Guide to the JavaScript Array Filter() Method

The JavaScript filter() method iterates through an array and returns a filtered copy with elements that meet a condition. Learn how to use it.

Written by Akshay Kumar
Published on Aug. 15, 2023
Guide to the JavaScript Array Filter() Method
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In JavaScript, the filter() method is an iterative method that calls a callback function once for each element in an array. If the callback function returns true, it includes that element in the return array. The filter() method is also called a copying method because it returns a shallow copy of an array that contains the same elements as the ones from the original array.

What Does the JavaScript Array Filter() Method Do?

The JavaScript array filter() method allows you to filter an array to only see elements that meet a specified condition. It uses a callback function to iterate through each element in the array and only returns the ones that meet the specified condition. 

The JavaScript filter()method looks like any other methods, except that it accepts parameters that provide more options for manipulating the data within an array.

The filter() method accepts two named arguments: a callback function and an optional object. The callback function takes three arguments:

  • currentElement argument: This is the current element in the array that is being processed by the callback function.
  • The Index of the currentElement that is being processed by the callback function.
  • The array object.

The index of the array arguments are optional.


JavaScript Array Filter() Syntax

The filter() method creates a new array with all elements. There are three different ways to write the syntax of filter() method. The syntax is as follow:

  • Arrow function: filter((element, index)) => {// function body}
  • Callback function: filter(callbackFn, thisArg))
  • Inline callback function: filter(( function(element, index) => {// function body})

callbackFn executes each element of an array. It returns a truthy value to keep the element in an array. The callbackFn is called with the following arguments:

  • element: The current element being processed in the array.
  • index: The index of the current element.
  • array: The array filter() was called upon.
  • thisArg (optional): A value to use as this when executing callbackFn.

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How to Use the JavaScript Array Filter() method

To use the filter() method in JavaScript, we need to follow four steps:

  1. Define the array with elements.
  2. Call the filter() method on the array.
  3. Pass the function that will test each element of the array. The function should return true, if the element should be included in the new filtered array.
  4. Assign the new filtered array to a new variable.


JavaScript Filter() Method Example

Here is an example that uses the filter() method to filter an array based on a search criteria for car brands that start with the letter “B.”

JavaScript array for cars filtered using the filter() method to return cars that start with the letter b.
The JavaScript array filter() method returns cars that start with the letter b. | Image: Akshay Kumar

In this example, filter() method is called on the array cars to return only car brands that start with the letter “B.” The function filterItems takes two parameters arr and query that returns the new array with matching query value. Inside filterItemmethod filter() method is called on cars array that will filter the array based on the query. 

The filter() method traverses the array and tests each element to determine if it matches with the query. It returns a new array with three brands: Bentley, BMW and Bertone.

The filter() method does not modify the original array, but instead returns a new array with only the elements that pass the test inside the function.


Using JavaScript Filter() on an Array of Numbers

The following is the code that filters an array of numbers and creates a new array with only the even elements. The steps to use the filter() on array of numbers are:

  1. Define the array of numbers.
  2. Call the filter method on numbers and return the even elements from the array.
  3. Console the new array to check the output.

Here is an example that demonstrates the program.

javascript filter method used on an array of numbers to return only even numbers
JavaScript filter() method to return only even numbers. | Image: Akshay Kumar

In the above code, we defined an array of numbers numbersArr. We used the filter() method on numbersArr and passed a function that determined if each element is even by using the modulo operator % to see if the number is divisible by two. If the number is even, the function returns true and the element is included in the new array evenNumbers. If the number is odd, the function returns false, and the number is excluded from the new array.


Using JavaScript Filter() on an Array of Objects

The following is the code that filters an array of objects and creates a new array with only the truthy elements. The steps to use the filter() on array of objects are:

  1. Define the array of objects.
  2. Call the filter() method on array and return the new array that contains only the elements that matches the condition.
  3. Console the new array to check the output.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrate the program.

javascript filter() scans an array of freelancers with the skill JavaScript
JavaScript filter() method used to scan an array of freelancers with the skill set JavaScript. | Image: Akshay Kumar

In the above code, we defined an array of objects freelancers. We used the filter() method on the freelancers array and passed a function that checks if each freelancer is skilled in JavaScript. If the skill matched the condition, the the object was included in the new array filter_freelancers. If the skill does not match, the function returns false, and the object is excluded from the new array. The result returns a new array with two freelancers, Harry and David, who are skilled in JavaScript.


Using JavaScript Filter() to Find All Prime Numbers

The following is code that filters all the prime numbers from an array and creates a new array with only the prime numbers. The steps to use the filter() are:

  1. Define the array of numbers.
  2. Call the filter() method on array and return the new array that contains only the prime numbers.
  3. Console the new array to check the output.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates the example.

JavaScript filter() method used to return an array for prime numbers.
JavaScript filter() method used to return an array for prime numbers. | Image: Akshay Kumar

In the above code, we defined an array of numbers array. We used the filter() method on arrayand passed a function isPrime that checks if each element is prime. If the number is prime, the function returns true, and the element is included in a new array. If it doesn’t match, the function returns false, and the object is excluded from the new array. The search criteria surfaced a new array with the numbers [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13].


JavaScript Array Filter() Method Useful Tips

Here are some useful tips to use filter() method in JavaScript:

  • Javascript filter() method always returns a new array, it does not modify the original array.
  • Arrow functions provide a concise syntax for defining callback functions. It makes the code easier to read and write.
  • Use the second argument. The filter() method has an optional second argument that can be used to set the value of this within the callback function.
  • Chain methods: The filter() method can be chained with other array methods like map() and reduce() to aggregate data as needed.
JavaScript code for filter() method with chain methods
JavaScript code using the chaining method. | Image: Akshay Kumar
  • In the above example, the filter() method is used to create a new array with only the even numbers, the map() method is used to square each even number, and the reduce() is used to sum the squared numbers.
  • Reuse the callback function. It can help to reuse the code and reduce code duplication.
A tutorial on the JavaScript array filter() method. | Video: Programming with Mosh

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JavaScript Filter() Method Mistakes to Avoid

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when using the filter() in Javascript:

  • Not returning a boolean value. The filter() method expects a function that returns a boolean value.
  • Mutating the original array. Keep in mind that filter() method does not modify the original array.
  • Using the wrong syntax. Make sure you’re writing the correct syntax while using filter() method.
  • Failing to handle empty arrays. We need to make sure that we are writing edge cases to handle empty arrays.
  • Forgetting to use 'return' keyword. If you forgot to use the return keyword in your filter function, the result will be undefined.
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