Remote work is a heated debate among employers who are skeptical of its practicality and employees who crave flexible work opportunities. Regardless of where you stand on the topic, there are a number of research-backed findings to support your stance either way. However, one stance has quite a few more facts than the other...
To better understand how remote work really impacts the workplace and its people, we've gathered more than 75 remote work statistics. If you're looking for something specific, feel free to click the links below to skip ahead.
Table of Contents
- General Remote Work Trends
- Who Works Remotely
- Where Employees Work Remotely
- How Remote Work Affects Revenue and Profits
- How Remote Work Boosts Employee Performance & Productivity
- How Remote Work Attracts Job Seekers
- How Remote Work Supports Employees
- How Remote Work Impacts Employees' Mental & Physical Health
- How Remote Work Supports Diverse Employees
- Why Remote Work Is More Sustainable
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General Remote Work Trends

Remote work is believed to be the “new normal”
Out with commuter life and in with remote. In our vastly digital world, nearly three in four people report that working remotely is the new normal.
Could The 8-Hour workday Be a Thing of the Past?
The standard eight-hour workday is becoming more of a past tradition. As employers offer more flexible work options, and companies test shorter workweeks, employers are starting to find the true meaning of work-life balance.
45% of U.S. employers currently offer remote work
As of 2019, nearly half of U.S. companies offer remote work options to give their employees more flexibility and maintain a better work-life balance.
4.7 million employees work remotely at least 50% of the time
That’s 3.4% of the U.S. workforce that works remotely during at least half of their workweek.
an Estimated 70% of workers are Remote at least one day each week
A majority of employees have the flexibility to work from home at least one day per week.
Plus, 60% of employers Already allow employees to choose when to start and end their workday
More than half of companies allow employees to set their own work schedules, determining when they want to come in and leave.
Another 56% of global employers currently offer remote work
The remote-work trend is certainly not isolated to the United States. Even more of the global workforce offers remote work to its employees.
However, only 7% of companies offer remote work to most of their employees
While the trend for remote work continues to grow, and as we mentioned nearly half of employers offer remote work, they’re only offering this benefit to a select number of employees.
Even though Half of U.S. jobs are compatible for remote work
For even just partial remote work, 50% of U.S. workers hold jobs that could allow them to work remotely.
In the past five years, remote work grew 44%
Since the early 2010s, the number of remote workers has nearly doubled, and it’s only going to continue to grow.
And in the past 10 Years, it grew 91%
While it sounds crazy a new work trend could grow by nearly 100% in just a decade, remember that the internet only became accessible to the majority of the population less than 30 years ago.
It's anticipated that By 2027, more people will work remotely than not
In less than ten years, people believe more employees will be able to work remotely by way of freelancing.
And By 2028, it’s predicted that 73% of teams will have remote workers
Another study predicts the vast majority of teams will employ remote workers within this decade.
Who Works Remotely

on average, remote workers earn a $58,000 salary
Unfortunately, remote work is not accessible for all employees or roles, and statistics show remote workers typically fall into a higher income bracket, are college-educated and on average are 45 years old.
Full-time workers are more likely to have remote work options
Compared to part-time employees, full-time workers are four-times more likely to be offered remote work options.
Non-union workers are more likely to have remote work options
Workplace unions are growing in size, but their workers' opportunities for remote jobs are not. One study found that non-union workers are two-times more likely to have flexible work options.
Remote work isn’t just for young techies
While remote work is commonly associated with the tech industry, it is expanding across industries, including legal, marketing, project management, real estate, insurance and non-profits.

Where Do People Work Remotely?

84% of remote workers work from home
The majority of remote employees spend their workday at home.
While 8% of remote workers choose coworking spaces
The second most common place for remote workers to spend their workday is at coworking spaces.
And just 4% of remote workers go to cafes
The third and least common place for remote workers to spend their day is in local cafes.
Large companies are more likely to offer remote work options
With all their experience and resources, it makes sense that large companies are more likely to offer remote work to their employees than small to medium-sized companies.
New England & the Mid-Atlantic regions offer the most remote work Opportunities
Across the United States, there are certain regions that are more likely to offer remote work than others, and it just so happens that New England and the Mid-Atlantic regions have the most remote work opportunities of anywhere in the United States.
How Remote Work Affects Revenue and Profits

3 in 4 people believe remote work reduces operating costs
When asked, 77% of employees said they can identify how employers could reduce operating costs if they allow employees to work remotely.
And Employees were right — Remote work Significantly Reduces operating costs
With fewer people working in the office, remote work does in fact reduce operating costs for employers. IBM saved $50 million in real estate costs by allowing employees to work remotely.
Companies can save $11k per employee each year
Another study found companies that allow employees to work remotely 50% of the time reduce their cost-per-employee by more than ten grand.
U.S. companies saved $5 billion in 2018
Remote work helps eliminate overhead costs, such as real estate expenses and office furnishings, helping companies save big bucks.
On-site desks are empty 50-60% of the time due to increased remote work options
At Fortune 1,000 companies, employers are altering their physical work spaces (and saving money on office supplies) to adapt to the shifting times of employees working from home more often.
Employers believe remote work is key to international expansion
A total of 17% of companies say remote work allows them to connect with foreign clients, meaning more markets and money for employers.
How Remote Work Boosts Employee Performance & Productivity

Remote workers are 13% more productive
A long-term study found that remote workers are 13% more productive than employees who work in an office setting. They also have the flexibility to work during their most productive hours of the day rather than the standard 9-5.
Plus, 85% of companies notice an increase in productivity
Remote work is found to increase productivity in 85% of companies that at least occasionally offer the benefit of flexible work schedules.
More specifically, employees are more productive in home offices
When asked, more than half of remote workers say they are more productive when they work from home than in an office with colleagues. They notice fewer distractions, interruptions and experience a better environment to focus.
Remote employees at large companies are 35-40% more productive
When compared to employees who work in the office full time, remote employees are found to be significantly more productive.
Remote work = increased job satisfaction = higher profit margins
Companies gain more than $270 million each year due to employees being more satisfied in their work because they have flexible work options.
Remote workers produce an additional full day of work each week
A two-year study found the added productivity of working outside of a traditional office is equal to a full day’s worth of work each week.
Even 65% of remote employees notice they are more productive
It’s not just the companies that note an increase in productivity, employees also notice an increase in productivity when they work from home and believe they are more productive than their colleagues in the office.
Turnover rates drop significantly when remote work is available
One insurance company found when they offered certain employees remote work, turnover rates dropped to 0% and productivity increased by 18%.
How Remote Work Attracts Job Seekers

Remote work options impact 68% of young employees’ decision to accept a job
More than half of young employees factor remote work options into their decision making process when considering job offers.
Another 80% of job seekers will reject an offer without remote work options
Perhaps people are right, remote work is becoming the new norm — or at least an expectation. The vast majority of U.S. workers say they would reject a job offer that didn’t include flexible work benefits.
1 in 3 job seekers favor remote work over a better job
When given the option, a third of employees will choose a job that offers flexible work options over a job that is more prestigious.
Remote work is by far the most sought-after benefit
Of all the benefits people search for, remote work comes in as the most desired benefit among job seekers.
21% of employees would surrender vacation for flexible work
Another study found that more than one in five employees prefer flexible work schedules so much that they would opt for fewer vacation days.
Remote work options = improved employment opportunities
35% of people believe that remote work opens up job opportunities that are higher in quality because they are not limited to working in local markets.
Remote work can also improve unemployment rates
More than half of employees aged 50+ will be unemployed at some point in their career, and remote work has the potential to keep people in this demographic working later in their careers.
How Remote Work Supports Employees

80-90% of employees want to work remote at least part-time
Even if they can’t work remotely full-time, the vast majority of U.S. workers report they want to work remotely at least 2-3 days each week.
Plus, remote work is the best way to improve retention rates
According to 75% of employees, flexible work options is by far the most effective non-monetary benefit employers can offer to improve their employee retention rate.
Employers that offer flexible work notice 50% decrease in attrition
Even employers notice a drastic reduction in turnover when they offer remote work options.
33% of U.S. workers will change jobs to work remotely
Offering remote work is not only important to attract employees, but it’s also important for retaining employees when one third of workers actively look for jobs that offer remote work benefits.
Plus, 3 in 4 remote workers plan to stay remote
Of the employees who currently work from home, 75% intend to continue working remotely for the duration of their professional career.
Remote workers make $4k more on average
Compared to people who do not have remote work options, remote workers make $4,000 more on average.
Remote workers save $7,000 on average annually
In addition to making more on average, remote workers also save a lot of money on things that in-office employees need to spend on, like commuting costs, food, clothing and child care.
18% of companies pay for home internet
Because employees who work from home require internet — just like employees in office — around one in five companies pay for remote employee’s home internet services.
23% of companies pay for coworking spaces
Nearly a quarter of all companies that offer remote work pay for coworking memberships and another 6% pay for part of the membership.
Most remote workers pay less than $200/month on coworking spaces
Of the employees that do have to pay for part or all of their coworking space membership, 62% pay less than $100 and 18% pay less than $200.
Remote workers gain more time for their personal life
The average American commuter spends a minimum of 26 minutes commuting to work every day, meaning remote workers save more than 2 hours each week, nearly 10 hours each month or more than 100 hours each year by not commuting to work.
14% of remote workers enjoy more time with family
14% of remote employees say having more time with family is their favorite part about working from home.
The top benefit of remote work is having a flexible schedule
Of the great benefits that come from working remotely, having a flexible schedule is reported as the best benefit for remote workers, followed by working from any location.
How Remote Work Impacts Employees' Mental & Physical Health

Nearly all employees believe flexible work improves morale
Seriously, 90% of people believe morale could drastically increase if employers offer and implement flexible work options for all employees.
Working remotely is found to have a positive impact on quality of life
Nearly all survey respondents said flexible work is a leading factor in improving a worker’s overall quality of life.
Not only that, but remote workers are happier
Employees who are able to work from home at least one day per month are found to be 24% happier and more productive in their jobs.
Remote workers are more satisfied with their job
One study found that remote workers are 57% more likely than non-remote workers to be satisfied with their job.
Remote workers are less stressed at work
Another study found that remote workers are either “not-stressed” or “moderately stressed” during the workday.
Remote workers are better equipped to reduce stress
Not only do remote workers experience less stress, but when they do they're better able to handle and reduce stress because they have more flexibility in their schedules to exercise, eat healthier and plan personal activities.
Remote work even alleviates stress
86% of people say being able to work remotely actually reduces stress levels and improves their overall health.
Remote workers sleep more
Because remote workers have the flexibility to decide when they go to bed and wake up, they gain on average an additional hour of sleep each week.
Remote workers have fewer sick days
Remote workers are less likely to call in sick, presumably because they don’t come into contact with as many people and germs as in-office employees do. And even if they are sick, they're likely to work from home anyway.
Remote workers notice lower divorce rates
One study found that when couples commute long distances (more than 45 minutes away), divorce rates are more than 40% higher.
However, remote workers are more dissatisfied with daily activities
Even though remote workers are typically happier and paid more, they are also more likely to be dissatisfied with their daily activities. Keep in mind that they aren’t able to interact with your company’s culture in the same way and they may not receive all of the same perks either.
How Remote Work Supports Diverse Employees

Remote work opportunities support a diverse workforce
To support a wide range of employee needs and wants, remote work helps accommodate employees across the global workforce.
76% of women believe remote work could reduce the tech gender pay gap
Remote work is especially attractive for women and working mothers because it provides a more flexible schedule, which can alleviate stress related to working around personal and childcare needs.
Women have more leadership roles with remote opportunities
The women surveyed in the previous statistic may be right in their beliefs. At companies that offer flexible work, women are more likely to have leadership roles than with traditional employment opportunities.
Why Remote Work Is More Sustainable

The remote workforce reduces greenhouse gas emissions
The reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by remote workers is so drastic it has been compared to taking more than half a million cars off of the road for an entire year.
Working outside the office also reduces greenhouse gas emissions
Yup. Tons of greenhouse gasses that would be emitted by employees commuting and working in an office are greatly reduced thanks to remote workers. And by tons, we don’t just mean a lot, we mean 54 million tons each year.
Remote work has the potential to save 640 million barrels of oil
If more people worked remotely regularly, more than 119 billion miles of cars driving on the highway could be cut along with millions of barrels of oil.
Remote work also helps improve air quality in urban areas
Due to reduced greenhouse gas emissions, urban areas have the potential to improve air quality and reduce pollution if more people worked remotely instead of commuting to offices that require natural resources to function.
Just four Remote days saved taxpayers $32 million
When the U.S. government allowed Washington D.C. employees to work remotely for just four days during a massive snow storm, it saved U.S. taxpayers millions. Imagine how much we could save if remote work became the new norm.
The vast majority of these statistics confirm that remote work is beneficial for employers and employees. If your organization does not offer flexible work benefits, you may want to consider adding them to your benefits package. It might just help you attract new talent and keep your current employees around longer. To learn about other ways you can attract top candidates and retain your best employees, check out more of our recruiting content.
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