10 iOS App Development Trends Worth Knowing

From Swift to sustainability, they can help you build a more successful iOS app.

Written by Sohail Shaikh
Published on Nov. 03, 2023
10 iOS App Development Trends Worth Knowing
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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The iOS ecosystem, which includes devices like iPhones, iPads and the Apple Watch, boasts more than 2 billion active Apple devices worldwide as of 2023. 

10 Driving Forces in iOS App Development

  1. Swift language advancements
  2. Artificial intelligence integration
  3. Augmented reality experiences
  4. Data privacy
  5. Progressive web apps (PWAs)
  6. Cross-platform development
  7. App Store optimization
  8. Voice User Interface (VUI)
  9. 5G connectivity
  10. Sustainability

This massive user base presents an incredible opportunity for app developers. Apple’s App Store, with more than 1.8 million apps, is a testament to the platform’s vibrancy. The global mobile app market, valued at $228.98 billion in 2023, is projected to reach $510.39 billion by 2027. That’s a compound annual growth rate of 18.4 percent.

Keeping abreast of iOS app development trends is a fundamental step toward creating applications that resonate with users. Here are 10 trends to keep in mind when developing your next iOS app.

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Swift Language Advancements

Introduced by Apple in 2014, Swift has transformed the world of iOS app development. It combines the best elements of various programming languages; that, along with its expressive syntax and strong focus on safety, make it a powerful tool for developers. As of 2023, Swift ranks 15th in the TIOBE Index, which measures programming language popularity. 

Swift continues to evolve, with Swift 6 being a significant milestone. It offers advanced features that enhance app development. In terms of performance, Swift has shown impressive results. According to benchmarks, Swift is now 2.6 times faster than Objective-C, its predecessor. 


Artificial Intelligence Integration

Artificial intelligence has rapidly increased in the iPhone app development landscape, playing an ever-expanding role in enhancing user experiences. AI-driven features are no longer confined to specialized applications; they have become integral to a wide range of iOS apps. For instance, virtual assistants like Siri harness AI for natural language processing and user interaction. 

iOS developers have access to a rich ecosystem of machine learning libraries and frameworks. Core ML, Apple’s machine learning framework, is a prime example. It enables developers to integrate machine learning models directly into their apps, providing functionalities such as image recognition, text analysis and more. The global machine-learning market is projected to reach $419.94 billion by 2030, indicating the growing demand for machine-learning solutions. 

Real-time AI processing is also a game-changer in iOS app development. With the introduction of the A12 Bionic chip and its successors, iPhones, and iPads are equipped with dedicated hardware for machine learning tasks. 


Augmented Reality Experiences

Apple’s ARKit has enabled augmented reality to make significant strides in iOS app development. The ARKit, a framework introduced in 2017, allows developers to seamlessly blend digital elements with the real world through iOS apps. As of 2021, there were more than 8,700 ARKit-enabled apps on the App Store.  

AR is making its mark in mainstream gaming and retail iOS apps. In the gaming world, titles like Pokémon GO have demonstrated the immense potential of AR, and the trend continues to grow. Retailers are adopting AR to enhance the shopping experience. Statistics show that 60 percent of consumers are more likely to make a purchase if they can use AR to visualize a product. 


Privacy and Data Security

Privacy concerns have reached an all-time high in the digital age. With data breaches, identity theft and privacy scandals making headlines, users are increasingly cautious about how their data is handled. Four-fifths of adults (79 percent) are concerned about how their data is being used by companies, according to a Pew Research Center survey.

Apple took substantial steps to address these concerns with the release of iOS 15. The operating system introduced a slew of privacy features, such as App Privacy Report, which provides users with insights into how apps collect and use their data. App Tracking Transparency (ATT) empowers users to decide whether apps can track their activity across other apps and websites. 


Progressive Web Apps

Progressive web apps represent a hybrid solution in the iOS app development landscape. They bridge the gap between web and native apps, offering a versatile and cost-effective approach to reaching users. PWAs are essentially web applications that, when accessed through a browser, provide an experience akin to native apps. 

PWAs excel in enhancing the user experience, a vital aspect of iOS app development. These applications load quickly and offer seamless interactions, similar to native apps. Their responsive design adapts to various screen sizes and orientations, ensuring consistent performance on different iOS devices. 


Cross-Platform Development

Cross-platform development has witnessed a substantial rise in iOS app development, with tools like Xamarin, Flutter, React Native and others gaining prominence. As of 2022, cross-platform development tools were used by more than 42 percent of mobile developers. 

Cross-platform development holds a key advantage in terms of reducing development time and costs. With a single codebase that can be shared across multiple platforms, developers can significantly accelerate the app development cycle. This is particularly critical in the competitive iOS app market, where quicker time-to-market can make a substantial difference. 


App Store Optimization

The App Store is a bustling marketplace with millions of apps vying for user attention. This highly competitive landscape makes it crucial for iOS app developers to understand the importance of ASO. ASO is akin to SEO for mobile apps — it involves optimizing various elements to improve an app’s visibility and discoverability in the App Store. 

Achieving higher visibility in the App Store is a multifaceted endeavor. It involves a combination of tactics such as keyword optimization, localization, and A/B testing of visuals and descriptions. Developers must also consider factors like the app’s icon, screenshots and video previews, as these elements greatly influence user engagement and conversion rates. 


Voice User Interface

Voice user interface has gained significant momentum in iOS app development. With the proliferation of smart speakers and voice-activated assistants like Siri, voice recognition technology is transforming the way users interact with their devices. VUI enables users to perform tasks, make queries, and control apps using natural language. 

Designing for VUI involves creating intuitive and user-friendly voice experiences. Developers need to focus on natural language processing, speech recognition, and context-aware interactions. Building a seamless VUI experience requires a deep understanding of user behavior and the ability to provide accurate and contextually relevant responses. 


5G and Enhanced Connectivity

The rollout of 5G networks has ushered in a new era of connectivity. 5G technology offers significantly faster data speeds, lower latency and increased network capacity. These qualities are necessary for apps that require high bandwidth, low latency, and real-time interactions, such as augmented reality, high-definition video streaming, and cloud-based gaming. About 151 million 5G connections have been established in the United States. 

Developers need to optimize their apps to harness the capabilities of 5G networks. This involves leveraging techniques like edge computing to reduce latency, adapting content for higher resolutions and larger data transfers, and enhancing the user experience through uninterrupted connectivity. 5G opens new possibilities in app development, enabling richer, more immersive, and data-intensive applications that can redefine user expectations.

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Sustainability and Green App Development

Sustainability and environmental consciousness have become increasingly important in iOS app development. Users are more eco-aware, and there's a growing demand for apps that consider their environmental impact. Sustainable app development involves reducing energy consumption, minimizing carbon footprints and adopting green hosting practices.

Developers are integrating eco-friendly features into their apps. This includes optimizing power consumption, reducing data usage, and promoting environmentally responsible behaviors among users. Green apps encourage practices like carpooling, energy conservation and recycling. Sustainable app development aligns with corporate social responsibility and is gaining traction in the iOS app development landscape.

In conclusion, the ever-evolving iOS ecosystem demands that developers remain adaptable and informed. Staying ahead of these trends, adopting best practices, and continually refining app experiences will ensure that developers create innovative, user-centric, and sustainable apps that flourish in a dynamic and competitive landscape.

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