Software Engineering Perspectives Articles

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Tammy Xu Tammy Xu
Updated on October 25, 2022

Code Review Best Practices That Will Boost Team Morale

Devs shouldn’t dread getting feedback from their peers.

Tammy Xu Tammy Xu
Updated on October 25, 2022

You’re Asked to Sign a Non-Compete Agreement. Now What?

Before you make a quick decision, consider these options.

Tammy Xu Tammy Xu
Updated on October 25, 2022

Does the Pomodoro Technique Work for Coding?

We spoke to a longtime devotee of the method.

Tammy Xu Tammy Xu
Updated on October 24, 2022

9 Common Coding Interview Questions You Should Know

It’s not about solving every problem perfectly.

Tammy Xu Tammy Xu
Updated on October 24, 2022

Computer Science and Philosophy Have More in Common Than You’d Think

Can studying both help us face the future we’re creating?