Install Node.js: A Tutorial

Node.js is an open-source server that works on multiple operating systems and is useful for both front- and back-end applications. This tutorial explains how to install it on your machine.

Written by David Koff
Published on Apr. 05, 2023
JavaScript code on a terminal screen
Image: Shutterstock / Built In

Node.js is a powerful, open-source server that can be used on various common operating systems. This JavaScript program can use JavaScript web applications outside a traditional client browser. Node.js is unique for its use on both the front and back end alike, providing more versatility for web developers.

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How to Install Node.js Through the Basic Installer

The installation process begins with downloading the install package from the Node.js website. Binaries and Docker Images are also available for those who might need them. Developers should install the long-term support (or LTS) version as it’s the most stable. Newer installations of Node.js are available, however, called “nightly builds.” These offer more features but have not been time-tested publicly like the LTS versions. Users should think of these nightly builds as beta releases and proceed accordingly. 

A screenshot of the installation process for node.js
Image: Screenshot

By default, Node.js will install files into their recommended locations. For example, on macOS, files are placed into the /usr/local/bin directory. After installation, experienced users may choose to relocate the binaries to a folder of their choosing. 

A screenshot of the node.js installation process
Image: Screenshot.

The Node.js installation includes two binaries, node and npm. Some users may prefer to not install both. Npm is a package manager and, therefore, might not be required for users who prefer working with different package manager. The installation process offers customizable options. On the macOS, for example, users can select/deselect each option as shown here:

A screenshot of the node.js installation process
Image: Screenshot

You should verify the installation by opening a terminal or command prompt and entering “node –v.” This should print out the same version as the install page on Node.js listed:

A screenshot of the node.js installation process
Image: Screenshot

What Is Node.js?

Node.js is a powerful, open-source server that can be used on various common operating systems. This JavaScript program can use JavaScript web applications outside a traditional client browser. Node.js is unique for its use on both the front and back end alike, providing more versatility for web developers.


How to Install Node.js With Source Code

Node.js is open-source software. That means that anyone, programmers or laypeople, can view the code, suggest improvements, or even fork the software to create a slightly or radically different version. Installing Node.js via source code is also possible, but — because this route requires compiling code — it’s only recommended for those with more programming experience who already have the compiling software required.

How to Install Node.js With Source Code

1. Prepare a C++ compiler.

2. Install Python.

3. Download the source code from the Node.js website.

4. Launch the /configure command and then launch make.

5. Test the compiled program with make test.

6. Enter make install to install the source code program.

7. Enter node –version to check what version of Node.js is running.

Those wishing to work with the Node.js source code must first find or create a suitable build.


1. Prepare a C++ compiler

Much of Node.js is written in C/C++, and many of its modules are implemented in these languages. The compiler is necessary for translating computer code into an easy-to-review language.


2. Install Python

Although Python is not necessary for other Node.js installation options, it is critical for the source code-based option. Node.js has been built with GYP, a cross-platform built program written in the Python language. Since multiple Python scripts appear here, Python is necessary for source code operations.


3. Download the source code from the Node.js website.

The source code appears in a .tar.gz file. The website provides access to all editions of Node.js, giving users the option to download whatever source codes they prefer.


4. Launch the /CONFIGURE command and then launch MAKE


5. Test the compiled program with make test


6. Enter make install to install the source code program.


7. Enter node –version to check what version of Node.js is running.

The process lets you know the specific version of Node.js that works here

Installing Node.js through the source code is only recommended for people with more technical experience. Since the source code is more complex, users might require additional support in reading the content. This option is also slower than any other item.

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Install Node.js

Node.js offers a host of powerful and unique features.

Advantages of Node.js

  • It can be used across multiple platforms. That means it’s ideal for both desktop and mobile apps alike. Additionally, because Node.js supports faster rendering times and full-stack development, it’s an ideal solution for adjusting SaaS content.
  • Multiple languages can work on Node.js. Although JavaScript has native support, Node.js can also work with multiple compile-to-JS languages.
  • Both the front-end and back-end parts of a site can work through Node.js. Front-end development involves the visual parts of a site, whereas back-end development covers data and logic points for that page.
  • Node.js uses one thread for programs, so content is always scalable. Its single-thread design means that there’s only one memory heap involved, therefore only one data execution runs at a time. Execution times for applications are minimal, plus more users can share process resources when using a program.
  • Node.js supports blocking and non-blocking calls. A blocking call occurs when JavaScript operations can only continue in Node.js when non-JavaScript operations finish. Non-blocking calls do not block threads during execution, so more things can happen at once.

Node.js offers abundant support. The official Node.js website provides thorough tutorials. Software developers can also communicate with other Node.js users online through IRC or Slack if they require further help.

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