AI Translation Isn’t Perfect. Here’s How to Make It Better.

Diversified training data and human oversight can make AI translation more accurate.

Written by Rachelle Garcia
Published on Aug. 06, 2024
A person is using a mobile app to translate Chinese characters into English.
Image: DFLC Prints / Shutterstock / Built In
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As businesses increasingly rely on artificial intelligence to bridge language gaps and reach global audiences, its crucial to navigate this landscape with awareness and precision.

3 Ways to Make AI Translations Clearer and Better

  1. Diversify training data to include more languages.
  2. Have human translators review and refine AI translations.
  3. Hire cultural consultants to check cultural nuances in translations.

AI translations from one language to another are certainly convenient because they reduce the need for a human translator fluent in both languages. Yet AI translation has its pitfalls, too, and failures can cause significant legal, reputational and trust issues. A catchy English slogan might become nonsensical or offensive in another language. A mistranslated phrase in a legal context has led to a false arrest. Mistranslations can even introduce gender bias.

This article will explore what can go wrong with AI translations and discuss ways to enhance accuracy and cultural relevance.

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5 Things That Cause AI Translation Errors

AI translation has several key hallmarks that are directly or indirectly responsible for mistranslations.

Prevalence of English

One of the biggest challenges with AI translation is the dominance of English in language model development, leading to bias and inaccuracies in less common languages. This bias means AI models might struggle with nuances, grammatical structures, idioms, humor and cultural references, often producing nonsensical or offensive translations.

Cultural Nuances

AI’s limited grasp of cultural context can result in technically accurate but culturally inappropriate translations. 

Semantic Errors

AI might struggle with words that have multiple meanings, depending on the context. This can lead to mistranslations that significantly alter the intended message.

Consistency Issues

Maintaining consistency in translations across large projects, especially those involving technical documents or brand messaging, can be a challenge. Even slight variations in phrasing can affect brand voice and technical accuracy. 

Ethical and Privacy Concerns

Using AI for translation involves handling vast amounts of data, raising concerns about privacy and data security. AI models often require access to sensitive and confidential information, making it imperative to ensure robust data protection measures are in place.


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5 Ways to Improve AI Translations

Businesses can take several steps to mitigate the risks associated with AI translation and improve the overall quality of the translations.

Diversify Training Data

Accurate AI translations depend on diverse training data covering various languages and cultural contexts, so diversify the training data used for these models. Continuously update models with a more balanced multilingual dataset to ensure broader language representation. You might also advocate for collaboration with global linguistic communities to enrich data sources and enhance the model’s ability to handle multiple languages accurately.

Add Human Oversight

Despite AI advancements, a human-in-the-loop approach is crucial in translation. Human translators review and validate machine outputs for accuracy and cultural appropriateness. 

One solution is to integrate human post-editing into the AI translation process. Skilled linguists should review and refine AI-generated translations to ensure they are contextually accurate and culturally sensitive. This collaborative approach leverages the efficiency of AI while maintaining the quality and authenticity of human translation.

Equip Systems With Continuous Learning

AI systems equipped with machine learning can continuously improve by learning from feedback and past experiences. Businesses should look for translation tools that incorporate feedback loops to refine the AI model over time.

Use Cultural Consultants

Collaborating with cultural consultants can add an extra layer of assurance for projects requiring a high degree of cultural sensitivity. These consultants can provide insights into the target audience’s cultural nuances and preferences, ensuring the translations resonate effectively.

Prioritize Data Security 

Employ strict data protection protocols and ensure compliance with international privacy regulations. My company’s AI systems are designed with privacy by default, minimizing the retention of personal data and using anonymization techniques where possible. Maintaining high ethical standards safeguards our clients’ trust and data integrity.

Further ReadingArtificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning: What’s the Difference?


The Future of AI Translation

The field of AI translation is constantly evolving and researchers are actively working on addressing the challenges discussed above. Here are some promising areas of development.

Industry Standards

Efforts are underway to set industry standards for AI translation quality, involving collaboration between tech companies, linguists and regulatory bodies. These benchmarks will help businesses compare translation tools for accuracy and cultural sensitivity.

ISO 18587:2017, for example, is a standard for post-editing machine translation output, outlining the post-editing process, post-editor qualifications and key service aspects, ensuring high-quality translations.

Advancements in AI Research

Researchers are developing AI algorithms to better understand context and cultural nuances, including advancements in natural language processing (NLP). Computer-aided translation (CAT) tools assist translators in streamlining processes but don’t translate themselves. AI translation tools use advanced algorithms and large databases for high-quality, fast translations.

Cross-Disciplinary Teams

Collaboration between linguists, cultural experts and AI developers is crucial for effective translation tools. 

The journey to perfecting AI-driven translations is ongoing and requires a concerted effort from businesses, developers, and linguistic experts. As AI technology continues to evolve, we can look forward to a future where language barriers become a thing of the past, fostering better communication and collaboration across the globe.

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