Software Engineering Perspectives Articles

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Tammy Xu Tammy Xu
Updated on March 15, 2023

Remote Work Can Be Great for Developers — If You Get It Right

Keep good documentation and share the burden of work.

Tammy Xu Tammy Xu
Updated on March 15, 2023

Test-Driven Development Is Still Alive and Well

But TDD might not be the right fit for every developer.

Paul Rowe Paul Rowe
Updated on March 15, 2023

Speed Up Onboarding for New Developers With This Guide

Are you tired of having to hold every new developer’s hand and watching them struggle to get up to speed with your team? Use this guide to streamline and improve the onboarding process for new teammates and yourself alike.

Peter Grant Peter Grant
Updated on March 15, 2023

4 Python Tools to Simplify Your Life

Here’s how to use enumerate, zip, sorted and reversed in Python. Trust me. You’ll thank me later.

Jye Sawtell-Rickson Jye Sawtell-Rickson
Updated on March 15, 2023

Why SQLZoo Is the Best Way to Practice SQL

Whether you’re applying to new jobs or trying to upskill in your current role, SQLZoo is a great place to hone your skills. Here’s how to get started.

Image: Shutterstock / Built In
Dylan Fox Dylan Fox
Updated on March 15, 2023

3 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring AI and ML Engineers

Hiring demand for experts in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning is high, and will only get higher in coming years. Here’s how to make sure you get the best of the best.

Rick Spencer Rick Spencer
Updated on March 15, 2023

4 Key Trends in Software Development Careers

The pandemic has accelerated some trends that were already in motion. So, what changes can we expect in software development careers?

Lisa Bertagnoli Lisa Bertagnoli
Updated on March 15, 2023

Need Tech Talent? Look Beyond Computer Science Degrees.

Apprentices and nontraditional candidates add a fresh perspective to tech teams, plus help with diversity and recruiting.

Tammy Xu Tammy Xu
Updated on March 15, 2023

The Office Has More to Offer Developers Than Distractions

Being in person fosters collaboration and builds trust in relationships.