What Is Marketing Strategy?

Marketing strategies provide frameworks within which marketing campaigns operate.

Written by Matthew Urwin
Published on Dec. 16, 2021
What Is Marketing Strategy?
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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Shelby Bolinger | Aug 11, 2022

As part of a strategy, team members conduct research on target audiences, define campaign goals, determine digital methods for reaching consumers and develop ways to measure results. Organizations use marketing strategies to keep their campaigns aligned with their brand identities and overarching business objectives.

What are the types of marketing strategies?

  • Marketing strategies can center around rapid growth or building relationships, depending on what teams want to accomplish.

There is no single correct approach to marketing, which is why companies need to determine a marketing strategy that works best for them. For example, not-for-profit organizations pursuing new growth can rely on strategies such as cause marketing, which connects a brand to a related social cause or issue. While expanding a business may sound daunting, strong partnerships can accelerate this process and make the challenge more manageable. 

Some organizations desire exponential growth, but others may decide to focus on crafting a loyal customer base over time. Businesses that adopt a relationship-marketing mindset can develop a long-term content strategy to attract new customers and keep them engaged long after their first purchase. Having numerous options enables companies to tailor their marketing strategies to their unique goals.

What are examples of marketing strategies?

  • With advancements in technology, companies have a range of methods for connecting to and building relationships with customers.

Online audiences require organizations to meet them in digital marketing channels. While websites and blogs are excellent formats for written content, social media campaigns allow room for company personalities to shine. Businesses can also explore podcasts, influencer partnerships and other creative strategies for selling products. 

Of course, marketing doesn’t stop once customers decide to buy a product. To avoid customers becoming inactive, many companies must construct re-engagement strategies. These tactics include email campaigns, loyalty programs and other techniques to sustain customer enthusiasm. People’s preferences can change, so marketers must apply various methods to cater to these shifting interests.

How do you develop a marketing strategy plan?

  • When creating a marketing strategy plan, teams should address market-specific variables before moving on to finalize their communication channels and campaign metrics.

Every marketing strategy is built on a foundation of research. Marketing teams gather info on target audience demographics, competitor performances and market trends. After a team has compiled the necessary data, members establish goals and effective ways to measure the results of their campaign. 

All this planning leads up to the decision on the types of content that the marketing campaign will produce. Although keeping the content focused is key, it has become equally crucial to create a more holistic marketing strategy. This approach means multiple types of content are needed for a successful campaign. With these details in mind, marketers can move forward with confidence while remaining prepared to adapt on the fly.

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