What Is Video Marketing?

Video marketing is any form of marketing that applies a video format to spread brand awareness, reach new customers, and sell products and services.

Written by Matthew Urwin
Published on Jan. 04, 2023
What Is Video Marketing?
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
Brand Studio Logo
Jesse Sargeant | Jan 06, 2023

In the world of video marketing, between YouTube tutorials and TikToks, companies have even more options to reach consumers in digital spaces. As a result, video marketing has become a top trend since it provides an opportunity for brands to showcase their unique personality to wider ranges of targeted audiences.


Why Is Video Effective in Marketing?

The growth of screen-based technology has made compelling visual campaigns essential for catching the attention of customers.

As people have grown complacent to certain visual cues and content, businesses have learned to adapt and share captivating videos across multiple platforms and devices. As a result, videos of various lengths have become a form of interactive content that companies can spread quickly to consumers with significant effectiveness. 

While this discipline requires advanced skill, video marketing can become more manageable with the addition of video editing tools. Organizations with versatile staff can even craft high-quality videos without hiring a video-savvy marketer, saving time and money. As an efficient way to spread brand awareness, compounded by changing trends in consumer attention levels, video marketing is crucial for companies looking to make quick impressions and conquer the online frontier.

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What Should a Marketing Video Include?

To determine how to move forward with a video marketing campaign, team members should come to an agreement on campaign goals.

Before team members settle on a video format, they should articulate what the purpose of the campaign is. YouTube how-to tutorials are excellent for educating consumers on products while short Instagram clips are better suited for flexing creative branding. Regardless of the selection, all campaigns should emphasize storytelling over selling by focusing on customer needs and pain points.   

An organization can streamline this process by repurposing content for video forms. Following this path makes it simple to choose the right visual technologies. A business can build off this principle by breaking up subject matter into multiple videos or videos across numerous platforms. Instead of expending energy plotting out new content every week, it’s faster and easier to produce a tighter storyline with a single running topic.

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How Do I Do Video Marketing? 

Videos are an extension of a brand, so marketing teams should understand how they want to portray their company to their target audiences.

Businesses should center their video marketing strategy around what their target customers care about, the platforms they already frequent, and their feelings toward competing content. To do this, plenty of research is required for marketers to experiment with and find channels to determine the best ways to connect with consumers. Companies looking to take a leap forward and attain more value can hire experienced video marketers to access more expertise and knowledge of video marketing tools.   

However, the benefits of the video side of marketing can also be achieved simply and effectively. As long as marketers define their audiences, determine the campaign’s purpose, and follow basic marketing strategies, they can develop an effective video marketing campaign that maximizes returns without wasting company resources.

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