Using AI to Create Content? Avoid These 7 Mistakes.

Have a human in the mix to make sure content is engaging and relevant.

Written by Rachel Strella
Published on Aug. 01, 2024
A small robot is sitting at a desk and writing with a pen.
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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Artificial intelligence (AI) has dramatically changed content creation, bringing both improved productivity and new possibilities. However, businesses must proceed carefully to avoid issues that can damage their brand and disconnect them from their audience.

6 Ways to Make AI-Generated Content Better

  1. Don’t rely on AI for creative ideas.
  2. Give AI clear instructions for producing content.
  3. Keep ethical considerations, such as unintended copyright infringement, in mind.
  4. Keep a human in the mix to ensure nuanced and relevant content.
  5. Give AI plenty of feedback on what it produces.
  6. Keep SEO fundamentals in mind when creating content with AI.

In early 2024, Amazon experienced significant negative feedback over AI-generated product listings with nonsensical names like “I cannot fulfill that request.” This event highlighted the dangers of relying too much on AI without enough human oversight, showing the need for a mix of technology and human input.

Related Reading19 AI Content Generators to Know

Relying Too Much on AI for Creative Ideas

Artificial intelligence can generate ideas quickly, but it lacks the emotional depth humans bring. Many businesses mistakenly treat AI as a replacement for human creativity, ignoring the human perspectives humans provide. 

To create content that feels genuine, businesses should combine AI-generated ideas with human input. This combination helps content create a stronger connection with your audience, increasing engagement and loyalty. For example, when a travel company uses AI to create travel guides, it should include human stories and experiences to make the content more captivating and relevant.


Giving AI Vague Instructions

Specific guidelines help AI produce relevant and engaging content. Sometimes, businesses provide unclear guidelines, expecting AI to understand complex nuances without direction. Specifying context, tone, audience demographics and key messaging points helps create AI-generated content that is consistent with your brand’s voice and appeals to your audience. 

For instance, a fashion retailer should provide detailed prompts about the season, current trends and specific customer segments to ensure the content is accurate.

More on Artificial IntelligenceExplore Built In’s AI Coverage


Ignoring Ethical Considerations

Machine learning algorithms depend heavily on training data, which can unintentionally carry biases. This reliance can result in content that is unfair, offensive or misleading, harming your brand’s reputation. 

For example, when used in hiring processes, AI has favored certain demographics over others due to biased training data. 

To avoid these issues, businesses should make sure their AI models are trained on diverse and inclusive datasets. Regular oversight, including audits and bias detection tools, can help maintain fairness and establish credibility with your audience. Ethical AI practices not only protect your brand but also promote a fairer digital environment.


Skipping Human Edits on AI Content

AI-generated content often lacks the nuanced touch and strategic direction human editors provide. Human oversight ensures content is polished, coherent, and effectively communicates your brand message, reducing the risk of legal issues like unintentional copyright infringement.

For example, tech companies using AI for technical documentation need human editors to ensure accuracy and clarity. Maintaining a consistent brand voice is essential for building brand identity and recognition. AI-generated content may stray from established guidelines, leading to inconsistent messaging. Human oversight aligns content with audience expectations, reinforcing brand integrity, trust and loyalty.


Failing to Give Feedback to AI

Continuous improvement is essential for AI-driven content strategies. Businesses often neglect the importance of providing structured feedback to AI systems. Without ongoing evaluation and refinement, AI content may stagnate and fail to adapt to changing audience preferences and market dynamics. Businesses should establish feedback mechanisms to assess AI performance, identify areas for improvement and guide future content creation efforts. This process helps AI adapt and improve, ensuring content remains pertinent and effective.


Overlooking SEO Aspects of AI Content

AI-generated content can significantly affect your website’s SEO. While AI can quickly produce content, it might miss the correct keyword density, leading to lower rankings. Ensuring keywords are naturally integrated and the content aligns with user intent is essential. AI content can be too technical or repetitive, resulting in lower user engagement and higher bounce rates. Regularly checking for uniqueness helps avoid duplicate content penalties. 

Additionally, AI might miss important SEO elements like meta descriptions, title tags and alt texts, which need manual optimization. Proper formatting for structured data and rich snippets is crucial for search visibility. Addressing these aspects helps improve SEO performance and search rankings.

For example, a blog using AI to generate articles should frequently review SEO metrics and adjust AI prompts to better align with SEO best practices.

Further ReadingAI in Marketing and Advertising: 30 Examples to Know

Underestimating AI’s Limitations

Despite its impressive capabilities, AI is still evolving and often needs specific guidance to produce the desired outcomes. Even with precise instructions, AI can sometimes create repetitive or irrelevant content. Understanding AI’s limitations and avoiding over-reliance on it for tasks better performed by humans is crucial.

To improve productivity and content quality, businesses should balance AI use with human intervention, ensuring the final output meets their standards and effectively addresses their needs. For example, a marketing agency might use AI to generate initial campaign ideas but rely on human creativity to refine and finalize the strategy.

Artificial intelligence offers transformative opportunities for improving content creation processes. Strategically combining AI with human expertise helps businesses unlock creativity, enhance operational efficiency and maintain brand authenticity.

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