What Is the Turing Test?

In the Turing Test, a computer and human are asked questions to determine which is human. If the computer is indistinguishable from the human, it passes the Turing Test.

Written by Eric Kleppen
What Is the Turing Test?
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Brennan Whitfield | Dec 22, 2023

The Turing Test, one of the most discussed methods for assessing artificial intelligence (AI), dates back to the 1950s. It grew out of a thought experiment devised by computer scientist Alan Turing in which he devised what he initially named The Imitation Game. This test pits human respondents against a machine in order to test the machine’s ability to exhibit human-like responses and intelligence. To this day, the Turing Test is widely considered a benchmark for measuring the success of AI research.

What Is the Turing Test?

The Turing Test is a method that tests a machine's ability to exhibit human-like responses and intelligence. It has popularly been used as a benchmark testing method to assess the development of artificial intelligence (AI) systems.


How Does the Turing Test Work?

The Turing Test is performed by placing a human in one room and a machine in another. Then a judge, or panel of judges, addresses each room with questions regarding any topic to which a human should be able to respond. If the machine passed Turing’s test, it shows the machine’s ability to process human syntax and semantics, which is thought to be a step toward creating artificial general intelligence.

Regardless of a computer’s ability to pass the Turing Test, there is no real way for us to tell whether or not a machine truly understands human semantics. The test simply judges machines on their ability to converse with human-like eloquence, not human-like understanding. This limitation has led some AI researchers to argue the Turing Test is less relevant than it used to be.

Has Anything Ever Passed the Turing Test?

While no machine has ever passed the Turing Test flawlessly, several machines have fooled judges to some extent. As far back as 1966, MIT professor Joseph Weizenbaum created a machine named ELIZA that analyzed keywords from the judge’s questions and output full sentences. ELIZA is regarded as one of the first computers to have fooled a judge. 

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Turing Test Example Questions

While there is no official list of Turing Test questions, a judge would likely ask questions that relate to human experiences like emotions and maturation, or linguistic riddles that could be difficult for a machine to parse. Here are some questions to ask if you find yourself judging a Turing Test:

  • What is your most memorable childhood event and how has that impacted you today? 
  • Describe yourself using only colors and shapes.
  • Describe why time flies like an arrow but fruit flies like a banana?
  • How do you feel when you think about your upbringing and what makes you feel that way?
  • What historical event changed you the most and where were you when it happened? 
  • Which of the previous questions was the most difficult to answer and why?

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History of the Turing Test

Alan Turing is considered to be one of the pioneers of computer science and artificial intelligence. His original proposal for the Turing Test was his 1950 paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence.” The premise of the paper focuses on the question, “can machines think?” To answer his question, Turing proposed a test in which a human judge would engage in a natural language conversation with both a human and a machine, without knowing which was which. If the judge was unable to distinguish the machine from the human, the machine passed Turing’s test.

Over the following decades, the field of AI has made significant progress and the Turing Test evolved. The Loebner Prize Turing Test began in 1990 and is recognized as one of the most prominent versions of the Turing Test. In 2010, a computer dubbed Bruce Wilcox successfully fooled one judge a single time for the Loebner Prize. Since then, other machines have fooled judges and won the Loebner Prize. The Loebner Prize stopped being awarded in 2020.

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Turing Test: Variations and Alternatives

Since its inception, Turing’s test has undergone slight changes but the goal has always remained the same — to evaluate artificial intelligence. Although Turing himself never specified the amount of time given to the judge, in more recent versions of the test, such as the Loebner Prize Turing Test, if the judge cannot determine which room has a human and which room has a machine after a question-and-answer period of 25 minutes, the machine passes Turing’s test.

As artificial intelligence technology improved, others have devised variations on the Turing Test. Some of the more interesting variations include the Reverse Turing Test, the Marcus Test and the Lovelace Test 2.0.

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The Reverse Turing Test

In the reverse Turing Test, the subjects attempt to appear as a computer rather than a human. The goal is to trick a computer into believing it’s not interacting with a human. CAPTCHA security measures that you’ve likely encountered when signing onto a website is a form of the reverse Turing Test, which means the machine is trying to evaluate if it’s interacting with an actual human or another machine.


The Marcus Test

In the Marcus Test, devised by cognitive scientist Gary Marcus, subjects watch TV shows or YouTube videos and respond to questions about the content. In order for a machine to understand an ongoing television program, the machine must comprehend the events over time. This evaluates an AI’s human-like understanding.


The Lovelace Test 2.0

Lastly, the Lovelace Test 2.0, named after mathematician Ada Lovelace, looks for computational creativity. This test has recently become more relevant due to the advancements of text-to-image technology like MidJourney and OpenAI’s DALL·E2. In the Lovelace Test, the judge comes up with a set of constraints that they expect the machine to be unable to meet. If the judge cannot tell which creation is from a machine, they may come up with a more difficult set of constraints in the next round of testing.

Although there have been variations and alternatives, all of the tests have their own shortcomings and none are as well known as the Turing Test.

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What Are the Limitations of the Turing Test?

Although Alan Turing came up with an influential test while considering whether or not machines can think, Turing’s test is not a sufficient indicator of artificial intelligence. Not only does Turing’s test fail to account for whether or not a machine understands its input and output, it also accounts for neither a machine’s ability to recognize patterns nor its ability to apply common knowledge or sense.

Beyond the limitations of the test itself, many AI researchers feel the Turing Test is irrelevant today. With advances in data science and cloud computing, there’s been a growing focus on natural language processing (NLP) and creating large language models like ChatGPTBERT and now Bard. Over the past decade, NLP technology has improved dramatically, thereby allowing machines to better understand and generate human-like language with increasing accuracy. Recently, Google created a chatbot called LaMDA that was so good, one of the AI researchers working on it believed it achieved sentience.

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How Is the Turing Test Used Today?

The past decade has seen significant advances in the field of AI. These advances have been made possible by the development of more sophisticated AI algorithms, access to more powerful computing hardware, as well as a focus on natural language processing and multitasking capabilities. As a result, machines are becoming increasingly capable of exhibiting intelligent behavior indistinguishable from humans.

Whether or not the Turing Test is truly relevant remains a hotly debated topic for AI researchers. That said, many feel AI is still a long way from achieving human-like general intelligence and the Turing Test remains one of the many ways in which humans can evaluate a dimension of an AI’s abilities. When companies like Google create large language models and push the boundaries of chatbot technology, they still use human evaluators to ask a series of questions to determine its abilities. In this way, some form of Alan Turing’s thought experiment remains culturally relevant to the advancement of artificial intelligence.


Frequently Asked Questions

There has never been a machine that has perfectly passed the Turing Test. However, there have been some AI machines that have been argued to have passed the Turing Test or have fooled testing judges, including ChatGPT, the Eugene Goostman chatbot and the ELIZA chatbot.

Questions asked in the Turing Test involve those able to be answered by a human, such as questions about human experiences and emotion or linguistic riddles.

There is no official set of questions used in the Turing Test, but some example questions can include:

  • What is your most memorable childhood event and how has that impacted you today?
  • Describe why time flies like an arrow but fruit flies like a banana?
  • What historical event changed you the most and where were you when it happened? 

Variations of the Turing Test are still used today to assess artificial intelligence research.

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