a component that tracks JavaScript errors that occur anywhere in the component tree below it and prevents the program from crashing by showing a fallback user interface. It enables programmers to handle failures and stop them from spreading throughout the entire application. The entire tree’s constructors, lifecycle functions and rendering problems are all caught by error boundaries.

What Is an Error Boundary in React?

An error boundary is a React-specific feature that wraps a component and prevents any errors from spreading to other parts of the application and crashing it. 

Here’s what you need to know.


Understanding the Concept of Error Boundary in React

Error boundary is a React-specific component that wraps around a component tree and prevents any errors within that component from spreading and causing an entire application to crash. 

To use it, you must simply wrap the component tree you want to protect with an error boundary component. The error border will detect errors and show the fallback UI when they happen within the wrapped component tree. Class components with either (or both) of the following lifecycle methods are defined as error boundaries:

  • static getDerivedStateFromError(): This method is used to render a fallback UI after an error has been thrown.
  • componentDidCatch(): This method is used to log error information.

Error boundaries are an effective tool for enhancing your React applications’ dependability and stability. You can improve user experience and prevent errors from crashing your entire program by using error boundaries.


When to Use Error Boundaries 

You should use error boundaries in any React application to keep mistakes from crashing the whole application and to improve user experience. In React, error boundaries are helpful for detecting and addressing issues that happen in component constructors, lifecycle methods and rendering.

You can use the error boundaries in various situations, including:

  • Preventing an error in one component from causing the entire application to crash. Instead, error boundaries provide you the option to gracefully manage the issue and show a fallback user interface.
  • Providing a smoother user experience when an error occurs. Error boundaries present a helpful message or a fallback user interface (UI) rather than a blank screen or an error message that might be perplexing to the user.
  • Restricting faults to particular areas of your program. This means that the functionality of other components or the entire application will not be impacted by a bug in one component.
  • Logging problems, which can be helpful for debugging and troubleshooting. You can store error data locally for analysis or send it to a server for monitoring.
  • When working with code that might come into contact with unexpected events or data, including network requests, external libraries or user-generated material, error borders are especially helpful.
  • During development to recognize and handle mistakes in a controlled manner, making it simpler to debug and fix problems.

However, it’s important to use error boundaries appropriately. They aren’t intended to control how your program is supposed to behave or handle unexpected problems. They also miss mistakes in asynchronous code, such as setTimeout or Promise callbacks, as well as in event handlers.


Error Boundary in React Example

The example below uses an ErrorBoundary component to enclose the MyComponent component. The ErrorBoundary will detect an error if it happens within the MyComponent component and show a fallback UI. This stops the issue from crashing the application completely.

Error bounds can also be used to record error data. You can use this to find and correct mistakes in your code. Your error border component’s componentDidCatch() lifecycle method can be used to accomplish this.

Error Boundary code example.
Error boundary code example. | Image: Akshay Kumar

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How to Implement an Error Boundary in React

To implement an error boundary in React, you can follow these steps:

  • Create a class component that extends React.Component.
  • Implement either or both of the following lifecycle methods:
  • static getDerivedStateFromError(): This method is used to render a fallback UI after an error has been thrown.
  • componentDidCatch(): This method is used to log error information.
  • Wrap the component tree that you want to protect in the error boundary component.

Here is a simple example of an error boundary component:

Error buondary react component code example
Error buondary react component code example. | Image: Akshay Kumar

To use this error boundary, just include the component tree you wish to protect in the ErrorBoundary component, as shown below:

Error boundary component tree code.
Error boundary component tree code. | Image: Akshay Kumar

The ErrorBoundary will detect the error and show the fallback UI if it occurs in either MyComponent or AnotherComponent.

Error boundary can also be used to record error data. Your error border component’s componentDidCatch() lifecycle method can be used to accomplish this. The error object and the error info object are the two arguments given to the componentDidCatch() function. The component where the problem occurred is described in the error info object.


Encountering Errors with Error Boundaries Example

The ErrorBoundary component serves as a layer of security, preventing the crash of the entire application as a result of an error in a single component. Users can utilize the application without interruption in spite of any localized failures by isolating the problem. The whole user experience is improved by this method, which also guarantees robustness in the case of unwanted mistakes.

The example below uses an ErrorBoundary component to enclose the MyComponent component. More than 10 clicks on the button will result in an error being thrown by the MyComponent component. The problem will be detected by the ErrorBoundary component, which will then show the "Something went wrong" message in the fallback user interface.

This stops the issue from crashing the application completely. Even though the MyComponent component failed, the user can still utilize the application.

Example of error boundary preventing a component from failing.
Example of error boundary preventing a component from failing. | Image: Akshay Kumar

Within the App Component below, a state variable called count is initialized with a default value of zero. The JSX code comprises MyComponent, enclosed by an ErrorBoundary component, and a button that, upon each click, increments the count state by one.

App component code with error boundary.
App component code with error boundary. | Image: Akshay Kumar

Using an asynchronous operation, such as a network request, can also result in problems with error boundaries. You can use an error boundary to handle the issue and provide the user a fallback user interface if the network request fails.

You might, for instance, have a component that retrieves information from an API. If the API call fails, you can use an error boundary to show the user a message that reads, "Unable to fetch data."

You may increase the dependability and stability of your React applications and provide users a better experience by leveraging error boundaries.


Limitations of Using Error Boundary in React

Error boundaries are a potent tool for enhancing the dependability and stability of React applications, but they do have significant drawbacks. The following are some restrictions on React’s use of error boundaries:

  • Error boundaries can’t catch all errors. They’re unable to detect mistakes in event handlers, asynchronous programming or server-side rendering, for instance.
  • Error boundaries can add overhead to your application. This is necessary so that they can monitor the component tree’s current condition and identify faults.
  • Error boundaries can make it difficult to debug errors. This is due to the fact that they can hide the initial mistake and make it challenging to identify the problem’s underlying cause.
  • Only problems that happen during rendering, in lifecycle methods, or in the constructors of the entire tree below them can be caught by error boundaries. Event handler faults or problems in asynchronous code, such as setTimeout or Promise callbacks, won't be caught by them.
  • It doesn’t replace good coding principles. While it catches unexpected errors, your components should still have strong error handling and validation processes. 
  • Error boundaries can’t catch errors that occur in event handlers such as onClick and onChange. In some circumstances, try…catch blocks or other error handling strategies will be required.
  • The componentDidCatch lifecycle action and class components are used to implement error bounds. They can’t be directly used with functional components. However, you may achieve a similar feature with functional components by using the useErrorBoundary hook from third-party libraries.

If an error occurs within an error boundary itself, for example, in the componentDidCatch method, React will not be able to recover from that, and it will result in a double crash.

A tutorial on how to use error boundary in React. | Video: Codevolution

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Error Boundary vs Try…Catch

Try...catch and error boundaries are two methods used in JavaScript to deal with errors. They do, however, each have unique advantages and disadvantages.

Error boundaries is a React specific feature that enables you to catch problems anywhere in the component tree beneath them. Since it is declarative, all you need to do to secure a component tree is simply wrap it with an error border component.

Try…catch is a general JavaScript feature that enables you to detect mistakes in a particular piece of code. It’s mandatory, so you must explicitly enclose the code you want to safeguard in a try...catch block.


When Should You use error boundary?

  • To protect critical components from crashing the entire application.
  • To handle errors in asynchronous operations, such as network requests.
  • To log error information to help you identify and fix errors in your code.

Here is an example of how to use an error boundary:

React error boundary code example within MyComponent.
React error boundary code example within MyComponent. 
Example of React error boundary working.
Example of React error boundary working.

As we saw previously, this example uses an ErrorBoundary component to enclose the MyComponent component. After more than 10 clicks on the button, MyComponent will throw an error. Error boundary stops the issue from crashing the application completely. 


When Should You Use Try...Catch?

  • To handle errors in specific blocks of code.
  • To handle errors in event handlers.
  • To handle errors in server-side rendering.

Below is an example of try…catch in JavaScript. The fetchData() function will throw an exception if the API call is unsuccessful. The error will be caught by the try...catch block, allowing you to respond accordingly.

Try...catch block in JavaScript example.
Try...catch block in JavaScript example. | Image: Akshay Kumar


Frequently Asked Questions

Error boundary is a React-specific feature that allows you to wrap a component tree and helps you catch any problems that occur. This can increase the dependability and stability of React apps and improve user experience by preventing mistakes from crashing the entire program.

Try...catch and error boundary are two methods used in JavaScript to deal with errors.

  • Try…catch is a mandatory JavaScript feature used to detect mistakes. You must explicitly enclose the code you want to safeguard in a try…catch block.
  • Error boundary is a declarative feature specific to React that allows you to wrap a component tree.  
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