What Is Network Security?

Network security describes a combination of technologies, devices, processes and policies used to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of networks and data.

Written by Anthony Corbo
Published on Dec. 16, 2021
What Is Network Security?
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Katlyn Gallo | Aug 10, 2022

Every organization uses different degrees of network security to create a layer of protection from cybercriminal activities and data security incidents, ensuring that network vulnerabilities remain minimal and are closed once identified.

What are types of network security?

Types of network security include zero-trust network access, firewalls, network segmentation, access control, remote VPNs, email security, sandboxing and more.

Network security relies on several simultaneous processes to ensure that data accessed within networking environments is secure and only accessible to authorized users. Firewalls control incoming and outgoing network traffic through a predetermined rule set. Network segmentation is used to set boundaries between network segments when assets within the group share functionality, risks or roles. Access control defines what groups and users have access to data, applications and systems through Identity and Access Management (IAM) software and role-based access control policies. Both network segmentation and access control have incorporated zero-trust network access (ZTNA) to add additional layers to overall data access. Remote-access VPNs allow authorized users to remotely and securely access a company’s network and protect devices from threats on external networks.

There are several other techniques that should be used to ensure top-level network security, including endpoint security, email security, data loss prevention, sandboxing, cloud network security, hyperscale network security and zero-trust network access systems. The more network security protocols added to networking environments, the more secure they will be for both end-users and corporate servers.

What is CS protocol?

Computer science protocol, or CS protocol, is a set of rules and procedures for transmitting data between computational devices.

CS protocols are put in place to ensure that data is transmittable between electronic devices, such as desktop and mobile computers. These protocols dictate how computers exchange information and are structured in a way that determines how each side of the exchange will be sending and receiving information. These protocols are established by international organizations, such as Open Systems Interconnection (OSI), with the set of guidelines setting the basis for effective and secure networking communications. Crucial protocols for internet use include HTTPS, TLS/SSL, DNS, TCP/IP and SMTP, with additional protocols being created as networking landscapes evolve.

How do you train in network security?

Network security training is an ongoing process that exists both inside and outside of an organization, with new guidelines added over time.

Network security training requires the cooperation of both users within an organization as well as the organization itself. Cybersecurity training should be provided by a company on a regular basis in order to keep both the network and the individual users secure, especially as networking conditions evolve over time. Networking professionals throughout the organization should be prepared to present new guidelines to coworkers and introduce them to new security tools. Additionally, organizations should provide training sessions on how to utilize specific security products, create strong passwords, use VPNs, understand email security and build other skills to provide a cohesive workplace cybersecurity training. 

Employees, in turn, must take network security seriously and make use of network security measures to protect the organization and their own data. Additionally, both cybersecurity professionals and those in non-security roles can benefit from information security training courses. Providers like Udemy and Udacity offer courses to further enhance one’s overall knowledge of cybersecurity.

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