6 Modern Marketing Metrics to Start Tracking

As marketing evolves, so should the data your business is tracking. Follow these modern marketing metrics for business success.

Written by JoAnne Gritter
Published on Mar. 28, 2024
6 Modern Marketing Metrics to Start Tracking
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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Marketers have more data than ever at their disposal. Deciphering the most actionable signal points from the data, and identifying the right metrics to track as marketing evolves, poses a challenge. Even social media growth, engagement rate and organic traffic have passed the point of being buzzwords. 

6 Types of Marketing Metrics to Track

  1. Social media metrics.
  2. Website traffic metrics
  3. SEO metrics.
  4. Data-driven personalization metrics.
  5. Voice search optimization metrics.
  6. Data privacy and compliance metrics.

As we gain new ways of harvesting more granular and more accurate data points, it’s critical for marketers to understand which metrics are gaining in popularity and why. Here is a quick roundup of the top traditional marketing metrics that are still worth keeping an eye on, and the most critical new metrics worthy of your attention.


3 Marketing Metrics to Continue Tracking


1. Social Media Metrics

Social media has evolved into a pivotal component of marketing strategies, offering unmatched opportunities for engagement and brand visibility. With the ever-changing algorithms and evolving consumer behavior, understanding social media metrics is crucial for maintaining relevance and effectiveness in marketing efforts.

Tracking social media metrics provides insights into audience behavior, content performance and brand perception. Metrics such as engagement rate, reach and sentiment analysis offer valuable feedback on the effectiveness of social media and branding campaigns, guiding adjustments and optimization strategies.


How to Analyze Social Media Metrics

A high engagement rate and positive sentiment indicate success, while a decline in engagement or negative sentiment may signal the need for reevaluation and strategy refinement.



Businesses should focus on creating authentic content, fostering community engagement, and leveraging user-generated content to drive organic reach and brand advocacy.

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2. Website Traffic Metrics

In an increasingly digital world, a business’ website serves as its best salesperson. Monitoring website traffic metrics is essential for understanding user behavior, optimizing the online user experience and driving conversions.

Website traffic metrics offer insights into the effectiveness of marketing efforts, user engagement and the impact of SEO strategies. Metrics such as organic search traffic, referral sources and bounce rates provide valuable feedback for refining website content and navigation.


How to Analyze Website Traffic Metrics

A steady increase in organic traffic and a low bounce rate indicate success, while a sudden drop in traffic or a high bounce rate may signify issues with SEO or site performance.



Businesses should prioritize website optimization, focusing on improving site speed, navigation and content relevance to attract and retain visitors.


3. SEO Metrics

Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a pivotal role in enhancing online visibility and driving organic traffic. With search algorithms constantly evolving, tracking SEO metrics is essential for maintaining search engine visibility and driving targeted traffic to your website.

SEO metrics provide insights into keyword performance, website visibility and the effectiveness of optimization efforts. Monitoring metrics such as keyword rankings, organic traffic, and backlink profiles enables businesses to refine their SEO strategies and adapt to algorithm changes.


How to Analyze SEO Metrics

A rise in keyword rankings and organic traffic indicates success, while a decline may signify issues with SEO or increased competition.



Businesses should conduct regular SEO audits, identify and address technical issues, and focus on creating high-quality, relevant content to improve search engine visibility.


3 New Marketing Metrics to Track


1. Data-Driven Personalization Metrics

Personalized marketing is the process of tailoring marketing efforts to individual preferences, behaviors and demographics to create more meaningful customer experiences. It has become increasingly important in capturing audience attention and driving engagement, but it requires well-organized data collection and marketing automation to work.

Examples of personalized marketing include: 

  • Personalized email campaigns: Businesses use data like past purchases or browsing history to tailor email content, such as product recommendations or exclusive offers to individual recipients.
  • Dynamic website content: Websites adjust content based on visitor data to provide personalized experiences, such as displaying recommended products or articles based on past interactions or interests.
  • Customized advertisements: Advertisers use data on demographics, interests, and online behavior to deliver personalized ads to specific audiences. For instance, an online clothing retailer might display ads featuring items that a user has recently viewed on their website.

In each case, personalized marketing aims to enhance engagement and drive conversions by delivering relevant messages to individual customers and the right time.

With advancements in data analytics and AI, businesses can leverage data-driven personalization to deliver tailored experiences that resonate with individual preferences and behaviors.

Tracking data-driven personalization metrics allows businesses to understand audience preferences, behavior patterns and response to personalized content. Metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates and customer engagement provide valuable insights for refining targeting strategies and enhancing customer experiences.


How to Analyze Data-Driven Personalization Metrics

A high conversion rate and increased customer engagement indicate success, while low engagement or negative feedback may signal a need for adjustment.



Businesses should invest in data analytics tools, leverage customer segmentation techniques and prioritize delivering personalized experiences across all touchpoints to enhance engagement and drive conversions.


2. Voice Search Optimization Metrics

With the rise of voice-enabled devices and virtual assistants, voice search has become increasingly popular among consumers. Optimizing for voice search, or phrasing marketing copy in such a way that people might use when asking Siri or Alexa to discover your product or service, is essential for maintaining visibility and relevance in the digital landscape.

Tracking voice search optimization metrics provides insights into consumer search behavior and the performance of voice-optimized content. Metrics such as voice search impressions and conversion rates offer valuable feedback for refining SEO strategies and improving visibility in voice search results.


How to Analyze Voice Search Optimization Metrics

A rise in voice search traffic and high conversion rates indicate success, while low visibility or low conversion rates may signal the need for optimization.



Businesses should optimize content for conversational queries, focus on long-tail keywords, and improve local SEO to capture voice search traffic effectively.


3. Data Privacy and Compliance Metrics

Protecting consumer data and ensuring compliance with regulations is vital in today's digital landscape. With the implementation of stringent data privacy laws, businesses must prioritize data privacy and compliance to maintain consumer trust and avoid legal consequences.

Tracking data privacy and compliance metrics allows businesses to assess their adherence to regulatory requirements and identify potential risks. Metrics such as compliance adherence rates and data breach incidents provide valuable insights for mitigating risks and demonstrating commitment to data privacy.


Data Privacy and Compliance Metrics to Track

A high compliance adherence rate and minimal data breaches indicate success, while non-compliance or data breaches may result in legal consequences and reputational damage.



Businesses should conduct regular audits of data handling practices, implement robust data security measures and prioritize transparency and accountability in data processing to ensure compliance and maintain consumer trust.

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How to Integrate New Marketing Metrics Into Your Marketing Strategy

Relatively recent developments such as data-driven personalization, voice search, and data privacy regulations have given rise to their own host of useful metrics. Not all of these metrics will be relevant to your marketing success, but ignoring those that are could be depriving your business of actionable feedback.

At the same time, don’t ignore the social media, SEO, website engagement and conversion metrics that have proven successful in the past. How you adapt, adopt and integrate the old and the new will be critical to any successful digital marketing strategy.

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