Histogram of Oriented Gradients: An Overview

Histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) is a feature descriptor used in computer vision and image processing for object detection. Learn how it works.

Written by Mrinal Tyagi
Published on Apr. 02, 2024
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Histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) is a feature descriptor like the Canny edge detector and scale invariant and feature transform (SIFT). It’s used in computer vision and image processing for the purpose of object detection. The technique counts occurrences of gradient orientation in the localized portion of an image. 

What Is the Histogram of Oriented Gradients Method?

The histogram of oriented gradients method is a feature descriptor technique used in computer vision and image processing for object detection. It focuses on the shape of an object, counting the occurrences of gradient orientation in each local region. It then generates a histogram using the magnitude and orientation of the gradient. 

Histogram of oriented gradients method is also quite similar to edge orientation histograms and SIFT. The HOG descriptor focuses on the structure or the shape of an object. It’s better than any edge descriptor as it uses magnitude as well as the angle of the gradient to compute the features. For the regions of the image, it generates histograms using the magnitude and orientations of the gradient.


How to Calculate the Histogram of Oriented Gradients Features

Below are the 10 steps in the histogram of oriented gradients


1. Prepare the Input Image

Take the input of the image you want to calculate HOG features. Resize the image into an image of 128x64 pixels (128 pixels height and 64 pixels width). In a research paper on HOG, the authors used this dimension in the paper and suggested it as their primary aim with this type of detection was to obtain better results on the task of pedestrian detection. 

As the authors of this paper were obtaining exceptionally perfect results on the MIT pedestrian database, they decided to produce a new and significantly more challenging data set called the ‘INRIA’ data set, containing 1805 (128x64) images of humans cropped from a varied set of personal photos.

Three figures of B. The first image imported to get HOG features. The second imported image grayscale for the process. The third is resized and grayscale image of the imported image.
Figure 1:The image imported to get HOG features of; Figure 2: The imported image grayscale for the process. Figure 3: Resized and grayscale image of the imported image. | Image: Mrinal Tyagi

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2. Calculate the Gradient of the Image

The gradient of the image is calculated. The gradient is obtained by combining magnitude and angle from the image. Consider a block of 3x3 pixels, first Gx and Gy is calculated for each pixel using the formula below for each pixel value.

Where r, c refer to rows and columns respectively.
Where r, c refer to rows and columns respectively. | Image: Mrinal Tyagi

After calculating Gx and Gy, the magnitude and angle of each pixel is calculated using the formula mentioned below. 

Magnitude and angle formula.
Magnitude and angle formula. | Image: Mrinal Tyagi
Figure 4 : Visualization of magnitude of the image "B". Figure 5 : Visualization of angle of the image "B"
Figure 4: Visualization of magnitude of the image; Figure 5: Visualization of angle of the image. | Image: Mrinal Tyagi


3. Divide the Gradient Matrices to Form a Block 

After obtaining the gradient of each pixel, the gradient matrices (magnitude and angle matrix) are divided into 8x8 cells to form a block. For each block, a nine-point histogram is calculated. A nine-point histogram develops a histogram with nine bins and each bin has an angle range of 20 degrees. Figure 8 represents a nine-bin histogram in which the values are allocated after calculations. Each of these nine-point histograms can be plotted as histograms with bins outputting the intensity of the gradient in that bin. 

A block contains 64 different values. The following calculation will be performed for all 64 values of magnitude and gradient:

Number of bins and size equation.
Number of bins and size equation.| Image: Mrinal Tyagi

Each Jth bin, bin will have boundaries from:

Bin boundaries equation.
Bin boundaries equation. | Image: Mrinal Tyagi

The value of the center of each bin will be:

Center value for bins equation.
Center value for bins equation. | Image: Mrinal Tyagi
Figure 6: 8x8 blocks on the magnitude image "B". Figure 7: 8x8 blocks on an angle image "B".
Figure 6: 8x8 blocks on the magnitude image; Figure 7: 8x8 blocks on an angle image. | Image: Mrinal Tyagi
Figure 8: Representation of a 9-bin histogram.
Figure 8: Representation of a 9 bin histogram. | Image: Mrinal Tyagi

This one single histogram will be unique for one 8x8 block made up of 64 cells. All 64 cells will add their Vj and Vj+1 value to the jth and (j+1)th index of the array respectively.


4. Calculate the Jth Bin

For each cell in a block, we will first calculate the jth bin and then the value that will be provided to the jth and (j+1)th bin respectively. The value is given by the following formulas:

Calculation for the jth bin.
Calculation for the jth bin. | Image: Mrinal Tyagi


5. Calculate the Arrays for Each Pixel

An array is taken as a bin for a block and values of Vj and Vj+1 is appended in the array at the index of jth and (j+1)th bin calculated for each pixel.


6. Histogram Computation Is Finished for Each Block

 The resultant matrix after the above calculations will have the shape of 16x8x9.

A tutorial on how to calculate histogram of oriented gradient features. | Video: Cogneethi


7. Club Together the Blocks

Once histogram computation is over for all blocks, four blocks from the nine-point histogram matrix are clubbed together to form a new block (2x2). This clubbing is done in an overlapping manner with a stride of eight pixels. For all four cells in a block, we concatenate all the nine-point histograms for each constituent cell to form a 36 feature vector.

Method for calculation of 9 bin histograms is illustrated in this image.
Method for calculation of 9 bin histograms is illustrated in the above image. | Image: Mrinal Tyagi
Histogram equation.
Histogram equation. | Image: Mrinal Tyagi
Traversing of 2x2 grid box around the image in order to make a combined fbi from four blocks.
Traversing of 2x2 grid box around the image in order to make a combined fbi from 4 blocks. | Image: Mrinal Tyagi


8. Calculate the L2 Norm

Values of fb for each block is normalized by the L2 norm:

L2 Norm equation
L2 norm equation. | Image: Mrinal Tyagi

Where ε is a small value added to the square of fb in order to avoid zero division error. In code value taken is 1e-05. (Image by author)


9. Normalize the Value 

To normalize, the value of k is first calculated by the following formula:

Value of K equation
Value of K equation

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10. Obtain the HOG Features

This normalization is done to reduce the effect of changes in contrast between images of the same object. From each block, a 36-point feature vector is collected. In the horizontal direction there are 7 blocks and in the vertical direction there are 15 blocks. So the total length of HOG features will be : 7 x 15 x 36 = 3780. HOG features of the selected image are obtained.

Visualization of HOG features on the same image using skimage library.
Visualization of HOG features on the same image using skimage library. | Image: Mrinal Tyagi


Histogram of Oriented Gradients Features From Scratch in Python

Here are the steps to calculating the histogram of oriented gradients features in Python.


1. Import the Libraries and Image

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage import io
from skimage import color
from skimage.transform import resize
import math
from skimage.feature import hog
import numpy as np

img = resize(color.rgb2gray(io.imread("B.jpg")), (128, 64))


2. Visualization of the Image

plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))
plt.imshow(img, cmap="gray")
Figure of B
Visualization of the image B. | Image: Mrinal Tyagi
img = np.array(img)


3. Calculate the Gradient and Angle of the Image

mag = []
theta = []
for i in range(128):
  magnitudeArray = []
  angleArray = []
  for j in range(64):
    # Condition for axis 0
    if j-1 <= 0 or j+1 >= 64:
      if j-1 <= 0:
        # Condition if first element
        Gx = img[i][j+1] - 0
      elif j + 1 >= len(img[0]):
        Gx = 0 - img[i][j-1]
    # Condition for first element
      Gx = img[i][j+1] - img[i][j-1]
    # Condition for axis 1
    if i-1 <= 0 or i+1 >= 128:
      if i-1 <= 0:
        Gy = 0 - img[i+1][j]
      elif i +1 >= 128:
        Gy = img[i-1][j] - 0
      Gy = img[i-1][j] - img[i+1][j]

    # Calculating magnitude
    magnitude = math.sqrt(pow(Gx, 2) + pow(Gy, 2))
    magnitudeArray.append(round(magnitude, 9))

    # Calculating angle
    if Gx == 0:
      angle = math.degrees(0.0)
      angle = math.degrees(abs(math.atan(Gy / Gx)))
    angleArray.append(round(angle, 9))
mag = np.array(mag)
theta = np.array(theta)


4. Visualization of the Image Magnitude

plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))
plt.imshow(mag, cmap="gray")
Magnitude of image B
Magnitude of image B.  | Image: Mrinal Tyagi


5. Visualization of the Image Angle

plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))
plt.imshow(theta, cmap="gray")
Angle of the image B.
Angle of the image B. | Image: Mrinal Tyagi
number_of_bins = 9
step_size = 180 / number_of_bins


6. Function to Calculate the Jth Bin

def calculate_j(angle):
  temp = (angle / step_size) - 0.5
  j = math.floor(temp)
  return j


7. Function to Calculate the Center Value of Jth Bin

def calculate_Cj(j):
  Cj = step_size * (j + 0.5)
  return round(Cj, 9)


8. Function to Calculate the Value of Jth Bin

def calculate_value_j(magnitude, angle, j):
  Cj = calculate_Cj(j+1)
  Vj = magnitude * ((Cj - angle) / step_size)
  return round(Vj, 9)

9. Create a 9-Point Histogram for 8x8 Cells

histogram_points_nine = []
for i in range(0, 128, 8):
  temp = []
  for j in range(0, 64, 8):
    magnitude_values = [[mag[i][x] for x in range(j, j+8)] for i in range(i,i+8)]
    angle_values = [[theta[i][x] for x in range(j, j+8)] for i in range(i, i+8)]
    for k in range(len(magnitude_values)):
      for l in range(len(magnitude_values[0])):
        bins = [0.0 for _ in range(number_of_bins)]
        value_j = calculate_j(angle_values[k][l])
        Vj = calculate_value_j(magnitude_values[k][l], angle_values[k][l], value_j)
        Vj_1 = magnitude_values[k][l] - Vj
        bins = [round(x, 9) for x in bins]


10. Create a Histogram of Oriented Gradient Feature Vector for 9-Point Histogram With 2x2 Blocks

One block is made up by 8x8 cells.

epsilon = 1e-05
feature_vectors = []
for i in range(0, len(histogram_points_nine) - 1, 1):
  temp = []
  for j in range(0, len(histogram_points_nine[0]) - 1, 1):
    values = [[histogram_points_nine[i][x] for x in range(j, j+2)] for i in range(i, i+2)]
    final_vector = []
    for k in values:
      for l in k:
        for m in l:
    k = round(math.sqrt(sum([pow(x, 2) for x in final_vector])), 9)
    final_vector = [round(x/(k + epsilon), 9) for x in final_vector]


11. Number of Histogram of Oriented Gradient Features Obtained

print(f'Number of HOG features = {len(feature_vectors) * len(feature_vectors[0]) * len(feature_vectors[0][0])}')
Number of HOG features = 3780


Histogram of Oriented Gradient Features Using Skimage Library in Python

Follow these steps to calculate the histogram of oriented gradient features using Python’s SKimage library.


1. Import the Libraries

from skimage.io import imread
from skimage.transform import resize
from skimage.feature import hog
from skimage import exposure
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


2. Read the Image

img = imread('B.jpg')
(781, 794, 3)
Image of B
Image of B. | Image: Mrinal Tyagi


3. Resize the Image

resized_img = resize(img, (128*4, 64*4))
(512, 256, 3)
B resized.
B resized. | Image: Mrinal Tyagi


4. Create and Visualize the Histogram of Oriented Gradient Features

fd, hog_image = hog(resized_img, orientations=9, pixels_per_cell=(8, 8),
                	cells_per_block=(2, 2), visualize=True, multichannel=True)
plt.imshow(hog_image, cmap="gray")
Visualization of HOG features for B.
Visualization of HOG features for B. | Image: Mrinal Tyagi
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