Software Engineering Perspectives Articles

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Tatum Hunter Tatum Hunter
Updated on August 19, 2020

How Intuit Used Innersource to Overhaul Legacy Engineering Practices

Service-level agreements and unified GitHub workflows are helping Intuit engineers draw on internal code instead of reinventing the wheel.

Tammy Xu Tammy Xu
Updated on August 18, 2020

Why COBOL Has Stuck Around for All These Years

Organizations are reluctant to replace software that works. But finding devs to maintain it is getting harder and harder.

Brian Nordli Brian Nordli
Updated on August 13, 2020

How Boris FX's Sapphire Plugins Use C++ to Boost Visual FX

To keep up with evolving HD video standards, Boris FX had to rewrite huge parts of its codebase. Here’s how they did it.

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Stephen Gossett Stephen Gossett
Updated on April 22, 2020

An Introduction to Machine Learning for Developers

You know a bit of R or Python. So how much statistics and domain expertise is necessary to really start training machine learning models?

Updated on January 07, 2020

How Lightstream CTO Jenny Farver Builds High-Performing Tech Teams

Hiring great people is just the start. Next, you have to think about how the team fits together.

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Michael Hines Michael Hines
Updated on December 18, 2019

How Low-Code and No-Code Platforms Are Changing Software Development

Is it possible to do more by coding less?