How to Create a Cryptocurrency

Creating a new cryptocurrency takes know-how, time, and the desire to create something that people will want to own and use. Here’s how the process works.

Written by David Koff
How to Create a Cryptocurrency
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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Brennan Whitfield | Oct 31, 2023

Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies residing on the blockchain that work just like their traditional counterparts: People use them to make purchases or to receive funds from sales of goods or services. The difference between cryptocurrencies and traditional ones is that, in order for cryptocurrencies to work, an online network must facilitate and verify all transactions. 

Today, thousands of cryptocurrencies are available for trading. If that seems unusually high, that’s because — unlike traditional currencies, which require government approval and backing — anyone can create a cryptocurrency. But not everyone will want to own or use them: The most popular cryptocurrencies are those which are both functional and easy to manage. 

Therefore, the only requirements for creating a new cryptocurrency are know-how, an investment of time and a desire to create something that people will want to own and use.

How to Create a Cryptocurrency

  1. Determine the use for your cryptocurrency.
  2. Select a blockchain platform.
  3. Prepare the nodes.
  4. Choose a blockchain architecture.
  5. Establish APIs.
  6. Create a suitable interface.
  7. Understand the legal considerations.

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Ways to Create a Cryptocurrency

Depending on your technical knowledge, available funds and preferences for creative freedom, there’s a few different ways to go about creating a cryptocurrency:

Create a New Blockchain and Native Cryptocurrency 

You can create an entirely new blockchain and build a new cryptocurrency that is native to this chain. This option often requires some coding and software development skills, as well as knowledge of blockchain technology and how it functions. While this option may be time and money-intensive due to setup and needed equipment, it provides the most freedom for establishing a currency, its governance and its blockchain’s consensus mechanism.


Modify or Fork an Existing Blockchain 

A cryptocurrency may also be created by modifying or establishing a fork (a network split) in the source code of an existing blockchain, and building the currency from the new blockchain established. The process can be thought of as using existing code as a template, and editing it to personal liking to create a completely different blockchain experience and cryptocurrency. Some blockchain code is even open-source, making this option accessible to users who want a say in development but have less coding experience or funds.


Create a New Cryptocurrency on an Existing Blockchain 

If you don’t want to create your own blockchain or need an option with the least coding possible, you can create a new cryptocurrency using an existing blockchain. Ethereum, BNB Chain and several other blockchains allow users to build non-native tokens using their platforms, which are cryptocurrencies that utilize a blockchain’s technology but aren’t native to that blockchain.

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How to Create a Cryptocurrency, Step-by-Step

Once you’ve determined the way you want to create a cryptocurrency, here’s what to consider in development and the general steps of going through the creation process.

1. Determine the Use for Your Cryptocurrency

The first step in creating a cryptocurrency is obvious but essential: Developers (the term used for cryptocurrency creators) must find a compelling use for their proposed digital currency. Traditional and cryptocurrencies can serve many purposes:

  • Transfer of money
  • Alternative wealth storage
  • Smart contract support
  • Data verification
  • Smart asset management

Wise developers define attractive uses for their currencies before launching them on the digital currency markets. Dogecoin, for example, was a cryptocurrency that was created based on a meme that was popular at the time; IMPT is a new token that rewards users that want to reduce their carbon footprints to better help the planet.


2. Select a Blockchain Platform

All cryptocurrencies are anchored by a blockchain platform. This ensures that every transaction is recorded and distributed across the blockchain, creating a system of accountability. This approach makes it impossible for outside parties to hack, trick, or change the digital ledger.

Platforms vary depending on the consensus mechanism used. At its core, a blockchain is a kind of digital ledger that permanently lists every cryptocurrency transaction. However: not all transactions are considered. Some, for example, might be fraudulent. Therefore, a screening process is required. In the world of blockchains, that’s what a consensus mechanism provides. 

A consensus mechanism is, in simple terms, a communications protocol that determines if a blockchain network will consider a specific transaction. There are multiple consensus mechanisms available, including:

  • Proof of Work. Miners solve complex math puzzles to create a block. Miners who finish the block creation process are rewarded in cryptocurrency.
  • Proof of Stake. Miners work together to create each block, with a random miner receiving the reward. Miners must prove they own a sizable stake in the currency they are mining.
  • Delegated Proof of Stake. This measure is similar to proof of stake, but, after staking their crypto coins, users vote for specific miners who create blocks and get the reward.
  • Proof of Elapsed Time. The reward goes to the miner who has spent the longest time verifying transactions.

Some of the most popular and flexible blockchain platforms used to create cryptocurrencies include:

  • Ethereum 
  • BNB Chain
  • Tron
  • Solana
  • Waves
  • Polygon
  • Stellar

More on BlockchainProof of Stake Versus Proof of Work: Understanding the Differences


3. Prepare the Nodes

Once you’ve selected a blockchain, the nodes that work in the blockchain must be created. Nodes are, usually, fast computers that connect to a blockchain network to verify and process transactions. Nodes keep the currency running while recording and sharing the data that eventually gets added to the digital ledger.

There are four key considerations when setting up nodes:

  1. Determining who has access to nodes. Some ledgers are publicly accessible; others remain private.
  2. Determining where nodes are hosted. A cloud network can host a node, but local nodes may be preferred in order to provide on-premise support for computers that act as nodes.
  3. Choosing which operating system is ideal. An open-source operating system like Ubuntu or Fedora is usually preferred, as developers can reconfigure the OS to their cryptocurrencies’ unique needs.
  4. Deciding what hardware is required. Components like processors, RAM, GPUs, and hard drives are important considerations because nodes require faster hardware so that they can process more transactions in less time.


4. Choose a Blockchain Architecture

When it comes to sharing data, blockchains don’t all operate the same way. Digital architecture is a lot like building architecture: It must not only consider design but also how everything fits together to work best. Consider these three prominent blockchain architecture formats:

  • Centralized. One central node on the blockchain receives information from multiple other nodes.
  • Decentralized. Nodes on the blockchain share data together.
  • Distributed. The blockchain ledger moves between nodes. A publicly distributed ledger system allows users to review the content; a privately distributed system lets the users adjust the ledger data.

Choosing a blockchain architecture also requires that developers ask themselves the following questions:

  • What will the blockchain address look like?
  • Who can access blockchain data and who can complete and validate transactions?
  • What are the formats for the keys necessary to create signatures for transactions?
  • What are the rules for creating assets?
  • What are the block size limits?
  • Are there any transaction limits?
  • How big are the rewards for mining?
  • How do nodes identify themselves (also called hand-shaking) when communicating?


5. Establish APIs

The application programming interface (API) is an interface linking to a blockchain node or a client network. For example, an API can interface between the currency exchange and an application that collects data about that currency. APIs can work for many purposes in the world of cryptocurrencies, but the most common include trading currencies, providing data security, and obtaining currency analysis.

Developers may find many blockchain API solutions, including Bitcore, Factom, and Infura Ethereum APIs. 

Note that outside API developers may be necessary for creating API setups. You can also incorporate multiple APIs for different programming needs such as tracking the price of your cryptocurrency or pulling publicly available information off its blockchain.


6. Create a Suitable Interface

Developers who wish to make it easy for others to interact with their cryptocurrency must consider the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). The easier the UI and UX, the more likely it is that consumers and miners will be able to easily configure their settings and manage their investments. Interfaces require a server and database to work, plus someone should be ready to program a website or program that allows someone to review and configure data.


7. Understand the Legal Considerations

Considering the legal aspects of creating a new currency prior to beginning is both wise and necessary. Developers must:

  • Set up a legal entity, such as an LLC or Corporation.
  • Acquire a license from their local governments.
  • Register with certified groups that are devoted to stopping money laundering and other harmful activities, such as the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network in the United States.
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Create Your Own Cryptocurrency

In the end, producing a suitable cryptocurrency that is both viable and trustworthy requires investing both time and work. Having the necessary technologies that provide the most security with the most simple of user interfaces can help make or break any developer’s chances of success.


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes — you can create your own cryptocurrency by building your own blockchain, modifying and expanding upon an existing blockchain's source code or by using creation features on an existing blockchain.

Creating a cryptocurrency can cost up to several thousands of U.S. dollars, depending on your method of development and the resources required for your cryptocurrency project. 

If creating a cryptocurrency and new blockchain on your own, this could require a higher investment due to needed hardware, network equipment and developer expertise.

If creating a cryptocurrency using an existing blockchain platform, this could require a lower investment due to a third party handling equipment and coding on your behalf. 

The time it takes to create a cryptocurrency independently will vary depending on your technical expertise as well as currency needs and preferences throughout development.

Creating a cryptocurrency using an existing blockchain can take around five to 20 minutes, depending on the blockchain platform being used.

This content is for informational and educational purposes only. Built In strives to maintain accuracy in all its editorial coverage, but it is not intended to be a substitute for financial or legal advice.

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