22 AI Podcasts Worth a Listen

Build your artificial intelligence knowledge database by adding a few AI podcasts to your listening routine.

Written by Lisa Bertagnoli
22 AI Podcasts Worth a Listen
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
Matthew Urwin | Aug 03, 2023

Have you ever yelled at Alexa, Siri or Echo? Do you and your friends debate the Singularity? Do you think you know what artificial intelligence is, but aren’t quite sure? If you’ve nodded yes to any of the above, try an AI podcast to build or broaden your knowledge of this ubiquitous technology.

AI Podcasts

  1. AI and the Future of Work
  2. AI In Business
  3. The Bot Canon
  4. The AI Podcast
  5. AI Today Podcast
  6. Artificial Intelligence Podcast
  7. Brain Inspired
  8. Data Skeptic
  9. DeepMind The Podcast
  10. Eye on AI

These 22 AI podcasts have aired episodes covering everything from how robot dogs learn to walk to AI applications in cancer research. Turn on your phone, tune in to a podcast and drop more knowledge into that data storage center called your brain.


22 Popular AI Podcasts

AI and the Future of Work 

How will AI reshape the world of work? That’s what host Dan Turchin explores with AI and the Future of Work. Turchin, CEO of HR tech company PeopleReign, interviews top tech leaders to find out where they think work is going as AI takes hold.

Listen: Apple, Spotify 

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AI in Business

AI in Business imparts knowledge to non-technical business people who need to know about AI to run their businesses. Host Daniel Faggella, CEO of Emerj Artificial Intelligence Research, interviews scientists, investors, executives and researchers about trends in AI and machine learning, how to use AI in business planning and other pertinent-to-business topics.

Listen: Apple, SoundCloud


The Bot Canon

The Bot Canon experiments with letting artificial intelligence take over the narrative of classic tales. Hosted by Hannah Keefer, this AI podcast feeds lines of famous literary works into the program AI Dungeon, and Keefer reads the resulting narratives. Catcher in the Rye, Pride and Prejudice and Frankenstein are a few pieces that have received interesting tweaks to their plots, thanks to AI Dungeon.  

Listen: Spotify, Audacy


The AI Podcast

Bay Area journalist Noah Kravitz, host of Nvidia’s The AI Podcast, interviews tech leaders about the effect of AI, deep learning and machine learning on today’s world. An episode featured images from the James Webb Space Telescope to be analyzed by AI.

Listen: Apple, Spotify 


AI Today Podcast

Discussions on AI Today, an offering from AI data and training company Cognilytica, focus on AI’s relevance in today’s world, according to its website. Hosts (and Cognilytica founders) Kathleen Walch and Ron Schmelzer, have discussed AI system transparency, AI safety and security, and AI and data fairness and bias.

Listen: Apple, Spotify 


Artificial Intelligence Podcast

The Artificial Intelligence Podcast delivers AI knowledge in snack-size segments — an episode covering how a robot dog learns to walk spanned just nine minutes. Host Tony Hoang, a Ph.D and AI expert, aims to “humanize AI” via his discussions.

Listen: Apple, Spotify, iHeart 

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Brain Inspired

Brain Inspired is the podcast “where neuroscience and AI converge,” according to its website. Host Paul Middlebrooks and guests discuss cutting-edge research focused on AI and the brain, including conversations on how AI might help humans understand how brains really work.

Listen: Apple, Spotify, YouTube


Data Skeptic

Data Skeptic host and founder Kyle Polich interviews tech experts about AI, machine learning and data science. Polich has explored fraudulent Amazon reviewers, how physicians at Sloan Kettering Cancer Center use ML as a tool to treat cancer and the best machine learning algorithm.

Listen: Apple, Amazon 


DeepMind The Podcast

What is artificial intelligence? Is it safe? What’s it used for? DeepMind The Podcast delves into just that. The host, broadcaster and mathematician Hannah Fry has discussed why language is a crucial part of intelligence and AGI, or artificial general intelligence, with DeepMind co-founder Shane Legg.

Listen: Apple, Spotify 

The road to AGI - DeepMind: The Podcast (S2, Ep5) | Video: DeepMind


Eye on AI 

Eye on AI is hosted by Craig S. Smith, a longtime New York Times correspondent, according to the podcast’s website. An episode featured Smith and Peter Schrammel, a co-founder of automatic unit-test writing software company DiffBlue, discussing how automatic generation of code increases developer productivity. 

Listen: Apple, Spotify, YouTube



The name says it all: HumAIn (pronounced humane) focuses on how AI will affect the present and future world and the people who live in it. Episodes feature host David Yakobovitch in conversation with top tech professionals. One episode featured serial software entrepreneur Steven Shwartz discussing how AI will affect the world over the next decade. 

Listen: Apple, Spotify 

More on AIAI Ethics: A Guide to Ethical AI


Intel on AI

Intel on AI, a product of Intel, features Intel vice president Amir Khosrowshahi in conversation with tech titans and other Intel execs on cutting-edge AI innovation and their perspectives on that innovation. Khosrowshahi and guests have covered the evolution of technology and mammal brains, AI and social media’s influence on politics and designing molecules with AI.

Listen: Apple, Spotify, SoundCloud


Lex Fridman Podcast

Lex Fridman Podcast host Lex Fridman is an MIT AI researcher working on robot-human interaction and machine learning, his website says. He’s discussed the possibility of a war between the United States and China with linguist Noam Chomsky; the metaverse with Mark Zuckerberg; and has interviewed Elon Musk not once, but twice.

Listen: Apple, Spotify, YouTube, Google 

MIT researcher Lex Fridman and Elon Musk discuss the Tesla autopilot. | Video: Lex Fridman


In Machines We Trust 

Produced by MIT Technology Review and hosted by Jennifer Strong, In Machines We Trust tracks the ascendance of AI and considers its implications. The podcast dives into the potential impacts of AI by seeking insights from various perspectives, including inventors and founders who are pushing the boundaries of AI development. The show remains popular with global audiences and has garnered praise for its miniseries on facial recognition technology.  

Listen: Apple, Spotify, YouTube


Me, Myself and AI

Me, Myself and AI introduces listeners to “people who are achieving big wins with AI,” the website promises. This podcast, an offering from MITSloan Management Review, has covered AI and beauty, AI in agriculture, and AI in pharmaceuticals, all with leaders from prominent companies in their sectors.

Listen: Apple, Spotify


Practical AI

Practical AI makes artificial intelligence “practical, productive and accessible to everyone,” its website promises. Hosts Chris Benson and Daniel Whitenack have weighed in on Stable Diffusion, licensing and automating creativity, privacy in the age of AI and, get this, practical and positive uses for deep fakes. Practical AI is a product of Changelog, which bills itself as a source of “great podcasts for developers.”

Listen: Apple, Spotify 

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The Gradient Podcast

The Gradient serves as a space for the AI community to hold dialogue on numerous topics, and it furthers this mission through The Gradient Podcast. Featuring interviews with artists, academics, engineers and other professionals, the podcast sheds light on the development of AI and how it’s being applied in different industries. 

Listen: Apple, YouTube



AI expert Sam Charrington hosts TWIML, which shares the perspectives of diverse AI and ML professionals so the fields can become more accessible and better able to enhance lives. He’s talked with experts on biological-physical systems about how ML can help understand insect communication, and a guest host has interviewed executives from Hugging Face about multi-modal, multilingual natural language processing.

Listen: Apple, YouTube, SoundCloud


Talking Machines

Talking Machines features “humans talking about machine learning,” according to its website. Co-host Neil Lawrence is the Director of Machine Learning at Amazon Research Cambridge; co-host Katherine Gorman is a former public radio producer. One episode tackled this question: “If a machine could predict your death, should it?”

Listen: Apple, Spotify, SoundCloud


Voices in AI

Tech research and analysis company Gigaom publishes and sponsors Voices in AI. Its host is Gigaom CEO Byron Reese, who with guests has discussed the ethics of machine learning and the relationship between AI and security.

Listen: Player FM, Podchaser 


The ChatGPT Report

Those particularly interested in ChatGPT can stay up to date on the latest news with The ChatGPT Report. Hosted by Ryan Collier and Ben Meyerhoeffer, this podcast covers all things related to ChatGPT in digestible 10-minute episodes. Past discussions between Collier and Meyerhoeffer have centered around using ChatGPT for resumes, platforms like WordPress slowly embracing AI and OpenAI potentially developing an AI marketplace, among other topics. 

Listen: Apple, Spotify, Amazon 


The Radical AI Podcast

The Radical AI Podcast places the spotlight on the voices and perspectives that often get pushed aside in the tech space. Episodes cover concepts like bias, accountability and social justice to support the movement for AI ethics. In past interviews, guests have discussed surveillance, technochauvinism and whether machines can be moral.  

Listen: Apple, YouTube 

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