JavaScript PreventExtensions Method Explained

The preventExtensions method in JavaScript prevents new properties from being added to an object by marking it non-extensible. Here’s what you need to know.

Written by K. Jagathish
Published on May. 11, 2023
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The Object.preventExtensions() method in JavaScript prevents new properties from being added to an object

The preventExtensions method in JavaScript is used to prevent any further additions of properties to an object. When invoked on an object, it marks the object as non-extensible, meaning no new properties or methods can be added to it. 

What Is the preventExtensions Method in JavaScript?

The preventExtensions method prevents new properties from being added to an object by marking the object as non-extensible. It’s used when you want to ensure an object’s structure remains consistent throughout its lifecycle. 

This method ensures that the shape of the object remains fixed and prevents accidental or unintended modifications to its structure. Existing properties can still be modified or deleted, but new ones cannot be added. The preventExtensions method is often used when you want to enforce immutability or ensure that an object’s structure remains consistent throughout its lifecycle.


How Does PreventExtensions in JavaScript Work?

"use strict";
let user = { name : "Jagathish" };


try {
  user.age = 23;
} catch (e) {
  // expected output: TypeError:Cannot add property age, object is not extensible

In the above code, we called preventExtensions on the user object. When we try to add an age property, however, JavaScript will throw a TypeError.

  • preventExtensions method returns the object being made non-extensible.
  • There is no way to make an object extensible again once it has been made non-extensible.
  • To check if the object is non-extensible, we can use Object.isExtensible().

"use strict";
let user = { name : "Jagathish" };
Object.isExtensible(user); // true


Object.isExtensible(user); // false
  • preventExtensions() method only prevents addition of own properties. Properties can still be added to the object prototype.

"use strict";
let user = { name : "Jagathish" };


// user.age = 23; --> this will throw error

user.__proto__.age = 23; // adding property to object prototype

console.log(user); // {name : "Jagathish"}

console.log(user.age); // 23 --> this value comes from object prototype property 

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How to Use PreventExpressions in JavaScript

preventExtensions() makes the [[prototype]] of the user object immutable, any [[prototype]] re-assignment (adding a new property) will throw a TypeError. This behavior is specific to the internal [[prototype]] property. Other properties of the target object will remain mutable.

In other words, when we try to change the __proto__ prototype of the non-extensible object , JavaScript will throw an error.

"use strict";
let empty = Object.preventExtensions({});
empty.__proto__ = { name: 'jagathish' }; // TypeError : #<Object> is not extensible

You can delete the property of the non-extensible object.

"use strict";
let user = { name : "Jagathish", age : 23 };


delete user.age;

console.log(user); //{name: "Jagathish"}

You can also prevent it from adding properties by using defineProperty.

"use strict";
let user = { name : "Jagathish" };


try {
  Object.defineProperty(user, 'age', {
    value: 23
} catch (e) {
  // expected output: TypeError:Cannot define property age, object is not extensible

A non-object argument to preventExtensions will be treated as if it was a non-extensible ordinary object, return it.

Object.preventExtensions(1); // returns 1
A comparison of object seal, freeze and preventExtensions methods. | Video: Steve Griffith Prof3ssorSt3v3

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PreventExtensions Method Example

One real-world use case for the preventExtensions method in JavaScript is when you want to protect a configuration object from having additional properties added to it. Let’s say you have a settings object that defines various configuration options for your application, and you want to ensure that these options are not accidentally modified or extended.

const settings = {
  theme: 'dark',
  fontSize: '16px',
  language: 'en'


settings.theme = 'light'; // Modifying existing property is allowed
settings.newOption = 'value'; // Error: Cannot add property 'newOption', object is not extensible

console.log(settings); // { theme: 'light', fontSize: '16px', language: 'en' }

In the code example above, the preventExtensions method is used to make the settings object non-extensible. This ensures that no new properties can be added to the object after invoking the method. 

Consequently, attempting to add a new property (newOption) results in an error. However, modifying existing properties (theme) is still allowed.

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