7 Key Components of a Successful Sales Deck (With Examples)

Highlight your startup’s products and services with great graphics and compelling storytelling.

Written by Vikas Agrawal
Published on Jul. 17, 2023
7 Key Components of a Successful Sales Deck (With Examples)
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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A startup sales deck can be the difference between winning and losing a deal. It showcases the uniqueness of your offerings, demonstrates your understanding of clients’ needs and establishes your business as competent and prepared. Moreover, a well-crafted startup sales deck can help your prospects easily understand the value your products and services provide, even when things get technical. 

What Is a Sales Deck?

A sales deck is a presentation to prospective buyers or business partners on a company’s offerings. It is designed to prove the benefits, USPs and potential of a business and its products or services. Sales decks typically include text, images and graphics in the form of a slideshow or scrollable document.

All in all, a startup sales deck is an irreplaceable tool to directly inform, engage and impress prospective customers. If you play your cards right, this will ultimately elevate your brand image and boost your conversion rates.

Let’s look at the key components of a sales deck, then examine the best way to combine them to make an outstanding sales deck that boosts your conversions.

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7 Components of a Sales Deck

Here are seven key components that effective sales pitch decks include, no matter the size and type of the business.


Clear value proposition

Articulate the unique value your offering brings to the market and how it stands apart from the competition. This may include factors such as cost effectiveness, time savings, increased revenue or improved customer satisfaction. Be clear, concise and specific about the unique value you provide to your prospects and why they require your offering immediately.


Product features and benefits

Showcase the most important and appealing features of your product or service. Focus on the aspects that directly address the problems faced by your prospects. Clearly explain how these features translate into tangible benefits that improve their situation, and always tie these benefits back to your overall value proposition.


Empathy for prospects

Demonstrate genuine understanding and compassion for your prospects’ pain points, challenges and frustrations. Show them that you’ve considered their perspective and that you’re presenting your solution not just to make a sale but to genuinely help them overcome their problems.


Compelling storytelling

Weave your sales deck into a cohesive narrative that engages your audience and keeps them invested throughout your presentation. Start with an introduction that addresses the problem your prospect faces, followed by the solution you offer. Conclude with the benefits and results they can expect. A well-structured story creates an emotional connection and helps your audience remember your message more effectively.


Social proof

Harness the power of testimonials, case studies and success stories from satisfied customers to validate your product or service. Prospects are more likely to trust your offering if they see that it has worked for others in similar situations. Make sure your social proof is relatable, authentic and specific.


Scannable slides

Design slides to be visually appealing, simple and easy to comprehend at a glance. Use minimal text, clean layouts and meaningful visuals, such as charts or infographics, to convey your message. Blank space is your ally in keeping your audience focused on your presentation. Clutter only distracts.


Call to action

Conclude your sales deck with a strong, persuasive call to action that guides prospects on their next steps. This can include scheduling a follow-up meeting, signing up for a demo or making a purchase. Make it easy for your prospects to take action and ensure they understand the urgency of moving forward.


How to Combine the Components Into a Deck

The real trick lies in combining these parts to create a special sales pitch that outshines your competition. For this purpose, you can use a slide show creator or explainer video tool or work with a sales deck design agency and let it take care of all the hassles. Here’s how you should structure and explain the discussed components while building the presentation.


Introduce the problem your prospect faces

Clearly define the issue and demonstrate your understanding of its impact on their business or personal life. Use data, anecdotes or real-life examples to illustrate the severity of the problem.


Present your product as the solution

Explain how your offering directly addresses the pain points you’ve outlined and why it’s the best option for your prospect. Be specific about the advantages your solution provides over competing alternatives.


Showcase your product

Highlight the most important aspects of your product or service and how they translate into tangible benefits for your prospects. Remember to tie these benefits back to the overall value proposition you’ve established.


Support your claims

Share relatable stories from satisfied customers that demonstrate the effectiveness of your product or service. Include specific details, such as quantifiable results, to make your social proof more convincing.


Use compelling storytelling

Weave the various components of your presentation into a cohesive narrative that resonates with your audience. Structure your story with a beginning (introduction of the problem), middle (presentation of your solution) and end (benefits and results).


3 Examples of Effective Sales Decks

Here are three successful sales pitch deck examples along with the key characteristics that give them an exceptionally persuasive punch.


Spendesk, a spend management platform, offers users visibility into company spending to save time and money. To assure potential buyers of its value, Spendesk starts its presentation with an overview of its fast growth and showcases well-known brands using the platform. To display traction and build credibility, include a logo slide and testimonial quotes from reputable customers, as demonstrated in the sales deck template.



Oliva provides workshops aimed at tackling teams’ most critical issues. Its sales deck emphasizes the significance of visuals and design in creating an effective sales presentation. The impact of a presentation depends on both the content and its presentation style. It also features an aesthetic GIF that captures attention, while the cohesive and soothing design elements mirror the company’s mission and the solutions it offers.



This Leadjet sales video addresses the pressing issue of lost time and opportunities when transferring LinkedIn leads to a CRM. It presents Leadjet as the solution and highlights its benefits, such as synchronized conversations, updated lead statuses and custom detail addition. The video effectively follows the optimal sales presentation structure of problems, solutions and benefits.

Read More About Sales PresentationsGiving a Virtual Sales Pitch? 10 Ways to Set Yourself Up for Success.


Why Sales Decks Are Important

A powerful startup sales deck is instrumental in winning over prospects and driving sales. Focus on the components and process we’ve discussed here to create a compelling startup sales deck that resonates with your target audience and builds a strong brand.

However, creating a pitch deck is not a one-time affair.  The most successful startup sales decks evolve and improve over time. Continuously refine and optimize your sales deck based on feedback and performance to ensure that it remains a powerful tool in your sales arsenal.

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