How to Have an Amazing First Week at Your New Job

Ask lots of questions, avoid office politics and remember that first impressions matter.

Written by Paul Bramson
Published on Jun. 05, 2024
A young woman is smiling and shaking hands with a colleague.
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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Congratulations on your new position! The first week at your new job probably finds you with a mix of excitement, nerves and anticipation. It’s your opportunity to make a positive impression and set the tone for your tenure at the company. How you navigate these first days can significantly impact your future job satisfaction and success.

3 Top Tips for Your First Week on the Job

  1. Don’t overshare. Oversharing personal information can come off as unprofessional and lead to discomfort or unnecessary judgments.
  2.  Avoid office politics and gossip. Maintain a position of neutrality and focus on your role and responsibilities.
  3. Don’t promise what you can’t deliver. Setting unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment and stress. Communicate clearly about your capabilities and workloads to set achievable goals.

Before entering your new workplace, do your homework. By now, you have gone through the interview process, so you should have a pretty good idea about the company and its culture. Heading into Day One, reorient yourself with the company’s values, mission and recent news to better understand the organization you’re joining. This knowledge will help you align your actions and conversations with the company’s ethos.

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Make a Good First Impression 

First impressions count — a lot. Choose a first-day outfit consistent with the company’s dress code and culture. If you’re unsure, it’s generally better to err on the side of formality rather than too casual. Let your attire emanate professionalism and respect for the company’s standards. People notice these things.

Your attitude can be contagious, so bring positivity with you. A friendly, open demeanor will encourage others to interact with you and foster a welcoming environment. Smiles are contagious and encourage engagement. Enthusiasm is key, so be eager to learn and contribute from the start. Just keep it genuine — no need to overdo it. 

Timeliness also helps to make an outstanding first impression. Being on time, or even a few minutes early, shows respect for your employer and co-workers and also demonstrates good time management skills and sets a precedent for how you will handle your job responsibilities.


Be Ready to Learn

During the first week at your new job, you will likely receive a lot of crucial information, which can sometimes feel overwhelming. Take notes to capture important details such as people’s names, job titles, important dates and project details. Write down who oversees the different office functions, departments or project elements to remember who to go to with questions that come up. Taking notes helps you remember essential information and shows colleagues you are serious about learning. It also shows you’re diligent and detail oriented.

Pro Tip: Take Breaks

The first week of a new job is usually packed with meetings and information. Give yourself time between meetings and after work to reflect, review your notes and ensure understanding before moving on to the next round of new-job activity.

Before you can excel, however, you must get the fundamentals right. Ensure you understand routine procedures and protocols, how to navigate management, sales or internal company technology, how to track time effectively for accurate client billing and where to find additional resources to help you succeed. Demonstrating competence in necessary tasks demonstrates attentiveness and that you are capable and ready for more complex challenges. Knowing the basics from Day One allows you to immediately focus on the real work as opposed to getting bogged down in navigating administrative work.

Early on, seek to understand what is expected of you. Meet with your manager to discuss your role’s objectives, responsibilities, priorities and how your performance will be evaluated. Clear expectations allow you to focus on what is most important while enabling you to prioritize tasks that showcase your ability to meet and exceed targets.


Ask Questions

This is the time to be inquisitive. Clarity is key to your success. This first week and the ensuing early weeks are the time to ask all the questions. Gaining a clear understanding shows your engagement and commitment to getting things right. Just listen carefully to the answers and take copious notes to solidify and capture the information you receive.

Additionally, a good practice in any new job is to listen more than you speak. Always be ready to absorb information, whether direct instructions or general workplace chatter. Understanding the dynamics of your new environment is as critical as sharing your perspective.

Get to Know Your Team

Adapting to company culture is one of the most crucial aspects of starting a new job, so pay close attention to how your colleagues interact and the general work environment. Aligning and assimilating with cultural norms helps you fit in and truly become part of the team.

As you feel more settled in, start establishing rapport with your new colleagues by introducing yourself, engaging in small talk and showing genuine interest in them. Strong relationships make work more enjoyable and build an invaluable support network. 

If you have some extra downtime, don’t just sit idly. Offer your help to others, even with simple tasks, to show initiative and a willingness to be part of the team.

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Reflect and Seek Feedback

At the end of each workday during your first week, take a few minutes to reflect on what went well and what could be improved. This self assessment will help you to grow and adjust quickly to your new role.

Toward the end of the week, ask your manager for feedback. This demonstrates your willingness to improve and provides insights into how you can better align with the company's expectations.

Starting a new job is a balancing act. You’re showcasing your skills while integrating into an existing culture and social environment. Remember that this stage is both a challenge and an opportunity. Being prepared, engaged, proactive and reflective will help make your first week a foundation for continued success and satisfaction in your new role.

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