Here’s What AI Does Best in the Hiring Process

A mix that includes the best of humans and machines creates a fair and efficient hiring process.

Written by Sameer Maskey
Published on Dec. 01, 2023
Here’s What AI Does Best in the Hiring Process
Image: Shutterstock / Built In

Artificial intelligence, with its prowess to analyze vast amounts of data and patterns, has become an invaluable tool for recruiters, automating many tasks and overall enhancing hiring efficiency.

How to Divide Hiring Tasks Between AI and Humans

AI: Sorting through resumes, analyzing data, onboarding
Humans: Assessing culture fit, gauging soft skills, ensuring a positive candidate experience, making intricate hiring decisions, negotiating

As organizations embrace AI-powered tools to enhance their recruitment procedures, it is imperative to delineate the tasks that are best suited for human expertise and those suited for AI. Let’s explore this intricate allocation of responsibilities between humans and AI in the hiring process and the best way they can collaborate to achieve optimal outcomes. 

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Where AI Excels in Hiring

According to a LinkedIn survey, 76 percent of recruiters anticipate a substantial influence of AI in hiring in the coming years. AI can expedite the recruitment process and also ensure a precise evaluation of candidates’ qualifications and potential through automated mechanisms. 

Swiftly sorting through resumes

In the interest of time and efficiency, recruiters can use AI algorithms to swiftly scan hundreds of resumes, identifying qualifications and credentials that the job description specifies. This automation ensures a speedy and more comprehensive initial screening. 

Analyzing data

AI excels at analyzing vast amounts of datasets to identify hiring trends, predict candidate success and optimize recruitment strategies. AI assists recruiters make data-driven decisions, enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the hiring process. 

For example, when individuals seek employment on Indeed, the platform leverages AI and machine learning algorithms to refine search outcomes by analyzing collected data and assisting job seekers discover the most suitable opportunities based on their qualification and needs. Indeed also employs natural language processing to interpret job descriptions and resumes, gauging crucial aspects and generating matches for both recruiters and job seekers. 

Efficient onboarding

A Glassdoor survey states implementing efficient onboarding procedures can result in an 82 percent employee retention rate and boost productivity by as much as 70 percent. AI-powered platforms can assist new hires by providing them with insights into company policies, answering queries and ensuring a smooth transition into the company. AI tools can also automate tasks such as paperwork, offer real-time feedback and organize training sessions to create a seamless onboarding experience

Where Humans Excel in Hiring

Human intuition, plus recruiters’ understanding of culture and processes, gives humans several advantages in the recruitment process. 

Assessing Culture Fit

Humans understand organizational culture. Assessing a candidates’ culture-fit quotient based on a company’s values, mission and goals demand human intuition. Recruiters, with their interpersonal skills, can explore candidates’ experiences and motivations and gauge whether their presence would be a harmonious fit within the existing team dynamics.

For example, in a group discussion setting, human recruiters can emphasize core company values such as respect, teamwork and integrity. Human recruiters can gauge whether a candidate embodies these qualities by observing their body language, their consideration for peers and how they treat and interact with others. 

Discerning soft skills

Similarly, recruiters are also adept at discerning important soft skills such as communication, leadership and adaptability which are pivotal in a candidate’s success within a team. Through curated interview interactions, role-playing exercises and situational assessments, humans provide valuable direction to decision making that still remains a challenge for AI to replicate accurately. 

Ensuring a positive candidate experience

Recruiters can engage with candidates and address their concerns, providing feedback to create a critical learning experience for all candidates, regardless of their appointment. These interactions prove to be fundamental in creating a thriving employer branding strategy and attracting top talent in the long run. 

Making intricate hiring decisions

Intricate hiring decisions, especially for senior or specialized roles, will always rely on human intelligence. Recruiters, because of their contextual understanding and industry knowledge, can weigh multiple factors such as candidate’s potential, long-term goals alignment and their strategic contribution, ensuring a holistic approach to decision-making.


As humans are skilled negotiators, hiring top talent by satisfying both the organization’s needs and candidate expectations still remains a critical task for human resources. HR professionals can strategically navigate salary discussions, benefits and other aspects of job offer, ensuring a mutually satisfactory agreement. 

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How to Achieve Human-AI Synergy When Hiring

Approximately 30 percent of organizations intend to integrate AI into their hiring process, but few are prepared for an effective AI collaboration, according to a 2023 Mercer report. Therefore, training initiatives for recruiters must concentrate on developing essential skills such as data literacy and analysis for interpreting AI-generated insights and mastering technology fundamentals to enable effective teamwork between employees and AI systems.

Organizations can begin with educating recruiters on the fundamentals of AI, its capabilities and limitations to manage expectations in regards to AI’s potential accordingly. As AI relies on data, recruiters must understand the mechanics of data quality and how algorithms work with data to curate decisions. This understanding enables recruiters to attain clarity on how algorithms are used in functions such as resume screening, candidate matching and predictive analytics. Having insights into these processes allows recruiters to interpret AI-driven recommendations effectively.

Similarly, recruiters must have some knowledge around ethical decision-making to adopt responsible AI practice and guidelines for avoiding bias and discrimination. Recruiters should also know about data protection laws and guidelines and they should understand how important it is to ensure candidates’ data privacy and confidentiality. 

AI is only as good as the data it is provided with. Given this, AI is a critical enabler in hiring, not a complete replacement for humans.

To enhance professional development and embrace continuous learning, encourage recruiters to attend workshops, webinars, and industry events. This enables hiring professionals to stay updated with the latest developments of AI trends and innovations, allowing them to navigate and curate their hiring journey accordingly. 

AI is only as good as the data it is provided with. Given this, AI is a critical enabler in hiring, not a complete replacement for humans. 

By understanding the distinctive strengths of both humans and AI, organizations can create a symbiotic relationship where each complements the other’s capabilities. However, organizations must make the candidate experience a top priority. While automation expedites processes, timely human interaction is vital for personalized outreach. 

When it harnesses the unique strengths of humans and machines, the recruitment process becomes streamlined and is imbued with a human touch, ensuring that organizations can acquire top talent and foster enduring relationships and a positive employer brand. The future of recruitment lies in a harmonious partnership in which humans and AI collaboratively shape the workforce of tomorrow.

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