The document ready method ensures that a section of JavaScript code only runs once the document object model (DOM) is ready. Here’s how to do it in JavaScript without jQuery.
There are a few common methods to determine if a checkbox is checked in JavaScript and jQuery, including: the checked property, :checked selector and the prop() method. Learn more.
Converting a JavaScript string into a number is useful for comparing numerical data that comes in string format and completing math operations. Here are seven methods to do it.
There are several methods to check if an object has a property in JavaScript, including the in operator, object.hasOwn() method, checking for undefined value and more.
Ruby on Rails has long been a staple for building web applications, but JavaScript’s flexibility has made it the go-to programming language. Here’s why it’s time to make the switch.
There are several ways to get the last element of an array including length property and square bracket notation, slice() method and pop() method. Here are nine methods to try.
Arrays are a versatile structure in JavaScript that holds multiple data types. Find the maximum value in an array using for loop, math.max() and the reduce method.