Inclusive Leadership: Why It’s Important and How to Improve It

Business leaders should make inclusion a priority. Here’s why.

Written by Sunny Betz
Inclusive Leadership: Why It’s Important and How to Improve It
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
Brennan Whitfield | Apr 16, 2024

Inclusive leadership works to make everyone associated with a company feel welcome and empowered to be themselves. Leading inclusively not only makes employees and customers feel accepted, but also boosts company revenue and workplace satisfaction. Most importantly, it amplifies employee voices that otherwise may not be heard.

Inclusive Leadership Definition

Inclusive leadership is the practice of leading with empathy, respect and an open mind to perspectives and contributions from all team members. Inclusive leaders seek to foster diverse teams and make everyone feel empowered to do their best work.


What Is Inclusive Leadership? 

Inclusive leadership involves leading with an openness to diverse perspectives and an awareness of implicit bias. Being an inclusive leader means to make all types of employees, customers and clients feel welcome by fostering an overall inclusive workplace environment. In practice, this can look like making sure benefits are distributed equitably, providing diversity and inclusion training or establishing safe spaces for employees like ERGs

As an example of inclusive leadership, consider Tori Armendariz. When she chatted with a coworker about her girlfriend, she noticed not everyone was accepting.

“The manager of that location took me aside and said that I couldn’t speak about things like that,” Armendariz, now a technical people operations generalist at Trainual, said. It was made clear that the manager at Armendariz’s previous employer wasn’t accepting of her girlfriend and the LGBTQ+ community. 

Armendariz’s experience, though disheartening, inspired her to create an inclusive workplace during her time at Trainual. She wanted no one else to go through the same treatment she did for just being herself — ultimately becoming an inclusive leader. 


Why Is Inclusive Leadership Important?  

Inclusive leadership is important for many reasons.

Inclusive Leadership Allows All Voices to Be Heard at Work

It ensures the voice of everyone is truly being heard, applied and protected in the workplace, regardless of personal identity or background. Without inclusive leadership, it can be hard for those in underrepresented groups to acquire necessary career resources and support at work. 


A Lack of Inclusive Leadership Damages Workplace Culture

Additionally, a lack of diversity and unfamiliarity with the importance of inclusion can unintentionally lead managers and leaders to create a hostile workplace. Even actions like using gendered, heteronormative language in onboarding packets or hosting all-male panels contribute to the problem of an unwelcome company environment.


A Lack of Inclusive Leadership Weakens Customer Relationships

Having a lack of diversity and inclusion isn’t just a culture issue. It can affect the product and in turn create a poor experience for clients too. 

For example, according to WebAIM, almost 96 percent of website homepages didn’t fully meet web content accessibility guidelines in 2024. Another study showed that many healthcare algorithm tools assigned Black patients with health risk scores that inaccurately reflected their actual health conditions. When a design team doesn’t welcome diversity of thought or experience, it’s much easier for biases to be written into their code.


Inclusive Leadership and Diversity Leads to Success

Investing in an inclusive and diverse workplace means employees feel connected and supported to do their best work — and deliver results. In fact, inclusive companies are preferred by a majority of job seekers and workers, and can lead to higher work engagement and revenue

“A diverse workforce that is fully contributing leads to holistically stronger performance,” Lauren Sato, CEO at Ada Developers Academy, said. “Products are better aligned to consumers, financial results are better, and there are higher rates of innovation and resilience.”


Traits of Inclusive Leadership 

An inclusive leader often exhibits the following traits and behaviors.

Committed to Diversity and Inclusivity

Inclusive leaders take the initiative to create workplace environments that are diverse and inclusive for every team member. They also make it their responsibility to solve any roadblocks in employee belonging at work.


Humble and Courageous

Inclusive leaders exercise humility and understand they are one piece of a whole team. They acknowledge when mistakes are made, aren’t afraid to receive feedback from employees and look for ways to improve and adapt where necessary. 


Mindful of Personal Biases

Inclusive leaders are mindful of their own personal biases, as well as biased practices in the workplaces, and actively work to combat them to ensure fairness. They may advocate for employees to also look inward and be aware of their biases as well.


Open-Minded and Curious

Inclusive leaders practice being open-minded toward everyone they encounter in the workplace. They also remain curious about new perspectives and seek out input from voices that aren’t usually heard.


Culturally Aware

Inclusive leaders demonstrate cultural awareness for themselves and employees around them, and remain aware of how to treat others based on their cultural knowledge. Additionally, they encourage teams to practice cultural awareness.



Inclusive leaders are inherently collaborative, and understand the importance of working alongside others to achieve goals effectively. They often don’t make important decisions without first consulting the opinions of their team members.


Building Inclusive & Diverse Tech Hubs: The Role of Leadership. | Video: Google Developers

Examples of Inclusive Leadership

When companies demonstrate inclusive leadership and build diverse teams that accurately reflect the outside world, everyone benefits. Here’s some examples of how companies can make inclusive leadership a priority.

How to Improve Inclusive Leadership

  • Pay attention and listen to employees.
  • Refresh recruitment strategies.
  • Re-evaluate company policies.
  • Create safe spaces for discussion.


1. Listening to Employees With Mutual Respect 

Diversity and inclusivity, while often spoken in the same breath, are two different things. You can have a company that features a diverse staff, but doesn’t make an effort to make sure those employees are included and heard.

“Ask yourself who is listened to in the room,” Everett Harper, CEO and co-founder of Truss, said. “Do managers unintentionally repeat all the men in the room, and ignore the women? Do men summarize women’s original ideas without giving them credit — and does the manager not recognize that?”

In order to get more honest feedback from employees, managers at Truss made the process more accessible. Rather than asking for feedback in a meeting and hearing from the same people who are comfortable speaking up, the managers and teams use a Google doc. Each team member adds three pieces of feedback and then managers will share them in the meeting. 

“According to research on group communication, this tactic enables introverts to contribute, and enables marginalized voices to have an equal platform,” Harper said.


2. Broadening Recruitment Channels and Candidate Pools 

Recruiters want to hire top talent and usually look first at graduates of prestigious colleges and bootcamps. With a limited search like that, it could mean a lot of talented candidates are getting overlooked.

“Liberal arts computer science degree programs and software development bootcamps are essentially the only two pathways into tech [for example],” Sato said. “As a society writ large we have made massive investments into these two pathways, both of which, unfortunately, drive down diversity.”

Be open to candidates who are self-taught or come from unconventional backgrounds. A good first step is encouraging diverse candidates to apply, but direct outreach to passive candidates is necessary too. Remote work has opened up a larger pool of candidates, so now companies can more easily broaden their geographical diversity as well.

It’s also worth looking at the balance of senior and junior employees. While it might make sense to hire more experienced engineers in the short term, not having enough young talent and training opportunities is a disadvantage. Making space for new perspectives and talent of varying experience levels produces a well-rounded team.

More on DEIHow to Source Diverse Talent


3. Ensuring Equitable Resources and Development Opportunities

Demographics are just one part of developing an inclusive workplace. Be aware of what support is available to employees. Survey compensation rates, benefits packages and DEI funding to see where improvements could be made. 

Take stock of your team’s performance: Does anyone seem to be taking more time off than other people? Is anyone participating less in scrums? Instead of criticizing them, question what policies or tools you could implement to help them perform better. 


4. Providing DEI Training, Courses and Resources

Some employees may not already be familiar with workplace inclusivity and may not be able to put it into practice without guidelines to follow. To create a baseline of expectations for how employees should treat each other, proper educational and informational resources may be necessary. 

Provide access to training tools that cover topics like DEI, anti-harassment and mutual respect in the workplace, and be open as a leader to answer questions regarding these topics. People learn in all types of ways, so it’s important to educate through any avenue possible, from oral instructions and written policies to videos and activities.

More on DEIHow to Start Funding More Than Just White Guys


5. Using Inclusive Language

A little goes a long way, especially with how you address and chat with employees. Inclusive language aims to encompass all employees, and not be exclusive to one characteristic or ability. 

Inclusive language can look like using the pronoun “they” to refer to theoretical people instead of “he” or “she”, using plain language instead of idioms or metaphors to communicate or using the terms “you all” or “folks” instead of “guys.”


6. Creating ERGs and Safe Environments

Above all else, everyone should feel safe at work. A workplace where everyone is respected will put people in a position to do their best work. Cultivate an environment that welcomes all feedback and allows employees to be who they are at work.

“I think the single best thing that they can do is blameless retros,” Harper said. “The key is to focus on learning, not blame, so that everyone on the team can operate at a higher level.” Don’t be afraid to admit when you’ve made a leadership mistake — owning up to mistakes makes your team more confident that you’re willing to learn and grow.

At Ada Developers Academy, inclusivity depends on a constant practice of accountability, according to Sato. Regular self-reflection enables her organization to stay on top of issues — that constant evolution has turned it into a place where workers from all backgrounds have a strong voice. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Inclusive leadership is a style of leadership where diverse perspectives and backgrounds are encouraged in the workplace. It emphasizes leading with mutual respect, empathy and an open mind toward other employees.

Inclusive leadership ensures every employee is properly heard and empowered to contribute their voice at work. Leading with inclusivity in mind can boost company culture and revenue, strengthen business relationships and increase employee retention.

Some qualities of inclusive leadership include:

  • Commitment to diversity and inclusivity 
  • Being humble and willing to adapt 
  • Mindfulness of personal biases
  • Open-mindedness and curiosity 
  • Cultural awareness 
  • Collaborative nature
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