10 Marketing Tactics to Generate Excitement for Your New App

Members of Young Entrepreneur Council share marketing methods you can use to get potential customers interested in your new mobile app.

Published on Jun. 16, 2022
10 Marketing Tactics to Generate Excitement for Your New App
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Headshots of contributing YEC members
Top row, from left: Brian David Crane, Josh Kohlbach, Kristin Kimberly Marquet, Syed Balkhi, John Brackett. Bottom row, from left: Candice Georgiadis, Tyler Bray, Andrew Powell, Salvador Ordorica, Daisy Jing.

Even with the right tools and skilled team members in place, companies may find that building a mobile app can be a lengthy and complex process — though a very rewarding one once users experience the app’s benefits. The real problem, however, often lies in marketing the app. Once you build this useful tool, how are you able to ensure the right people discover and find value in it?

According to the members of Young Entrepreneur Council, the key is choosing the right marketing methods. To help, they offer their top strategies for companies looking to get people excited about their new apps and explain why these tactics work so well.

10 Marketing Tactics to Generate Excitement for Your New App

  1. Make the app free for a limited time.
  2. Leverage FOMO.
  3. Reach out to relevant influencers.
  4. Host a giveaway.
  5. Set up paid social media campaigns.
  6. Create content with a strong call to action.
  7. Promote an engaging video ad.
  8. Incentivize referrals.
  9. Opt for a burst campaign.
  10. Make content and offers exclusive to the app.

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1. Make the App Free for a Limited Time

Make your apps service free for a limited period and build a PR push around it. When launching my first app, I decided to make all in-app purchases free for a three-day period. This was enough to create a buzz around the launch of the app and a spike in users when it first appeared in the app store. — Brian David CraneSpread Great Ideas


2. Leverage FOMO

A very effective way of getting people excited about an app is to use FOMO (“fear of missing out”) in your marketing strategy. FOMO works because people dont want to miss something that others are enjoying. It triggers a quick response and encourages people to act. Its a great way to boost your conversions. — Josh KohlbachWholesale Suite


3. Reach Out to Relevant Influencers

A company can reach out to social media influencers and ask them if theyre willing to promote the app. These influencers will be more likely to do so since they have an interest in the industry. Theyll also be more likely to share your content with their followers, which will make a bigger impact than just getting one post from them. — Kristin Kimberly MarquetMarquet Media, LLC


4. Host a Giveaway

One tactic you can use is to do a giveaway or contest. This will generate some initial interest and excitement. Make sure the prize is something relevant to your target audience so theyre more likely to download and use your app. For example, if you have a health and fitness app, you can give away a free month of premium membership or a gift card to a popular workout clothing store. — Syed BalkhiWPBeginner


5. Set Up Paid Social Media Campaigns

One way to promote your new mobile application is to create paid social media campaigns. Use retargeting features to connect with people who visited your website in the past or those who have shown interest in your industry. Promote your app based on the benefits offered to the customers and youll likely see a surge of new downloads. — John BrackettSmash Balloon LLC


6. Create Content With a Strong Call to Action

Get your audience to connect with your service offering first and then understand how your app can serve them better. Writing blogs, white papers and case studies that all point to your credibility while creating a need for your services is an important tactic to get people excited about your new app. — Candice GeorgiadisDigital Day


7. Promote an Engaging Video Ad

Create a video ad that shows customers what the app can do. Maybe it has virtual reality-style product simulators or amazing discounts. Just get the benefits in front of them as clearly and simply as possible. If you find that challenging, you may have to sit with your tech developers and see what enticements you can add to the app. It may take time, but its worth it! — Tyler BrayTK Trailer Parts


8. Incentivize Referrals

The most common means of app discovery is word-of-mouth from a friend or family member who is a user. So, companies need to make it easy for their apps to be shared among contacts. Even better is if they can incentivize users to share the app with their friends and family through rewards for a referral. —Andrew PowellLearn to Win


9. Opt for a Burst Campaign

To maximize your app marketing budget, I recommend a burst campaign in which you heavily market your app over a one- to three-day period. With this quick burst of users, you will typically be able to increase your store rankings, hopefully creating a snowball effect of exposure. — Salvador OrdoricaThe Spanish Group LLC


10. Make Content and Offers Exclusive to the App

Make the app the ultimate way of accessing your website. Need to show something cool? Let it be accessible by downloading your app. Want to give discount codes? Lead customers to app installation. Make everything exclusive through accessing the app. — Daisy JingBanish

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