Top Pittsburgh, PA Database Companies (3)
Based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Data Ideology is the region's fastest-growing data & analytics consultancy serving the area’s largest enterprises in healthcare and technology. Our team consists of highly competitive individuals who are experts in the field and passionate about data and the value it can bring to organizations. We specialize in data warehouse modernization , data warehouse migration, eliminating data silo’s , data governance , data visualization , and enterprise deployment , bringing data together , eliminating complexity and providing top-notch training solutions. At Data Ideology, we drive a culture of empowerment at the top level of management and ownership of results so that our customers win every day. Our main focus is on our clients, as well as on their processes, data and technology to help them realize greater value with their analytics investments. We work one on one with companies to leverage their data assets by implementing our methodology and framework to strengthen the strategic value of data within their organizations, respectively.
Niche helps you discover the schools, companies, and neighborhoods that are right for you. We rigorously analyze dozens of public data sets and millions of reviews to produce comprehensive rankings, report cards, and profiles for every K-12 school, college, neighborhood, and large employer in the U.S.
CompleteBankData a banking database of financials on unlisted stocks.
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Work Your Passion. Live Your Purpose.