5 Signs You Should Quit Your New Job

No communication, no onboarding and droves of people quitting are three warning signs.

Written by Paul Bramson
Published on May. 09, 2024
5 Signs You Should Quit Your New Job
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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Starting a new job is an exciting milestone in any professional’s career journey. Quitting on the first day is probably the last thing on anyone’s mind and for most of us, a job is a necessary thing. Yet there are times when quitting within the first month on the job is absolutely the best option for your career. 

5 Signs Your New Job Isn’t a Good Fit

  1. You receive no onboarding or training.
  2. People around you are quitting in droves.
  3. You sense something illegal or unethical is going on.
  4. Communication in the office is poor or nonexistent.
  5. The office environment is toxic.

Recognizing any red flags early can be instrumental in safeguarding your career path. Heeding these red flags can help you make a change fast if needed and ensure productive work experiences that build your career and resume. 

In the past, leaving a job soon after taking it could reflect poorly on the individual for future opportunities. Today, it is more culturally and socially acceptable to move on sooner than to stay in a situation that is not right for the individual. This transformation can be attributed to several factors, including heightened awareness of workplace dynamics, a growing emphasis on mental health and work-life balance and the evolution of a more dynamic job market. 

Equipping yourself with the knowledge and tools to identify potential pitfalls early on will put you in a better position to navigate your career path with confidence and clarity. Being proactive is always best, so let’s start with steps to take before you accept a position.

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What to Do Before You Accept a Job

Job interviews serve as a platform for your potential employer to evaluate your skills and capabilities. Simultaneously, they offer you a pivotal opportunity to assess the company, familiarize yourself with key stakeholders and understand your prospective team dynamics. 

Taking proactive steps to research the company, its leadership and your future colleagues provides invaluable insights into its culture, values and alignment with your career aspirations and professional growth. Additionally, it allows you to gauge compatibility on a personal level.

Here are some steps to take before accepting an offer or perhaps even an interview with a company.

Research the Company Culture and Values

What’s presented on a company’s website regarding its culture and values may not always align with the actual employee experience. While websites often showcase an idealized version of the company culture, the actual workplace environment and values can vary based on individual experiences, team dynamics and organizational practices. Explore online resources like LinkedIn, a company’s social media profiles, job boards and career sites like Glassdoor. Job seekers need to supplement their research with other sources of information.

Seek Insights From Current or Former Employees

If you have contacts at the company, consider reaching out to gather firsthand perspectives on their experiences. Take the time to connect with team members on professional social platforms. You can also reach out to current or former employees to learn about the work environment, leadership style, growth opportunities and any challenges they’ve encountered.

Assess Career Development Prospects

Check for signs of internal advancement pathways, mentorship programs and ongoing training programs to gauge the organization’s commitment to fostering continuous growth and investing in employee development. For example, talk to current employees about their growth path within the company or research their career progression on their LinkedIn profile. Additionally, candidates can ask about defined promotion tracks and leadership development and mentoring programs.

Proactively vetting companies allows you to make informed decisions that align with your career goals and values. Remember to leverage available resources, seek input from trusted sources and carefully evaluate each opportunity to ensure a mutually beneficial fit for all parties involved.


5 Red Flags to Watch For

We are our own best advocates. If something does not feel right to you, don’t ignore it or brush it off. Even if you’re new to your career, you will likely know when something feels off or if someone has bad intentions.  

Always listen to your instincts. If you are still unsure, keep an eye out for these observable and key warning signs that might signal it’s time for you to start job hunting again.

Limited or No Onboarding

When you join a company, you should receive organized training on everything from how to log into your computer and navigate the systems or servers you will use to HR policies and a tour of the office. Your manager should onboard you to your clients and workload. If this is not present and you are in a sink-or-swim environment, assess if that is right for you and how you want to grow in your career.

High Turnover

Are you seeing many colleagues leaving? Are you observing a significant number of colleagues departing recently? Is it concentrated within specific teams or across the entire company? A pattern of departures, whether it’s a mass exodus or a steady stream of exits, might signal larger concerns with top-level leadership or team dynamics.

Toxic Work Environment

How is morale in your new company? Are people collaborative and engaged or do they tend to keep to themselves? Is the overall office vibe uplifting and positive, or do gossip and negativity prevail? Pay attention to any consistent negativity, whether it’s about the company, colleagues or clients, as this could indicate underlying issues that may affect your experience as a new employee.

Lack of or Poor Communication

Frequent communication lapses or ambiguous guidance from your manager or leaders might raise concerns or require early attention. Recognize communication preferences and foster open dialogue about how you prefer to receive and convey information. Persistent communication challenges can hinder your success in both the company and your role.

Ethical or Legal Concerns

If you witness or hear of unethical behavior, verify the information so you can take appropriate action to protect yourself and your career.

If the above warning signs present themselves, take proactive measures to protect your career trajectory and personal development. When determining your course of action, lean on your most trusted confidants to help you assess the situation, explore potential solutions and seek valuable advice and guidance. Your personal board of advisors will offer insights to help you choose the best path forward.

Exit StrategiesHow to Resign From a Job

How to Quit a Job You Just Accepted

Sometimes, despite your best intentions, a new job isn’t the right fit. If you find yourself in this situation soon after accepting a position, handling your resignation professionally and respectfully is crucial. Here are some tips for navigating this delicate process.

Evaluate Your Reasons

Take an honest look at why you want to leave. Consider the implications for your career goals and personal well-being by weighing the potential fallout, but don’t let fear alone deter you from making the right choice.

Notify Your Employer Promptly

Once you’ve decided to resign, schedule a meeting with your supervisor or HR representative. Prepare a formal resignation letter clearly stating your intended last day of work, express gratitude for the opportunity and if possible, deliver the news in person with poise and courtesy.

Offer to Help With the Transition

Offer to help transfer your duties smoothly by thoroughly documenting your role’s processes, providing a status update on projects and training others if needed. Your professionalism during this period is paramount.

Stay Professional

Avoid venting frustrations or criticizing the company and team so you can leave on the best terms possible.  Express appreciation for your time there. You never know when your paths may cross again professionally.

Use What You’ve Learned

Use this experience to refine what you want in your next role and analyze any red flags you may have missed to better evaluate fit during future job searches. Remember that an imperfect match now provides valuable insight for the future.

Leaving a job shortly after joining may feel awkward, but handling it diplomatically is key to maintaining your reputation. With grace and appreciation, you can transition smoothly while leaving the door open for future positive connections. 

Ultimately, your well-being and career advancement should guide your decision to stay or go. You can navigate these situations with confidence and integrity by approaching this process thoughtfully, communicating openly and staying true to your values.

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