The devices are designed to help wearers monitor their exercise level, said the NHS.
The collaboration rests on three pillars: systems and solutions, software optimization for HPC and AI convergence, and ecosystem enablement.
To-date, the San Francisco-based biotech company has raised $10.5 million in capital.
The asset purchase agreement will enable Switzerland-based blox to reach new markets and channels.
Together, the companies will deliver Wi-Fi and online entertainment to on-demand buses in Kenya.
Attabotics plans to use the funding to fuel growth, including hiring, manufacturing operations and technology development.
The capital will be used to further Tile’s international growth, expand into new product categories and bolster Premium offerings.
The company provides cloud and on-device software for monitoring, control and management of robots and robotic fleets.
Companies are turning to automation as e-commerce creates a growing need to keep up with consumer demand.
VMware plans to incorporate artificial intelligence and machine learning into its hardware acceleration strategy.