10 Communication Tips Leaders Can Learn From Engineers

Developers don’t just write code, they also spend most of their time collaborating with coworkers and talking through complex problems. Leaders, take note.

Written by Anish Dhar
Published on Aug. 27, 2024
Engineering team collaborating in board room
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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While most leaders may not immediately associate engineers with expert communicators, the truth is that the analytical mindset and problem-solving skills developed throughout an engineering career can make them some of the most impactful communicators in any organization. I began my career as an engineer, and now as a CEO, my background gave me a leg-up on how I speak and communicate with others. The analytical function of an engineer creates remarkably clear, efficient and direct exchanges

10 Communication Tactics Leaders Can Learn From Developers

  1. Be precise and specific.
  2. Structure your message logically.
  3. Focus on data and evidence.
  4. Explain complex concepts simply.
  5. Practice active listening.
  6. Be solutions-oriented.
  7. Embrace iteration and feedback.
  8. Use visual aids effectively.
  9. Implement version control.
  10. Document everything.

Think of the core tasks of an engineer. It’s mostly writing code, but I also spent my time collaborating with coworkers, discussing technical ideas and talking through complex problems. Engineering is a team sport, and there’s a lot of nuance that must be preserved from person to person, department to department and year to year. Those are skills that any leader can learn from.


10 Communication Skills Leaders Can Learn From Developers

1. Be Precise and Specific

Engineers are trained to be exact in their work, and that extends to their communication. If they’re discussing a software update, for example, they need to know every specific requested change. Clear, unambiguous language is the best way to convey a message. Providing specific details and examples helps to clarify your points, while avoiding vague statements or generalizations ensures that your audience understands your intent.

2. Structure Your Message Logically

Engineers approach problems methodically and systematically. The best code isn’t just the most efficient, it's also written in a logical way so that another engineer can read it, follow along and fix any bugs. They value clarity and logic so the reader can easily understand the point. Rather than rambling, a clear structure, such as presenting information in a sequence that outlines the problem, analysis and solution, makes it easiest for the reader to process the information. Bullet points and numbered lists help the message become more digestible and add details to complex information.

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3. Focus on Data and Evidence

When evaluating their work, engineers like to lean on data and evidence-based decision-making. They’re not much for theoreticals, especially when they can easily test something first-hand. Using data and metrics makes their arguments more compelling and credible, and that’s just as true for business communication. 

4. Explain Complex Concepts Simply

Engineers don’t just work with other engineers,  they work with product teams, project managers, graphic designers, communications teams and more. They often work with people who don’t have their same technical knowledge. To do this, they need to be able to simplify and translate technical jargon into everyday language. The best engineers break down complex ideas through analogies and metaphors, separating complicated processes into simpler steps and avoiding jargon to make the information more relatable and easier to understand. Speaking to someone at their level of expertise shows respect and makes the conversation more effective and efficient. 

5. Practice Active Listening

On the flip side, engineers also have to process information outside of their skillset, such as UX terms, or marketing lingo, and apply it to their work. This often involves asking questions and providing relevant feedback to foster effective two-way communication. Teams can’t function without open pathways between both the messenger and the receiver. As much as leaders need to be great communicators, they need to be great listeners, too. There are plenty of things that I don’t know, and I’m never afraid to admit that and ask questions.

6. Be Solution-Oriented

Engineers are trained to find solutions to problems. It’s not often that an engineer will say that something is unsolvable. Their focus on actionable steps and outcomes helps drive the conversation toward productive ends. Rather than discussing what went wrong or finding blame during a code red or a bug fix, they focus on brainstorming and collaborative problem-solving. Of course, it’s important to find the root of the problem to prevent it from happening again, but they save it for when a solution has been found and there’s time to conduct a post-mortem.

7. Embrace Iteration and Feedback

Development is an iterative process. Updates go through rounds of building, testing and deployment, and developers are continuously fixing bugs and improving features. That makes engineers pretty thick-skinned; eventually, something you build will break or go wrong. Feedback is an essential and inevitable part of the process. This is also true as a leader. Continuously refining and improving your communication style based on input from others will build you into a better communicator.

8. Use Visual Aids Effectively

To present their ideas or discuss processes, engineers frequently rely on diagrams and visual representations in their work. During team discussions or problem-solving sessions, engineers often use whiteboards to quickly draw visual representations of ideas or solutions. Incorporating relevant visuals to support your message can make complex information more digestible. Just make sure that they are clear, simple, and easy to understand, as convoluted visuals will take away from your point.

9. Implement Version Control

Engineers use version control systems to manage changes in their projects, and the same is essential for pretty much every document in a company. We’ve all lived the chaos of a document that exists in five different places, each with slightly different numbers or wording. Effective version control is possible through using a shared document management system, like Google Drive, Microsoft Teams, or industry-specific software, and ensures all team members are working with the most current information and directives.

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10. Document Everything

Engineers are accustomed to documenting their work meticulously. Their documentation isn’t just for themselves, or even for their current teammates, but instructions for engineers in the years to come. The notes have to be clear enough to stand on their own. I’ve experienced when this process isn’t done well, and it causes platform- and company-wide problems. Thorough documentation is imperative across any organization, for everything from HR policies to the sales process to brand guidelines.

Next time you meet with your developer team, take a moment to observe how they work together. Communication is a skill learned like any other, and these engineering-inspired approaches can help you communicate more effectively and foster a culture of clarity and continuous improvement.

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