Software Engineering Perspectives Articles

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Ari Joury, Ph.D. Ari Joury, Ph.D.
Updated on July 11, 2022

Is Quantum Tech All Hype?

As “quantum” becomes one of the buzzwords of the decade, some voices are warning that its potential is overblown. But what is the reality?

Aphinya Dechalert Aphinya Dechalert
Updated on July 11, 2022

How (Not) to Agile

Agile can’t help your old, clunky code. Here’s one developer’s perspective on how to balance speed with code that actually works.

Aphinya Dechalert Aphinya Dechalert
Updated on July 11, 2022

How the Dunning-Kruger Effect Hamstrings Developers

As a young developer you were on top of the world, but a few years in, you’re feeling like a big phony. The Dunning-Kruger effect is to blame.

Aphinya Dechalert Aphinya Dechalert
Updated on July 11, 2022

3 Steps to Finishing Your App. Hint: Start at the End.

If you’ve got a great idea for an app but just can’t seem to finish the darn thing, you’re not alone. Use these three steps to get it done.

Anupam Chugh Anupam Chugh
Updated on July 11, 2022

Why Julia and Swift Programming Languages Will Squeeze Python

Python has ruled data science and machine learning for the last decade, but Julia and Swift are poised to dethrone the king.

Allan Wintersieck Allan Wintersieck
Updated on July 08, 2022

Do You Need to Rely on Agile Methodology?

Sure, the process offers benefits for many digital products. But sometimes agile is not the best solution for your needs.

Allan Wintersieck Allan Wintersieck
Updated on July 08, 2022

5 Conversations Every CEO and CTO Should Have

You need to be on the same page to successfully lead.

Alex Zito-Wolf Alex Zito-Wolf
Updated on July 08, 2022

Which Web3 Predictions Can We Believe?

The dawn of web3 is here, and with it, a host of promises about its transformative potential. But which of these are likely to be true, and which are just fantasy?

Alex Zito-Wolf Alex Zito-Wolf
Updated on July 08, 2022

Why Is the Internet So Slow? (And How We Can Fix It.)

JavaScript bloat is bogging down websites across the internet. Developers need to know how to avoid this problem to keep sites running properly.

Alex Zito-Wolf Alex Zito-Wolf
Updated on July 08, 2022

Everything You Know About Serverless Functions Is Wrong

Serverless functions offer grandiose promises to developers. But can they really deliver on them? Let’s find out.