How Tech Can Help Black Americans Build Generational Wealth

There’s a straight and solid line between tech’s lack of diversity and the wealth gap between white and Black Americans.

Written by David Lee
Published on Jan. 05, 2024
How Tech Can Help Black Americans Build Generational Wealth
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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Imagine walking down the bustling corridors of a tech giant’s headquarters — the soft hum of servers, the intermittent clatter of keyboards, and lively discussions about the next big disruption in technology. 

3 Ways to support Black Talent in Tech

  1. Demand change. Push for diversity initiatives in tech companies, and hold them accountable for equitable hiring practices. 
  2. Invest in the future. Donate to organizations empowering Black students in STEM, create internship opportunities for Black talent and mentor the next generation of tech leaders.
  3. Share the stories. Amplify the voices of Black innovators, celebrate their achievements, and show the world the brilliance that waits to be unleashed.

Amid this backdrop of creative frenzy, you notice an alarming uniformity in the faces that pass by. Black engineers, developers and innovators are few and far between, their presence diluted in the overwhelming whiteness of the tech industry. This disparity is a social concern and a technological one, too. The underrepresentation of Black talent is a loss of potential innovation and also feeds into a cycle of algorithmic bias, strengthening the systemic inequities that technology should be dismantling.

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The Economic Impact of the Black Tech Talent Gap

McKinsey’s How to Close the Black Tech Talent Gap report paints a stark picture of the growing gulf between Black and white Americans in the tech sector. This isn’t just a matter of missed career opportunities; it’s a critical threat to future Black wealth creation, with potentially devastating consequences for generations to come.  Let’s delve into the report’s findings and unpack the ripple effects of the projected wage gap.

The report estimates that by 2030, Black households could miss out on $350 billion in wages due to the current tech talent gap. This translates to an average annual loss of $11,000 per Black household, a significant drain on economic stability and upward mobility. The lost wages translate directly into lost wealth accumulation. 

With lower incomes, Black families struggle to save, invest and pass on financial resources to future generations. This perpetuates the cycle of wealth inequality and hinders Black families’ ability to build financial security. The wage gap intersects with other systemic inequalities like housing discrimination and limited access to quality education. This creates a perfect storm for Black wealth to stagnate or even decline, widening the economic chasm between races.


Barriers in Tech for Black Talent

Imagine navigating a tech industry where the algorithm of opportunity is tilted against you. Systemic bias lingers in hiring practices, subtly pushing resumes with unfamiliar names aside. Role models who reflect your experience are scarce; their faces are missing from boardrooms and conference stages. The path to quality STEM education, often paved with limited resources and funding, seems longer and steeper for your community. 

This, in essence, is the reality of Black access to tech — a landscape brimming with potential yet choked by persistent barriers disguised as meritocracy. Educational disparities cast long shadows, while a lack of representation leaves young minds questioning whether their dreams belong in this field. This tangled web of challenges is woven from the threads of bias, opportunity gaps and a system that often fails to recognize the inherent brilliance waiting to be unleashed.

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How to Build an Inclusive Tech Future

Addressing the barriers Black individuals face requires proactive solutions that build bridges, not walls. Collaborative initiatives like partnerships between tech giants and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) hold immense potential. 

Imagine these partnerships fostering pathways to success through scholarships, internship programs and co-op opportunities that equip Black students with the skills and experience they need to thrive in the industry. Mentorship programs can also play a crucial role, connecting aspiring Black professionals with seasoned mentors who can offer guidance, support, and invaluable insights. 

Furthermore, targeted outreach initiatives within underserved communities can spark interest and inspire young minds to consider careers in tech, opening doors that may have previously seemed out of reach. By implementing these solutions, we can begin to dismantle the systemic barriers and build a stronger, more inclusive tech landscape where Black talent can flourish and contribute their unique perspectives and innovations.

Closing the tech talent gap will do much to close the Black wage gap, build stronger communities, and unleash the full potential of the American dream.

Imagine a future where opportunity doesn’t have a color, where the algorithms powering our world reflect the full spectrum of human potential, and the lines of code crackle with the innovation of Black minds. Much more than a utopian dream, this is the key to unlocking prosperity for future generations.

The Black tech talent gap is a gaping wound in the American economy, to the tune of $350 billion in lost wages by 2030.  That’s money for college tuition, homeownership and building generational wealth — an invisible tax on Black potential.

Closing the tech talent gap will do much to close the Black wage gap, build stronger communities, and unleash the full potential of the American dream. Don’t wait for someone else to code the future. Take action today, and be the change you want to see in the world.

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