What Is Cloud Orchestration?

Cloud orchestration is the automated organization of multiple tasks and resources to create a cohesive workflow or process.

Written by Kyle Brill
Published on Jul. 24, 2024
The back of a conductor conducting an orchestra.
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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Cloud orchestration refers to the automated arrangement, coordination and management of complex cloud systems, software and services.

Cloud Orchestration Definition

Cloud orchestration involves using specialized software tools to automate the deployment, scaling and management of cloud resources across multiple environments. This process ensures that various cloud components work together seamlessly, optimizing performance and resource utilization.

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Why Is Cloud Orchestration Important?

Cloud orchestration is crucial for several reasons.

Complexity Management

As cloud environments become increasingly complex, orchestration helps manage and coordinate multiple services and resources efficiently.


Orchestration allows developers to automate repetitive tasks, reducing manual errors and freeing up information technology teams to focus on more strategic initiatives.


Orchestration enables organizations to scale their cloud resources up or down based on demand, ensuring optimal performance and cost-effectiveness.


It ensures consistent deployment and management of cloud resources across different environments, reducing configuration errors and improving reliability.


Benefits of Cloud Orchestration

Implementing cloud orchestration offers numerous benefits.

Improved Efficiency

Automation of complex workflows reduces manual intervention and speeds up processes.

Cost Optimization

By efficiently allocating resources and automating scaling, orchestration helps optimize cloud spend.

Enhanced Security

Consistent application of security policies across cloud environments improves overall security posture.

Repeatability and Self-Service

Consistency of deployment and management processes accelerates application delivery.


Cloud Orchestration vs. Cloud Automation

While often used interchangeably, cloud orchestration and cloud automation have distinct differences.

Cloud automation focuses on automating individual tasks or processes within a cloud environment, such as provisioning a virtual machine or backing up data.

Cloud orchestration, on the other hand, manages the relationships between various automated tasks and ensures they work together seamlessly. It’s a higher-level concept that incorporates orchestration tools to coordinate multiple cloud automation processes.

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Cloud Orchestration Models

You can apply cloud orchestration to different cloud service models.


In SaaS orchestration, the focus is on managing and coordinating various software applications and services. This may involve integrating different SaaS solutions, managing user access and ensuring data consistency across applications.


PaaS orchestration involves managing the underlying platform components, such as databases, application servers and development tools. It ensures that these components work together efficiently to support application development and deployment.


IaaS orchestration deals with managing and coordinating infrastructure resources like virtual machines, storage and networking. It automates the provisioning, scaling and management of these resources to support applications and services.


Cloud Orchestration Tools

Several tools are available to facilitate cloud orchestration.

  1. Kubernetes: An open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications.
  2. Terraform: An infrastructure-as-code tool that enables the definition and provisioning of cloud resources across multiple providers.
  3. AWS CloudFormation: A service that helps model and set up AWS resources, allowing you to manage infrastructure as code.
  4. Azure Resource Manager: Microsoft’s tool for deploying and managing Azure resources.
  5. Google Cloud Deployment Manager: A configuration management tool for Google Cloud Platform resources.
  6. Apache Airflow: An open-source platform to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows. This platform is common for data intensive tasks.

These tools offer various features and capabilities, catering to different cloud environments and orchestration needs.

When choosing a cloud orchestration tool, consider factors such as on-premise versus hybrid cloud versus solo cloud versus multi-cloud. The complexity of your environment(s) and your specific orchestration requirements for the scale of your business will help choose the right tool.

Frequently Asked Questions

Container orchestration is a specific type of cloud orchestration that focuses on managing and coordinating containerized applications. It involves automating the deployment, scaling, networking and lifecycle management of containers across clusters of hosts.

A cloud orchestration layer is a software component that sits above individual cloud services and resources, coordinating their interactions and management. It acts as an abstraction layer that allows for the unified control and automation of complex cloud environments, enabling efficient resource allocation, workflow management and service integration.

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