How to Boost Your Email Outreach Strategy to Close More Deals

Effective email outreach campaigns can help your sales teams generate more leads and bring in more revenue. Here’s how to do it. 

Written by Margaret Lee
Published on Nov. 14, 2023
How to Boost Your Email Outreach Strategy to Close More Deals
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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Emails are one of the top sources that B2B decision makers rely on to make their purchase decisions. Your sales teams can generate more leads, close more deals and boost overall performance by leveraging email to connect with potential customers and nurture relationships. 

But with so many competing messages in inboxes, it’s hard to stand out and make a meaningful connection with prospects.

4 Email Outreach Strategy Tips

  1. Write compelling copy.
  2. Use a personal touch.
  3. Provide value.
  4. Include a clear call to action.

In this piece, we’ll discuss why it’s essential to develop a highly personalized email outreach strategy that brings value to your potential customers. We’ll also share actionable tips on how to boost your sales efforts by experimenting and measuring the performance of your campaigns.


Advantages of Email Outreach in Modern Marketing

Cold emails are an inseparable part of any company’s marketing strategy. With email outreach, businesses can:

  • Increase brand awareness and reach new audiences. The right email strategy empowers businesses to connect with potential customers personally and introduce themselves to new prospects.
  • Generate leads and close deals. By sending targeted messages to qualified prospects, your salespeople can start conversations and move prospects down the sales funnel.
  • Nurture leads and relationships. Email outreach can be used to develop relationships with potential customers by providing them with valuable content and insights. This helps to build trust and credibility and makes prospects more likely to convert into customers.

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Email Outreach Fundamentals

Despite its high potential to drive revenue, a solid and effective email outreach strategy can be challenging. Without the proper foundation, it can be easy to fall into a spray-and-pray approach with emails disappearing into prospect spam folders. It’s hard to imagine a successful email outreach approach without the following factors:

  • A quality email list. A common mistake is to specify the wrong industry of the contact. As a result, your leads can get irrelevant offerings. Also, outdated or wrong email addresses can undermine your sender reputation. Make sure to regularly scrub your email list to remove any invalid or inactive emails and update contact information.
  • Proper configuration of your mailboxes and domains. This ensures your emails are delivered and keeps your campaigns from landing in spam folders.
  • Personalization and list segmentation. This allows you to send targeted messages to different groups of people based on their interests, needs, and demographics. This helps to increase the relevance of your messages and improve your open rates, engagement, and — most importantly — conversions.
  • Well-crafted email templates. This helps you resonate with your audience. In addition to personalization, it’s about plain text, conciseness, clarity and constant A/B tests


4 Ways to Get the Most of Your Email Outreach Strategy

Once you have a solid foundation in place, there are a few key things you can do to get the most out of your email outreach strategy:

  1. Write compelling copy. Resonating copy is the heart and soul of email outreach. It’s all about understanding your audience’s pain points and addressing them head-on.
  2. Use a personal touch. People are more likely to open and read emails that are tailored to them. Use their name in the subject line and throughout the email, and include specific details about their company or industry.
  3. Provide value. Show the solutions instead of writing something generic. Add industry proofs or, even better, your case studies.
  4. Include a clear call to action. Tell the recipient what you want them to do next, whether it’s scheduling a demo, signing up for a free trial, or visiting your website.


Email Outreach Template Example

Here’s one of the email templates we use to improve engagement and book more appointments:

Subject line A: You or {{Referral_Name}}

Subject line B: the right direction

Hi {{FirstName}},

I’m looking for the right person to discuss {{Company}}’s marketing goals. Would it be you or {{Referral_Name}}?

With {{Company}}, you can get a free audit of your current strategy and reach {{Pain_Solution}}.

What about a 30-minute intro call on Tuesday?



Though good copy is an inseparable part of any outreach campaign, you should experiment with different ways to approach your audience in order to get the best results. 

For instance, we have a large database of around 100,000 potential clients our SDRs work with. To support and enhance their efforts, we also launched tailored ad campaigns on social media and Google to target our website visitors. On top of that, we integrated with LeadFeeder, which allows our SDRs to get notified when our existing contacts visit our website and reach out to them.

This extended our email outreach strategy and helped us increase conversions by 20 percent.


5 Tools to Optimize Your Email Outreach Efforts

Check out a few of the most popular tools that can enhance your email outreach campaigns, from data management and segmentation to email marketing automation and analytics:


1. Folderly 

Folderly is useful for configuring your mailboxes and mass campaigns. The platform helps you get into your clients’ inboxes, monitor your domain health, maintain a high sender score, improve the content of your emails to avoid spam triggers, and more.


2. HubSpot Sales and Marketing Hubs

HubSpot Sales and Marketing Hubs ensure sales and marketing alignment and include a number of features for email outreach, such as email tracking, lead scoring and reporting. You can also automate different processes in your funnel to save resources and move leads through the funnel faster.


3. LeadFeeder

LeadFeeder shows you which companies have visited your website. You can connect it to HubSpot and set up automation scenarios. For example, when an account from the company from your database visits your website, the BDR who works with them immediately receives a notification and can reach out to this contact.


4. Apollo

Apollo enables you to find accurate contact data about your prospects. This simplifies further lead qualification and improves the quality of your lead lists.


5. Charge

Charge helps you automate and send bulk outreach campaigns from Outlook. You can also easily customize your email templates, using variables from your lead database and manage your lead lists.

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5 Email Outreach Metrics to Track

Finally, let’s review some key performance metrics that’ll keep your outreach game on point:


1. Number of demo calls

This metric shows how many potential customers you have interested in your offering.

How to calculate it: Divide the total number of demo calls by the total number of potential customers contacted.


2. Conversion from contact to demo

The percentage of potential customers who signed up for a demo after being contacted by you. With this metric, you can understand how effective your outreach strategy is. Low conversion can either point to poor message copy, irrelevant value proposition, bad timing, or even to wrong point of contact.

How to calculate it: Divide the number of potential customers who agreed to a demo by the total number of potential customers contacted.


3. Average number of touches to demo

It’s about how many times you contacted a potential customer before they booked an appointment with you. This metric helps you determine how much effort you need to put in to engage potential customers.

How to calculate it: Divide the total number of times you contacted a potential customer by the number of potential customers who agreed to a demo.


4. Conversion from demo to customer

This metric shows how effective your offering and communication are, by showing the percentage of potential customers who bought from you after participating in a demo.

How to calculate it: Divide the number of prospects who became customers by the number of prospects who agreed to a demo.


5. Return on investment

Return on investment (ROI) measures how much revenue you receive from your outbound investment. This metric is one of the most important ones, as it shows whether your outbound campaigns are profitable.

How to calculate it: Divide the net profit from your outbound campaigns by the total cost of your outbound campaigns.

To sum it up, be sure to diversify and experiment with your copy, timing, channels,and tools you use for outreach. It’s always a good idea to compare your campaign performance against industry benchmarks to keep track of where you are on your way to getting more sales.

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