Data science interviews encompass a variety of challenging questions to test your knowledge in machine learning, probability, SQL and more. Hone your skills with these questions.
The rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation function introduces the property of nonlinearity to a deep learning model and solves the vanishing gradients issue. Here’s why it’s so popular.
Principal component analysis (PCA) in Python can be used to speed up model training or for data visualization. This tutorial covers both using scikit-learn.
A fact table contains the primary keys to a referenced dimension table, and the dimension table contains the descriptive information. They make up the key components in star schema.
After collecting life stats data for a year, here’s what you can learn by applying data analysis like correlation studies, time series analysis, Fourier transform and more.
Logistic regression is a classification technique that identifies the best fitting model to describe the relationship between the dependent and independent variables in a data set.