HR Coordinator salary in US
Average Base Salary in US
How Much Does a HR Coordinator Make in US?
The average salary for a HR Coordinator in US is $60,697. The average additional cash compensation for a HR Coordinator in US is $4,575. The average total compensation for a HR Coordinator in US is $65,272. HR Coordinator salaries are based on responses gathered by Built In from anonymous HR Coordinator employees in US.
Salary Insights
HR Coordinator Salary by gender
HR Coordinator Salary by Years of Experience
HR Coordinator Salary ranges
Average HR + Recruiting salaries in US
Job Title | Average Salary | Salary Range |
HR Coordinator | $60,697 | Min: $4K Max: $135K |
HR Specialist | $80,048 | Min: $10K Max: $200K |
Recruiter | $82,277 | Min: $1K Max: $200K |
Technical Recruiter | $94,641 | Min: $33K Max: $330K |
HR Manager | $104,965 | Min: $15K Max: $260K |
Senior Recruiter | $109,832 | Min: $41K Max: $231K |
HR Director | $149,765 | Min: $50K Max: $332K |
Vice President of Talent Acquisition | $169,452 | Min: $105K Max: $350K |
Vice President of People | $184,396 | Min: $77K Max: $360K |
Vice President of Human Resources | $188,953 | Min: $115K Max: $337K |
Chief People Officer | $199,175 | Min: $90K Max: $400K |
An HR coordinator often performs administrative tasks within an HR department and has a range of responsibilities including payroll, onboarding, compensation, benefits packages, and collecting employee feedback.
How to become an HR coordinator?
In addition to a bachelor's degree, HR coordinators typically have at least two years of experience in an entry-level human resources role.
How much does an HR coordinator make?
The salary range for an HR coordinator is $55K-35K. The average salary for a HR Coordinator in US is $60,697.