Product Strategy Articles

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Shirin Shahin Shirin Shahin
Updated on April 23, 2024

Competitive Intelligence: A Beginner’s Guide

Gather intelligence and get in front of whatever your competitors are up to.

Image: Shutterstock / Built In
David Burn David Burn
Updated on April 23, 2024

How Brand Marketing Strategy Fits Into Product-Driven Organizations

As impressive as new technology is, people want to know what it means for them.

Slavik Markovich Slavik Markovich
Updated on April 22, 2024

5 Tips for New Entrepreneurs That Don’t Just Tell You To Fail First

The hallmark of a successful entrepreneur is being able to transform a misstep into an opportunity.

Image: Shutterstock / Built In
James P. Murphy James P. Murphy
Updated on April 22, 2024

Why Your Company Should Develop an IP Strategy

An intellectual property strategy can help you maximize marketplace impact. Consider these elements when creating one.

Kristian Kabashi Kristian Kabashi
Updated on April 22, 2024

Why You Should Treat Your Business Like a Product

In the emerging era of work, the most successful businesses will be the ones who view their entire business as a product.

Image: Shutterstock / Built In
Dave Perretz Dave Perretz
Updated on April 22, 2024

Before You Develop a Business Strategy, Do This

Businesses often make the mistake of crafting a strategy based on their own perception about what value they offer customers. It’s possible to build a much more effective plan, however, by figuring out your unique value proposition.

Jaime Levy Jaime Levy
Updated on April 20, 2024

What Is UX Strategy?

A shared vision, developed through strategy, means that your team and stakeholders have the same mental model for your future product. Good strategy takes you from where you are to where you want to be.

Thanh Khuu Thanh Khuu
Updated on April 20, 2024

How to Overhaul Your Site’s UX Without Breaking Everything

How do you give your site a redesign when it still has to serve millions of daily users? Our expert shares lessons from his recent experience.

Image: Shutterstock / Built In
Mike Hyzy and Bret Wardle Mike Hyzy and Bret Wardle
Updated on April 20, 2024

How to Gamify Your UX Design Process

Six steps to implement achievements into your UX and UI design process, with examples.

Image: Shutterstock / Built In
Ed Orozco Ed Orozco
Updated on April 20, 2024

What Is Design Strategy, and Why Do You Need One?

A design strategy is a set of principles that aligns your business’s mission and vision with the design of your products. Use this guide to put one together for your business today.