Software Engineering Perspectives Articles

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Peter Grant Peter Grant
Updated on August 15, 2022

How to Write Nested List Comprehensions in Python

If you thought list comprehensions improved your code, wait until you see this....

Peter Grant Peter Grant
Updated on August 15, 2022

Need to Write Lambda Functions in Python? Here’s How.

Lambda functions are an extremely common form of code organization, simplification and clarification in Python. Here’s how to write them — fast.

Peter Grant Peter Grant
Updated on August 15, 2022

How to Generate Subplots With Python’s Matplotlib

Use this step-by-step guide to start creating subplots in Matplotlib.

Peter Evans Peter Evans
Updated on August 15, 2022

I Graduated Into the Dot Com Bust as a Programmer and Made It. You Will Too.

To all the young programmers worrying about the uncertain job market, I promise things will get better.

Paul Rowe Paul Rowe
Updated on August 12, 2022

How to Speed Up Your Code Reviews

Code review is important, but it can be time- and labor-intensive. Fortunately, a few simple steps can streamline the process nicely.

Parul Pandey Parul Pandey
Updated on August 12, 2022

How to Automate Your Data Science Project Structure in 3 Easy Steps

Trying and failing to decipher your own codebase? Remember: Good code is its own best documentation.

Parul Pandey Parul Pandey
Updated on August 12, 2022

Replicate GitHub-Style Contribution Plots for Your Time Series Data

Here’s how to heat up your heat maps and make sure they stand out.

Parul Pandey Parul Pandey
Updated on August 12, 2022

From Clipboard to DataFrame With Pandas: A Quick Guide

Read data directly from the clipboard without saving it first. Here’s how.

Omar Rabbolini Omar Rabbolini
Updated on August 12, 2022

Thoughtful Agile Implementation Leads to Better Management Results

Agile won’t produce great software on its own. For that, you need great management of engineers and product designers.

Zack Minott Zack Minott
Updated on August 10, 2022

This Is Why Your Development Projects Fail

Too often, developers carry out their work with the mindset that everything will go perfectly. This type of blind optimism can have disastrous consequences.