How to Prepare for a Job Interview Run by AI

If a robot is running your screening interview, sell yourself even better.

Written by Nick Shah
Published on May. 17, 2023
How to Prepare for a Job Interview Run by AI
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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Artificial intelligence in hiring is not news. While some industries are still catching up to the AI revolution, those of us in recruiting have long since embraced its usefulness for process optimization and speed. 

3 Tips for Acing an AI Job Interview

  1. Prepare using a platform such as Google’s Interview Warmup.
  2. Use ChatGPT or a similar tool to predict which questions might be asked.
  3. Weave keywords into your unique career narrative.

The first applicant tracking systems were developed in the 1970s, though they had limited application, for instance resume parsing, and recruiters still had to do most of the heavy lifting. Since the start of the Internet Age and the introduction of online job boards, the use of AI in hiring has grown exponentially.      

Today, it’s possible to use AI to conduct video interviews as well as review resumes. AI can be trained to conduct video interviews using preset parameters, process responses with NLP and make recommendations to the hiring manager or recruiter.

This technology is still dealing with some teething problems. When one video interviewing company launched a facial analysis AI to assist it with recruiting, it became a lightning rod for controversy. The AI was accused of bias and a lack of transparency with the way it works, even after the company published a detailed report on its working. Coming under increasing scrutiny from researchers, lawmakers and the general public, the company eventually dropped the feature.

Three years down the line, with significant advancements in AI tech, AI interviewing is making a low-key comeback. Only this time, there are two sides to this technology. As much as employers have come to depend on AI to help them with their hiring, there are also AI tools job seekers can use to be better prepared. Companies like Google are using AI-powered software to generate common interview questions for various roles, analyzing responses and giving feedback that will guide users toward giving articulate, well-delivered responses.

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Using AI to Prepare for Interviews

Amid the controversies of AI technology, deciding when to use AI in your professional life can be daunting. But using AI can be a fair and helpful method to prepare for job interviews.

Google has a new platform called Interview Warmup that helps job seekers prepare for interviews for a variety of roles using AI-generated questions. Users can either type or record their answers, which are analyzed by the system to make suggestions for improvement. For example, the tool can let you know if you are overusing certain words or phrases.

LinkedIn also has an AI feedback feature that allows you to record answers to interview questions and provides feedback on your delivery, pacing, amount of filler words and sensitive phrases to avoid.

In addition to the software specifically designed for interview prep, interviewees can even use ChatGPT to anticipate what questions might be asked in an interview for a specific role.


How AI-Powered Interviews Work

More and more, employers and hiring managers are turning to AI-powered interviews to screen early-stage job candidates. But how does one persuade a software that they’re a good fit for a role? First, let’s unpack the AI-powered interview process.

As of now, most AI-powered interviews are conducted through on-demand videos, in which candidates record video responses to questions on their own time. While the interview is not live, some software can implement restrictions on time and attempts taken to answer a question.

To evaluate the interview, the AI software analyzes responses based on both verbal and nonverbal content. For example, to assess the verbal content, the software takes into account speech, words, tone, pronunciation, inflection, pauses, etc. To assess the nonverbal content, it considers body language, eye movement, lip movement, hand movement, facial expressions, etc.

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How to Stand Out in an AI Interview

According to World Economic Forum data, 2022 experienced a rise in several tech roles, including data analysts and scientists, AI and machine learning specialists, general and operations managers, and software and applications developers and analysts.

No matter how advanced technology becomes, no AI software can replace the unique traits a human employee brings to the table. But how can candidates ensure employers and hiring managers see their value?

Whether the interview is conducted using AI or with a human on the other side of a Zoom call, candidates must sell themselves. We all have a complex network of traits that make us unique, and the interview is the best time to showcase them.


Effective communication

Effectively communicating these skills in memorable ways requires candidates to give details that help tell a story — one that fits the narrative of the job description and the company’s mission and culture. On top of simply spewing keywords and jargon, it stands out when an interviewee weaves key words into a unique story, something that is less likely to be replicated by AI.



One of the most sought-after human traits employers look for is a learning mindset. With technology and the work landscape constantly evolving, companies need employees who are naturally motivated to adapt to change and learn constantly. Candidates who demonstrate an ability to notice trends before the average individual are needed now more than ever.

With so much uncertainty surrounding AI’s place in the modern professional world, it can be challenging to decipher whether or not certain fears are warranted. As with any technological advancement, the best we can do is to stay informed and up to date on best practices for adapting to change.

Platforms like Interview Warmup are still relatively new, so it’s crucial for job seekers and hiring managers alike to stay informed. Adaptability and an eagerness to learn are necessary skills that will put job seekers ahead of the competition at this time.